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The following article is taken from the AMA National Newsletter.
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This article is by Jerry Wino.


Balancing a new model aircraft correctly is very important. Proper balancing can have a profound effect on the character of your aircraft in flight. A popular way to balance the model is on your fingertips and eyeballing it, but I like to use a fixture made for this purpose and get it more accurate. Two dowels, two pencil erasers and a block of wood is all you need. The dimensions of the wood block and dowels should be selected to suit the type(s) of planes to be balanced. Drill two holes in the wood block and cut the two dowels to be equal in length. Put an eraser (the pointed-end type) on one end of each dowel. Then glue the other end of each dowel into the holes in the block of wood. Just remember: Always measure the CG with no fuel on board and start with the CG point suggested by the manufacturer. (Editor: I modified the above to describe the balancing fixture in lieu of a pictorial diagram.)

from The Signal Squeaker
Jerry Wino, editor PO Box 614
Garden City MI 48135

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