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My husbands name is Kevin. We met in the 7th grade and have been best friends ever since. We even planned our weddin in the 8th grade, as most 8th grade flames do. But I moved and went to a different high school. We were both very sad but we stayed best friends.
We both dated other people but always had a special place in our hearts for each other. Then after we graduated in 1991, him a week before me, we got back together and got married.

We were married in a little country church in December of 1992. Part of our weddin was as planned in the 8th grade. Had "our song" from the 8th grade sang. Always by Atlantic Star, remember it?
Kevin also plays softball.. He is coaching our Adult Womens team right now..and will be coaching Adult Co-ed this fall,,,last fall our co-ed team came home w/ first place in our league,,, !!! GOO BABY!! .
Also he designs and builds dune (rail) buggys. (will put a pic of his here when i learn how) He just recently finished building one for a friend If you are interested in having a rail buggy you can email him at BHS91@WEBTV.NET .
He also enjoys the races. dirt track of course... one of our friends drives an IMCA ((whatever that means lol)) open wheel car #13 GO JODY and another one of our friends drives a thunder car #131 GO BRAD!!!

I've been working on a home page for him too..its his dune buggy page,,,just click below if you'd like to check it out just keep in mind that it is still under construction,,,and please sign his guest book... Thank You

well enough on him, dont want him to get the BIG head.. lol kiddin hun...