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W E L C O M E   T O

AMA NO. 2975

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Jackson County Radio Control Club was held on January 11, 2000 at the Hardees in Gurley, President Homer Mitchell presiding.

Attendees included Don Davis, Joe Cochran, Homer Mitchell, Roger Brewer, Dano Cameron, Ron Paseur, Tom Coffin, Jason Brewer, Rusty Foster, Leon Keller, Richard Piccola, and Dick Beam.

The minutes and the treasurers report were approved.


Meeting was adjourned at 8 PM.

Dick Beam, Secretary

Note from Secretary/Treasurer - Year 2000 membership cards were distributed at the January meeting. Those members who have paid their dues but who were not able to attend the January meeting should have received their card in the mail. If you have paid your dues but do not have a Year 2000 membership card please contact Dick Beam.



The February meeting will be at Hardee's in Gurley at 7 PM on Tuesday February 8.


  • Feb 5~ 5th Annual Quad Cities RC Club Swap Meet, Muscle Shoals, AL
  • Feb 12~ Dekalb RC Flyers Static Show & Swap Meet, Ft Payne, AL
  • Mar 4~ Southeastern Model Show, Perry, GA See the Contest Calendar section of Model Aviation for details on the above events.
  • Mar 25~ RCRC Swap Meet & Auction, Huntsville, AL FLOAT-FLY, ANYONE?

    The accompanying pictures were taken at a float-fly in Brighton, MI last Sept. This particular event has been written up in the magazines the past two years. I've always been captivated by float planes so I timed a trip last fall to coincide with the event. I wasn't disappointed. It is a two-day event with participants from several of the surrounding states. They use seven flight lines resulting in there being at least three or four planes in the air at any given time. The plane in the pictures was probably the most impressive of the show. Unfortunately, the only info I have on it is that it was powered by two YS-120 four,strokers.


    To see the February AMA article Radio Equipment Care by Jean Sellers, click below: Radio Equipment Care

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