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W E L C O M E   T O

AMA NO. 2975



Don't forget -- The October meeting has been moved back to Hardees at the regular 7PM time. This is an Important meeting, items to be discussed include Tommy Freeman's event proposal, the holiday dinner, and officers for next year.

JCRCC Meeting Minutes for September 2000.

JCRCC held its regular meeting at the R & J Flying Field on September 12, 2000. In attendance were Homer Mitchell, Tom Coffin, Joe Cochran, Tommy Freeman, Don Brewer, Jerry Smith, Bob Gabrys, and Dick Beam.

A fun fly for September 23, 2000 was agreed upon.

The Porta-Potty is to be kept at least through October 2000.

Dick Beam was to email Richard Piccola about arrangements for a holiday dinner.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned for some flying.

Respectably Submitted -- Dick Beam -- Secretary/Treasurer

A note from 'Web Girl:'

If anyone has news, articles or notes of interest that they would like to see up on the web, let me know!

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