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Meet Pam. The second child born ;).

Pam and Deanna were just

13 months apart. Yup! You guessed it!

Two babies in diapers.

I can't tell ya much about

Deanna and Pam's relationship at this

age cuz I wasn't even a

twinkle in my parent's eyes yet:) isn't she just

cute as can be? :)

Pam was the quiet one

in our family.

She was gifted with

a singing voice and

feet that can move when

it comes to dancing!

I lose weight just watching

her dance! Hee Hee!

Pam is a Mother of three.

Pam has 2 sons and a daughter.

Pam is also a Grandmother of two boys.

I asked Pam what her most

memorable memory is of Deanna

and hers is Deanna's laughter.

Deanna had a laugh that

started in her toes and rolled

up thru her body and

then out of her mouth.

She almost sounded like a

cackling witch! Deanna loved to

laugh and did it often.

I Thank God for the

Gift of My Sister

I think of you

and my heart sings...

Not just because of

your quick smile,

Not just because of

your happy laughter,

Not just because of the way

I feel after I've talked to you.

It's all of these things

and more.

My heart sings

with the knowledge that

God has given me a gift...

The gift of you,

for we didn't choose each other.

We were born into the same family,

and we became friends,

Not just sisters,

but friends.

We feel each other's pain,

and we share each other's joy.

I thank God

for giving me the gift of you.

- Missy Jackson

The border set was provided by

Creations by Carol

Click here

to go visit Carol's website.

The Cherub globe was made

by Always Unigue.

The animated kissing Cherub

was designed by Pansy's Pics.

Click on the links below to visit my other pages!

Chloe, Caleb, and Cade's pages

Chloe's Picture Album Chloe's Picture Album 2 Chloe's First Thanksgiving
Chloe's First Christmas Chloe's First Birthday Chloe's Pre-terrible twos
Caleb's Picture Album Caleb's First Christmas Cade's Picture Album
Chloe, Age 2
and 3
Caleb's Picture Album 2 Cade's Picture Album 2
Caleb's First Birthday Cade's First Christmas Cade's First Birthday

My Family

My Sister Deanna
An Angel In Heaven
Deanna, Part 2 My Husband
My Best Friend My Sister Pam My Sister Nancy
A Little About Me My Brother Ken My Brother Tim
My Mother All The Grandchildren My Father
My Grandparents My Son Rob My Daughter Spring

This and that pages

My Holiday Page My Snow Globes Images In Wine Glasses
My Awards and Gifts My Awards and Gifts Two Links To Helpful Websites
Poem Index One Poem Index Two Poem Index Three
Poem Index Four Poem Index Five