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Well, this is the page about my son, Zachery Kevin, a.k.a. Tater Head...

Zachery will be 2 years old in December. But I believe in my heart that he hit the "terrible 2's" at least 6 months ago. Be careful clicking on that picture above.. you might get scared from all the meanness oozin out of my kids ears. We have since had his hair cut several times so no more cute curls.. and with his hair cut he looks (and acts) like Dennis the Menace.

The old saying that cutting a little boys hair will bring out the meanness in him is TRUE!!!!!
Zachery is a good boy though.. He is almost potty trained which is great for a boy and not even 2 yet. He likes to ride his sisters Power Wheels fourwheeler, without help.
By the time he was about 18 mnths old he had already had stitches and almost hit by a car and.. need I say more? Thats my boy!!!
He loves to EAT.. hence the name tator head,.. his ped doctor would have my head to know that zac was eating mashed pototoes by the age of about 3 weeks...ssshhhhh.. I wont tell if you dont.
He loves to help his daddy with the dune buggy and he thinks that if its running, he's supposed to be in it. Actually, he's like that with anything.. lawnmower, adult fourwheeler, boat, a pony, whatever,, he has no fear.. but thats ok.. i have enough fear for him.
Already his daddy has taught him to raise both arms and yell....

and of course he has to know how to yell....

now go figure, i wonder where he wouldve gotten that from? hhhmmmm

well, i guess thats all on him. If i dont stop now, i'll never get finished, i could write a whole book on just him and the things he does..