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The Malloy-Jones-Shaw home - Eutaw, Alabama

UPDATE : 9/30/99 : I received a call today from the Alabama Historical Commission informing me that our house has been listed on the Alabama Register of Landmarks and Heritage! The caller told me that it was the highlight of the meeting! Obviously, I am very proud. The house is going to be on the Greene County Pilgrimage (a Historic Home tour) on October 9 and 10, so we are trying to make it presentable. Anyone interested in attending the Pilgimage please email me, it will be an interesting and fun event. UPDATE : 9/7/99 : Our house has been nominated for listing on the Alabama Register of Landmarks and Heritage. This is a precursor to nomination for the National Register of Historic Places administered by the Alabama Historical Commission. I will update the progress of the nomination periodically on this page. Back to Page One Here is an excellent ring of old house pages