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If I Could Talk To The Animals

The Pet First Aid Kit

Here are some suggestions for building your own first aid kit.
Tailor your first aid kit to your own personal needs.

Thermometer, lubricating jelly
Bandages, cotton gauze squares, cotton swabs
Bandage scissors
Medical tape
Gauze rolls – can be used as tourniquet or muzzle
Tweezers – to remove stingers, splinters
Syringe – to administer liquid medications
Splint supplies – tongue depressors
Cloth – to be used as tourniquet

Antibiotic cream
Hydrogen peroxide – to induce vomiting
Rubbing alcohol – aid with heat stroke or fever as a cooling agent when applied topically
Betadine solution – topical antiseptic (does not burn or sting)
Antihistamine (Benadryl) – helps with allergic reactions
Stypic powder – helps clot blood in toenail is injured
Eyewash, bulb syringe
Pediolyte – for dehydration
Rescue Remedy – for stress or shock
Arnica – for bruises and physical trauma
Kao-Pectate – for diarrhea

Heating Pad, hot water bottle
Latex gloves

Concise, illustrated pet first aid manual
Local veterinarian telephone number
Emergency clinic telephone number
National Animal Poison Control Center telephone number (888-4 ANI-HELP or 888-426-4435)

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