There is a Boston Terrier Animated Cursor Set (author: KnS Associates) available at You can also visit Buddy & Chili Pepper's Home Page where you can download their cursor sets, which include a desktop icon. They have three options available: (1) black & white Boston Terrier animated cursors and icon (2) seal/dark brown & white Boston Terrier animated cursors and icon (3) non-animated Boston Terrier cursors.
There are several sets of very nicely done Boston screensavers available at One set features the author's own Bostons, Betsy and Ricky. There is a set that is a collection of 11 different Bostons that is really great. They even have a set which features the brown/red & white Boston Terriers. And there are more screensavers in the works. The author, Terri Swanson, made a wonderful screensaver featuring six pictures of Tux. You can also visit to request free personalized screensavers. One more website you may want to visit for screensavers is Wagtime - home of the Boston Symphony. They have a free sample Boston Terrier screensaver that you can download. Or even better, they will make one personalized with your own Bostons (or any other pictures you choose) for $5. The proceeds go directly to a very worthy cause, Boston Rescue.
If you are running a desktop themes program, you would probably enjoy the "Boston Terrier" desktop theme (author: Jim Wooten). You can find it in the Miscellaneous Category at Trish's Theme Terrain. Of course my personal favorite desktop theme is one that my daughter, Amy, made for me. The wallpaper is a collage of 10 pictures of Tux, and she made some really great icons and animated cursors.
For those of you who are using a registered version of Holiday Lights to decorate around the edges of your computer screen, I have an add-on bulb of a Boston Terrier and a cat chasing each other. My daughter, Amy, made the bulb using the animation shown on Tux, page 2 (it's right under the link to the cats page). She also made a tiny Boston Terrier bulb that is just too cute. If you are not familiar with Holiday Lights, visit They have bulbs for every season and for everyday use.
If you are looking for Boston Terrier backgrounds or page sets for your own BT website, here are a few places you may want to check out: Graphics by Barbara,
Tacodog Graphics, Jumbles Animal Gallery, Ellz Place, Wonderland Graphics.