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W E L C O M E   T O

AMA NO. 2975

OCTOBER   2 0 0 1

Meeting Minutes for October 9, 2001

The Jackson Country Radio Control Club held it’s scheduled meeting October 9, 2001, at Hardee's in Gurley. Originally planned for the flying field, it was changed due to extreme darkness. The Secretary/Treasurer presided. The following were present: Don Brewer, Billy Gaines, Rusty Foster, Dick Beam, Homer Mitchell, Joe Cochran, and Tommy Freeman.

The minutes of the September meeting were read and approved. A treasurers report was presented and approved. All bills have been paid except our share of the driveway costs.

The contact signs at the site are being redone by Don Brewer. Will be back up soon.

The TVA Fly-In was not well attended due to weather. Our share of the landing fees was $25, which was given to the treasurer for deposit.

Final plans for the clubs October 13 Fly-In were discussed. Back-up date is October 20. Billy Gaines will make the weather call and notify everyone via email. Al Kretz will be working with Billy on getting everything set up.

The Board of Directors, at a separate meeting, agreed to help pay for repairs on the driveway, up to a maximum of $300. Kathy is to let us know the final figure when work is completed.

The Porta-Potty contract will be terminated October 31.

The Nominating Committee, composed of Richard Piccola, John Martin, and Wade Dorland, submitted the following as the slate of officers for 2002. Additional nominations may be made from the floor at the November meeting.

President: Bob Gabrys or Billy Gaines Vice President: Tom Coffin or Billy Gaines Secretary/Treasurer: Don Brewer Safety Officer: Joe Cochran Newsletter Editor: Dick Beam

Homer Mitchell announced that he is donating an air compressor to the club. Thanks Homer.

Richard Piccola was appointed a committee of one to make reservations for a Christmas dinner.

The next meeting will be November 13, 2001 at Hardee's in Gurley, 7 PM.

DONALD R. BREWER Secretary/Treasurer

No classifieds this month.

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