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Jingle Bells

Cats Love Christmas, Too !

The Twelve Days of "CATS"mas
(shortened version)

On the twelfth day of Christmas my mistress gave to me
Twelve toys from Macys
Eleven mice a running
Ten balls of yarn all tangled
Nine frogs aleaping
Eight dogs on leashes
Seven pounds of catnip
Six cans of sardines
Five litter pans
Four strutting birds
Three quarts milk
Two chicken breasts and
A pheasant under glass beneath the tree.

A Visit From Santa Paws

‘Twas the night before Christmas, in the sleeping cats’ house,
Not a feline was stirring—for even a mouse.
Cat stockings were hung by the cat door with care,
In hope that Santa Paws soon would be there.

The kittens were snuggled in Mama Cat’s bed,
With brothers and sisters curled head-to-head;
Ana Mama Cat on her quilt, and I on my mat,
Had just settled in to a delicious catnap,

When out in the yard there arose such a clatter
I sprang from my mat to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Climbed up the curtains, pressed my nose to the glass.

And what in the world did my feline eyes see
But a small golden chariot, pulled by cats just like me!
With a fluffy old driver so white and so furry,
I knew in a moment it must be Saint Purr-y!

More rapid than rabbits his kitties they came,
And he yowled and meowed, calling each cat by name:
“On, Slippers! On, Sneakers! On, Bigfoot! On, Spats!
Christmas is coming! Let’s go, gentle cats!

Now, White Sox! Now, Bootsie! Let’s go, Gloves and Mittens!
To the back porch we fly! Let’s go, cats and kittens!”
So down to the cat door his kittens they flew,
With a catnip-filled chariot—and Santa Paws too!

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the latch
The pawing and clawing of Santa Paws’ scratch.
As I sniffed for his scent and looked all around,
Through the cat door Santa Paws came with a bound:

His eyes, how they sparkled! His whiskers, how merry!
His cheeks were like marshmallows, his pink nose like a cherry!
His little cat mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the fur on his paws was as white as the snow.

He meowed not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk.
Then washing his whiskers, ears, coat, and tail,
After having a snack, out the cat door he sailed.

He jumped in his chariot, to his team gave a yowl,
And away they all flew like nine cats on the prowl.
But I heard him meow, as he drove out of sight,
“Meowy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”

A Christmas Poem From The Cat

Having fun with yarn and string,
Leaving fur on everything...
Purring when I get a treat,
Always landing on my feet...

Posing on a window sill,
Staring like I want to kill...
Leaping with both skill and grace,
Acting like I own the place...

Playing with your rolled-up socks,
Visiting the litter box...
Seeing who I can ignore,
Sitting still just like Al Gore...

Expecting you to worship me,
Hiding underneath the tree...
Grooming with my feline tongue,
Breaking ornaments you've hung...

Taking naps on top of you...
These are things I love to do!

(But I'll try to avoid that ornament one...)

Dogs Love Christmas, Too!

Season's Greetings from Mimi and her Girls

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