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W E L C O M E   T O

AMA NO. 2975

SEPTEMBER   2 0 0 1

Meeting Minutes September 16, 2001

The Jackson County Radio Control Club did not meet as planned on September 11, 2001 due to terrorist activities in the United States. The meeting was held September 16, 2001 at the flying field. President Bob Gabrys presided. The following members were present: Bob Gabrys, Paul Jacobs, Tom Coffin, Richard Piccola, Billy Gaines, John Martin, and Wade Dorland. Wade took notes for these minutes. Guests included Madiline Gabrys and Mary Martin.

The secretary/Treasurer’s reports were waived since Don Brewer was not present for the meeting.

Billy Gaines provided information on the fun fly scheduled for October 16, 2001. Plans are for four events; Fly and Guide, Landing Within Target, Flying a Timed Loop, and Limbo. Each event will last 1 1/2 hours starting at 11 AM. There will be a recognition ceremony at 5 PM.

Bob Gabrys appointed a nominating committee to present a slate of officers for 2002. The members of the committee are John Martin, Richard Piccola, and Wade Dorland. The committee is to present the proposed slate of officers at the October meeting. Additional nominees may be made at the November meeting, at which time the final vote on the officers for 2002 will be made. Everyone is encouraged to attend and cast your vote.

There was some discussion on preparations and expectations for the TVA fly-in on October 7. There were also discussions on flying safety, road maintenance, the going-out-of-business sale at Al’s Hobby, and clean up of the shed area.

The next meeting will be October 9, 2001 at the flying site. The meeting is scheduled to start at 7 PM, but everyone is invited to show up early with something to fly. In the event of adverse weather the meeting will be held at Hardee’s in Gurley.


DONALD R. BREWER Secretary/Treasurer

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