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My Son, Rob

Now you get to finally

meet my children.

I'll take you thru a few

of their years.

My son Rob is up first.:)))

This is Rob at 3 months old.

Rob was such a happy baby

all the time and loved

the camera's.

Boy did Rob have a happy first


He wore his cake well too. ;)))

Here Rob is at 18 months.

He had a vocabulary of

about 200 words and could

speak full sentences.

Rob is 5 years old here.

He started school and

broke my heart when he said

he was a big boy and could

walk to school without me.

We jump all the way to the

age of 12 here.

Rob was our baseball player.

His dream was to make a

career in baseball, but a

car accident ended that for him.

Rob also grew 9 inches in

10 months at the age of 12.

We had to look up to this

5'11" tall drink of water!

Rob is 16 years old here and

6'4" tall! I was so glad

he finally stopped growing.

By this time Rob had met

the girl of his dreams, Chrissy.

Here's Rob with his sweetheart,

Chrissy. This was Rob's Junior Prom.

This is probably my favorite

picture of Rob and Chrissy.

After being together for

almost 6 years, Rob and Chrissy

decided it was time to finally

get married.

They had a very small wedding

in a little church on top

of a mountain.

In January of 1999, Rob and Chrissy

were blessed with their daughter

Chloe Anne.

I already introduced you to

Chloe on my first few pages,

so I'm sure you all remember well

how proud we are of Chloe. :)))))

You'll see some more of her

on some more upcoming pages.

On Sept.27,2001 Rob and Chrissy were blessed

again with a son, Caleb James.You can meet Caleb

on his own webpage.

Click on the links below to visit my other pages!

Chloe, Caleb, Cade and Carson's pages

Chloe's Picture Album Chloe's Picture Album 2 Chloe's First Thanksgiving
Chloe's First Christmas Chloe's First Birthday Chloe's Pre-terrible twos
Caleb's Picture Album Caleb's First Christmas Cade's Picture Album
Chloe, Age 2
and 3
Caleb's Picture Album 2 Cade's Picture Album 2
Caleb's First Birthday Cade's First Christmas Cade's First Birthday

My Family

My Sister Deanna
An Angel In Heaven
Deanna, Part 2 My Husband
My Best Friend My Sister Pam My Sister Nancy
A Little About Me My Brother Ken My Brother Tim
My Mother All The Grandchildren My Father
My Grandparents My Son Rob My Daughter Spring

This and that pages

My Holiday Page My Snow Globes Images In Wine Glasses
My Awards and Gifts My Awards and Gifts Two Links To Helpful Websites
Poem Index One Poem Index Two Poem Index Three
Poem Index Four Poem Index Five