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W E L C O M E   T O

AMA NO. 2975

AUGUST   2 0 0 1

Meeting Minutes

August 14, 2001

The Jackson Country Radio Control Club held it’s regularly scheduled meeting August 14, 2001, at the club’s flying field. President Bob Gabrys presided. The following members were present: Bob Gabrys, Don Brewer, Dick Beam, Wade Dorland, Tommy Freeman, Rusty Foster, Billy Gaines, Tom Coffin, Richard Piccola, Caroll Peck and Al Kretz.

The July 10, 2001 minutes were approved with one correction. The date of the August meeting should read August 14, 2001. A treasurers report was presented and approved.

Don Brewer will have the contact phone numbers corrected and reinstall the sign on the shed.

Reminder, TVA Fly-In at our site on October 7, 2001. Tom Coffin will be at the field to represent our club. Richard Piccola will get some photos of the activities.

The club fun fly is scheduled for October 13, 2001, with a weather date of October 20. Al Kretz will supply materials for some of the events. Billy Gaines and Rusty Foster will head the setting up and running of the events. All club members are asked to assist them in any way possible

The engine on the green mower was found to be loose, with at least one bolt missing. Jerry Smith discovered this and made necessary repairs with the assistance of Billy Gaines. Thanks guys. Everyone using the mowers please thoroughly inspect them before each use. It was pointed out that the green mower uses oil, so please check top off fluid levels BEFORE EVERY USE.

Send any photos of club activities to Heather at for possible use on our web site.

Richard Piccola will have the Past President Plaque enlarged. There is also a question of the location of the Outstanding Member Plaque. Don Brewer to check.

It was decided to have a swap day in connection with the September 16, 2001 picnic. Bring any and all your parts and pieces you wish to sell.

Tommy Freeman won the door prize drawing.

The next meeting will be September 11, 2001 at the flying site, weather permitting. It was decided to set the meeting time for 7 PM, but invite everyone to show up earlier with something to fly. In the event of inclement weather the meeting will at Hardee’s in Gurley.


DONALD R. BREWER Secretary/Treasurer

NOTE: The meeting is this Tuesday, September 11 at the field at 7 PM, not 6. If the weather is bad we'll meet at Hardees. Also note the swap meet scheduled for the regular picnic day - Sunday the 16th.

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