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Tuxedo Junction

Tux, page 2

Mimi thinks I am BTeautiful! And she knows that I am quite a little stinker. I wonder what she means by "stinker"?

I'm a member of the Tootin' Gang.
It takes a special kind of talent to be in this group.
Of course, most of us Bostons are naturally blessed in this area.

Here are some of the many things that I LOVE:

Here are some of the few things I HATE:

Mimi thinks I am the very best. She even wrote a poem about me.

		Some say she's just a dog, no less, no more
		But my Boston Terrier I absolutely adore.
		Ever since Tux came to live with me
		My home is lively, you must agree.

		Her funny antics make me smile
		More than I have in quite a while.
		Sherrill's Girl Tuxedo is her AKC name
		I call her "Tux" and I'm so glad she came.

		Tux has a cute little cork-screw tail
		She's a bundle of energy, full-scale.
		All dressed up in her formal attire
		She lifts my spirits higher and higher.

		Like most Bostons, she's very smart
		Loyal and faithful with a great big heart.
		Even at thirty-eight pounds she's prissy
		But don't be fooled, she is no sissy.

		With ears that rival a radar detector
                She won't back down; she's my protector.
		Don't misunderstand, she's no Boston Terrorist
		With Tux at my side, I am the luckiest.

		Her favorite things to do all day
		Are eat and sleep and kiss and play.
		She gets so excited over every new toy
		You can see her eyes light up with joy.

		Tux has two kitty sisters, Smudge and Oreo
		The three of them together make quite a trio.
		When they're not eating, napping or playing together
		They look so sweet as they groom each other.

		Tux offers love, no strings attached
		My Tux and I were perfectly matched.
		When she walks by it's more like a prance
		I love when she does the wiggle-butt dance.

		Fun and funny, that's my B.T.
		I sometimes call her my cutie patootie.
		If you want a friend, true to the end
		A Boston Terrier I recommend.

		She asks for so little, but gives so much
		I never could have imagined such.
		A simple desire of my sweet Boston
		Is my full attention, given often.

		My Tux is a very special girl
		More precious than Mikimoto pearls.
		Her daily goal is just to please
		And that she is able to do with ease.

		Belly rubs and sloppy kisses and
		Yes, sometimes some stinky gases
		My home is now all the merrier
		Thanks to Tux, my Boston Terrier.

                poem written by Mimi 7/23/1999

As I said earlier, I live with my two kitty sisters. On the very same day that I came home with Mimi, so did Oreo and Smudge. We sure did liven up the place! Although I don't like for other cats to come into my yard, Oreo and Smudge are a lot of company for me and make great playmates. My kitty sisters and I just love to groom each other. Of course, my kitty sisters have to work a long time with their tiny little tongues to clean my face, but with one big Boston sloppy lick I can have them looking spic and span.

Click here to go to Tux's Kitty Sisters page.

Home of Santana's Birthday Club

Tux Says:

Birthday Counter Courtesy of Scooter and Tuffy

Click here to visit my 4th Birthday page

Click here to visit my Calendar Girl page

Hold on! We're not done yet! There's more!
Click here to go to page 3.

BowWow Meeow!

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Tux, Mimi's Boston TerrierTux, page 2Tux, page3
Mimi's Calendar Girl TUX Miss March 2000Happy 4th Birthday, Tux! (2001)Happy 5th Birthday, Tux! (2002)
Tux's Kitty SistersOreoSmudgeBeachy
God Bless AmericaRainbow Bridge 9-11
Season's Greetings from Mimi and her GirlsDogs Love Christmas, TooCats Love Christmas, Too
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AUGUST: Vacationing with Your PetsPets Enjoy Celebrating Their Birthdays, Too
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NOVEMBER: Stuff The Turkey, Not Your Pets, This ThanksgivingDECEMBER: Holiday Hazards
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