It's the day before Christmas I catch them and hold them.
And all through the house "Be good", I insist.
The puppies are squeaking They lick me, then run off
An old rubber mouse. To see what they've missed.
The wreath which had merrily And now as I watch them
Hung on the door The thought comes to me,
is scattered in pieces That theirs is the spirit
All over the floor. That Christmas should be.
The stockings that hung Should children and puppies
In a neat little row Yet show us the way,
Now boast a hole in And teach us the joy
Each one of the toes. That should come with this day?
The tree was subjected Could they bring the message
To bright-eyed whims, That's written above,
And now, although splendid, And tell us that, most of all
It's missing some limbs. Christmas is love.

A Christmas Poem From The Dog
Eyeing hydrants, digging holes,
Drinking from the toilet bowls...
Playing games of "tug-o'-war",
Putting sratch marks on your door...
Rolling over, playing dead,
Getting dog hair on your bed...
Scaring folks who bring the mail,
Chasing cars, as well as my tail...
Barking, begging, heeling, howling,
And also, on occasion, growling,
Romping through a field of grass
Sneezing, snoozing, passing gas...
Sniffing everything I see,
Peeing on the Christmas tree...
Woofing, wagging, chomping, chewing,
These are things I sure love doing!
(But I'll try not to do that tree thing...)

Cats Love Christmas, Too!
Season's Greetings from Mimi and her Girls

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Tux, Mimi's Boston Terrier
Tux, page 2
Tux, page3
Mimi's Calendar Girl TUX Miss March 2000
Happy 4th Birthday, Tux! (2001)
Happy 5th Birthday, Tux! (2002)
Tux's Kitty Sisters
God Bless America
Rainbow Bridge 9-11
Season's Greetings from Mimi and her Girls
Dogs Love Christmas, Too
Cats Love Christmas, Too
Fun Stuff
Please be sure to visit my Guestbook before you leave
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Pets Are Gems
JANUARY: Happy New Year
FEBRUARY: Happy Valentine's Day
MARCH: Toxic Plants
Hippity Hoppity Happy Easter
APRIL: April Showers Bring…Thunderstorms
MAY: The Merry Month of May
JUNE: Basic First Aid
First Aid Kit
JULY: Have a Fun and Safe 4th of July
AUGUST: Vacationing with Your Pets
Pets Enjoy Celebrating Their Birthdays, Too
SEPTEMBER: School Days
OCTOBER: Halloween Safety Tips For Your Pets 
NOVEMBER: Stuff The Turkey, Not Your Pets, This Thanksgiving
DECEMBER: Holiday Hazards
Saying Goodbye
Rainbow Bridge
Living Love
The Journey