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W E L C O M E   T O

AMA NO. 2975

JULY 2000

In This Issue:

Meeting Minutes
Field Maintenance Schedule
Events of Interest
Notes of Interest
AMA Articles

Focus on the Club

JCRCC Meeting Minutes - June 2000

The Jackson County Radio Control Club held its regularly scheduled meeting June 13, 2000 at the Hardees in Gurley with Vice President Joe Cochran presiding. Attending were Don Brewer, Roger Brewer, Tom Coffin, Joe Cochran, Rusty Foster, Leon Keller, and Dick Beam.

The minutes were read and approved as published. The treasurers report was read and approved. (JCRCC received a very much appreciated $40 donation from long time member and former club President Tom Coffin, thanks Tom.)

New Business:
It was mentioned that Cathy Riley had suggested that the portable toilet be relocated. The issue was not completely understood but will be addressed subject to clarification.

Rusty requested that any suggestions for improving the web site be emailed to him.

The planned Cub Scout demonstration event was discussed. There are approximately 20 scouts expected, first through fifth graders. The event is to be held on a Saturday with July 15, 2000 as a possible date. The date will be firmly established at the July meeting following consultation with the scout leaders.

Joe Cochran is to contact Richard Piccola about securing coverage of the scout event by the Scottsboro newspaper.

The possibility of a fall event, such as a fun fly, was also discussed.

Old Business:
The condition of the lawn mower batteries was discussed as was the possibility of purchasing a battery charger. The idea was tabled pending inspection and testing of the batteries.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:45 PM. Respectfully submitted -- Dick Beam, Secretary
Respectfully submitted Dick Beam, Secretary


The July meeting will be held at Hardee's in Gurley at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, July 11.

Field Maintenance Schedule

Editor's note: Please Note: Some team rosters have been rearranged. Please check to be sure of the team for which you are responsible for helping.

July Field Maintenance Schedule
DATE _ _ _ _
July 8 J.CochranD.DavisJ.BrewerA.Carrasquillo
July 15 B.BestR.BestH.MitchellS.Ice
July 22 T.CoffinR.FosterT.FreemanP.Jacobs
July 29 D.BrewerR. BrewerS.CameronG.Garner
August 5 D.BeamB.GainesB.GabrysB.Keel

Events of Interest

Calendar of Events

July 2000
SundayMondayTuesdayWednesday ThursdayFridaySaturday


Airfoiler Soaring Event, Tullahoma, TN
(8th & 9th)RCRC Big Bird Fly In, Huntsville, AL


(21st & 22nd) 4th Annual East TN SAM, Rockwood, TN
(22nd & 23rd) 4th Hotlanta Senior Pattern Champs, Dallas, GA

Calendar code generated by

August Events

  • Aug 5 6th Annual Warbird Fly In, Huntsville, AL
  • Aug 19 Fly In & Swap Meet, Cumming, GA
  • Aug 19 Middle TN Giant Scale Fly In, Cookeville, TN
  • Aug 19/20 3rd Annual SPA Contest, Montgomery, AL
  • Aug 26/27 Cane Ridge Hawks Fly In, La Vergne, TN
  • Aug 26/27 Airfoiler Free Flight, Tullahoma, TN

See the Contest Calendar section of Model Aviation for details on the above events.

AMA Articles

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