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W E L C O M E   T O

AMA NO. 2975

MAY 2000

In This Issue:

Meeting Minutes
Field Maintenance Schedule
Events of Interest
Notes of Interest
AMA Articles

Focus on the Club

JCRCC Meeting Minutes - March 2000

Unfortunately there are no minutes for the April meeting. Why? There weren't enough people in attendance to constitute a quorum. Therefore no business could be conducted. If this was a once-a-year occurance, it wouldn't be a problem. But it has happened enough during the past year that one wonders about the club's ability to survive. When members don't care enough to attend meetings the club can't conduct business and it soon becomes unable to function as an organization. I would suggest to all club members that you make a sincere effort to attend club meetings. The club can't continue to function without your support.

It is especially important that as many members as possible attend the upcoming May meeting. A decision has to be made about provisions for toilet facilities at the flying field. This matter has occupied our agenda far too long ... just as the lawnmower issue was with us longer than everyone wants to recall. It's unfortunate that these two issues have been our primary concern for several years. Now that the lawnmower situation has been resolved, it is time to determine what we are going to do about a toilet.

Note that DOING something about toilet facilities is the critical issue ... not WHAT we do. WE HAVE TO MAKE A DECISION! And don't get me wrong. What we decide to do will greatly impact the future of the club. The decision will affect our ability to host special events at the flying field. It may also affect club dues. Do you want these matters decided without having a vote in the matter? Please, make the effort to attend the May meeting. Let's all pull together and get this decision behind us. Then we can get back to doing those things that interest all of us as RC flyers.

Leon Keller, Editor


The May meeting will be at Hardee's in Gurley at 7 PM on Tuesday May 9.

Field Maintenance Schedule

6 May

  • B.Best
  • R.Best
  • H.Mitchel
  • B.Gabrys

May 13
  • T.Coffin
  • R.Foster
  • T.Freeman
  • P.Jacobs

May 20
  • D.Brewer
  • R. Brewer
  • S.Cameron
  • G.Garner

May 27
  • D.Beam
  • B.Gaines
  • R.Paseur
  • B.Keel

June 3
  • A.Carrasquillo
  • J.Cochran
  • D.Davis
  • J.Brewer

Editor's note: I appologize for the incorrect dates given in last month's schedule.

Events of Interest

  • May 6/7 4th Annual Spring RC Giant Scale Fly In, Columbia, TN
  • May 7 Dixie Aeromasters Annual Spring Fly In, Macon, GA
  • May 18/20 Joe Nall Giant Scale Memorial Fly In, Woodruff, SC
  • May 20 Annual Water Fly In, Nashville, TN
  • May 20/21 King Peach (Electric), Peachtree City, GA
  • May 27 Dekalb RC Flyers Giant Scale Fly In, Ft Payne, AL
  • May 27 Memorial Weekend Fly In, Morristown, TN
  • May 27 Warbirds Over Georgia, Macon, GA
  • May 27/28 Music City Pattern Jam, Nashville, TN
  • May 27/28 Spring Soar In, Tullahoma, TN
  • June 3/4 3rd Annual GMA Pattern Champs, Cumming, GA
  • June 4 14th Annual Boyce Blanton Memorial Fly In, Jackson, MS
  • June 10 Magic Valley Fly In, Henderson, TN
  • June 10 Annual Hot Dog Fly In, Nashville, TN
  • June 24/25 River City Scale Shootout, Decatur, AL
  • June 25 Fly In, Elliot, MS

See the Contest Calendar section of Model Aviation for details on the above events.

Notes of Interest

John Martin passed along a note from Jerry Smith which indicated that Jerry was about to finish up some of his work projects that have been keeping from flying. Maybe we'll see more of him at the field before long. The note also passed on some information on hot delta wing planes. You don't suppose Alan's looking for something faster, do you? Anyway if you're interested in a hot delta, contact John.

DID YOU KNOW ... The phrase "the whole 9 yards" came from WWII fighter pilots in the South Pacific. When arming their airplanes on the ground, the .50 caliber machine gun ammo belts measured exactly 27 feet before being loaded into the fuselage. If the pilots fired all their animo at a target, it got "the whole 9 yards."
~from Tale-Spinner Howard Smith, editor

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