My first guestbook was with BeSeen.Unfortunately BeSeen shut down effective 8/25/2002.Although it meant having to find a new guestbook,I was able to save the entries made from August 1999 through August 2002.
CLICK HERE to sign my new guestbook
Mimi’s Girls – Guest Comments
Sylvia -&- Gypsy Meet Gypsy The Red Chihuahua 17/Aug/2002:16:01:23
Hi, very nice site. Enjoyed our visit. Come see us sometime! Sylvia -&- Gypsy brcenter a href="" img src="" /a /center /b/i
Drew Costner ***** FREE STUFF ***** 12/Aug/2002:05:09:11
Hello from California
Anitra 09/Jul/2002:09:35:14
Great looking site!
Cindy Bush 04/Jul/2002:00:17:14
Tux is beautiful! We have a Boston named Daisy or rather she has us, hehe. They are the most wonderful dogs in the world. I never thought I would ever let a dog of any kind sleep with me and my husband. When we got Daisy I found out different. Now I have a problem sleeping if she's not in our bed! She is almost 9 years old and I hope to add another Boston to our family soon. I don't think I would ever have anything other than a Boston Terrier. Oh, We also have 3 young adult children at our house, but Daisy is much better trained. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TUX! CINDY
Debbie We Are Ruled By Our Bostons 11/Jun/2002:19:42:13
Mimi, I love you page. I think Tux is gorgeous. My husband and I have Stormy and Max. Hugs.
Max and Sam Max's Corner 29/May/2002:12:11:37
Hi Tux, well today's the big day! Happy 5th Birthday Tuxie Girl! That birthday dinner and Frosty Paws dessert sounds pretty'll really be enjoying your birthday today. Have a nice day Tux. BTW, you look mighty pretty in your beaded collar. Love, Max and Sam
Brandi Lieb 06/May/2002:21:39:47
Hello Tux -&- family! Your website is precious!
Tiki Tiki's Page 05/May/2002:10:22:10
A great big thank you to Miss Tuxie Girl for the wonderful birthday wishes for Tiki. Thank you so much. Hugs and Wet kisses, Tiki
Sharon Remund 30/Mar/2002:18:15:49
I cried, I laughed, you thoughtfulness let me grieve for my beloved toy poodle "Molly" 16 yrs. The poems I could have written from my heart. Thank You. Southern, CA
Corinna 26/Mar/2002:05:30:34
Amazing job you have done with this site!
Suzanne Biscuit's Place 25/Feb/2002:00:40:55
I enjoyed my visit here! Tux is a real cutie pie and so are your furry kitty babies! I especially loved the pic of her with the tennis ball! So funny! Best Wishes!
Patti and Bobbi 17/Feb/2002:22:53:55
What a wonderful website!! We really enjoyed looking around. Tux, Oreo and Smudge are just adorable.
Angelina 13/Dec/2001:13:00:41
Thank you for sharing this with all of us. I'm touched.
Aspen -&- Maw Barb aspens 11/Oct/2001:21:16:20
Howdy Tuxedo,,LOL We found this to be such a cute site and so far we have enjoyed our visit and Tux we shall return because there is still much to see, won't you agree.........a poet and didn't know it (Aspen) We give your site 2 paws are such an adorable pooch, like Mimi says.........your the sweetest.........Maw has a heart for boxers because they just plain have great temperments and personalities so Maw says You should paws on over and visit us, me (Aspen and my 2 feline sisters also)Missy -&- Shawna..... I shor do love to chase them, yaaaaaaaaaaaa it's such fun
Woody Woody's World 23/Sep/2001:10:22:50
Woof woof woof ! Wonderful site !! Love Woody
Sylvia Woolwine ~ MEET GYPSY ~ The Red Chihuahua 08/Sep/2001:07:41:47
Hello, we enjoyed your site...very cute! We're trying to visit all the members in Santana's birthday club where our girl is member, too. Come see us sometime! Sylvia -&- Gypsy, the red Chihuahua
Genny and Boxer Dog, boxergirl 24/Aug/2001:19:53:06
What an enjoyable and pleasant website you have designed!! Thank God there is loving and compassionate pet lovers and you are:) Thank You for sharing you devotion and caring heart:) God Bless, Genny and Boxer Dog, Velvet
Betty 03/Aug/2001:11:05:43
Hi! Just checking out the new page. Take care!!
Mike 2002 Dog Calendars 30/Jul/2001:19:09:17
Cool doggy site :-)
Phoebe and Tyler Bostons in Texas 16/Jul/2001:16:38:35
Hey Tuxie! How are you? We are just dropping by to say hello, and see how your royal cuteness is doing! Do stay in touch with us! Hugs and kisses xxxxx
Boo Boo's Bichon Frise Page 14/Jul/2001:07:49:35
Just stopped in to thank Tux for the kewl birthday card!! You have a great website, too!! Thanks for remembering me, and have a great day!
Carol 06/Jul/2001:10:18:38
Greetings from Yankee Doodle Dandy, a terrible, wonderful BT snooze dog! (and his person Carol) Loved your website...Your little girl looks like a lot of fun! Keep up the good work!
Sue Sue's Furry Family 27/Jun/2001:19:53:11
Just stopped by to meet your girls. Thank you for the birthday wishes for my Murphy girl. Your girls are so sweet. I thought it was very brave bringing in 3 at the same time. You have a lovely website.
Lisa 20/Jun/2001:17:17:42
AWWWWWWW! Now I can't wait, I am going to be a B.T. owner for the first time, in 4 weeks. I am having a hard time trying to figure out a good name for this little fellow.....I have three picked out, I will let you girls figure it out. e-mail me with the answer! or he may end up nameless (lol). #1 Sambo #2 Mac #3 Gonzo Well girls whats it gonna be? Ya'll seem so smart!!!!E-mail answer to P.S.I love your site and will return 4 sure........Love ya gals!!! Lisa
Phoebe and Tyler Bostons in Texas 13/Jun/2001:13:28:01
Hey Tux! What's up sweetie pie? We are the sisters of your dear friend Gretchen the Pug, who sadly died away last fall. We are two Boston Terrier sisters, Phoebe and Tyler. We want you to come take a look around our new site. We are very excited about meeting you. Mommy has told us a lot about you! By the way, happy (belated) 4th birthday! We just love your pictures. You are TOO precious! We look forward to chatting with you!
Max and Sam Max's Corner 29/May/2001:13:15:36
Happy 4th Birthday Tux! You look very pretty in your new pink bathrobe. Congrats on winning those delicious treats from Santana's birthday club. You are soooo lucky that you don't have to share them with anyone. Hope you're having a great birthday Tux. Enjoy your special day! Love, Max and Sam
Lucky Spencer LuckyThe Wonder Dog! 23/May/2001:18:16:48
Hello. I love your web page very much! Woof! :0) I was wondering if any of your Animals' would want to submit for my free Pet of the Week? Anyone can submit! :0) Thanks, I'll be coming back soon. Woof! a href=""img src=""/a
Lucky LuckyThe Wonder Dog! 23/May/2001:18:15:48
Hello. I love your web page very much! Woof! :0) I was wondering if any of your Animals' would want to submit for my free Pet of the Week? Anyone can submit! :0) Thanks, I'll be coming back soon. Woof!
Spitfyr 14/May/2001:11:26:10
Great site! Happy Birthday Tux, Smudge, and Oreo!!!
Colleen and Tiki Tiki's Page 07/May/2001:13:24:12
Hi Tux, What a wonderful site you have here. We stopped by to thank you for the lovely birthday wishes that you sent to Tiki and stayed a while to visit your site. We had a great time and throughly enjoyed every minute. You sure are adorable!
Beth Rees 03/May/2001:14:56:15
Thank you for a page that "tugged at my heart"
Wendy -&- Casey Casey's Celtic Charm 01/May/2001:12:56:19
Had a great visit with you !
nikky .: n i k k y . o r g :. 24/Apr/2001:12:10:17
hello there!
Sieghardt trotting 13/Apr/2001:13:50:04
Nice site, I will come back. Greetings from Sweden!
Anne Dean 13/Apr/2001:11:34:54
Sherrill, This is realy neat. I just don't see how you did it!!. This must take a very long time. We'll have to talk about it at the dog show. Take care, Anne
Arlene and Dillon Tales From the Bark Side 02/Mar/2001:06:13:23
Hi Mimi, Tux, Oreo and Smudge. What a nice looking group of gals! Tux, you are incredibly adorable. We LOVE your calendar girl pic. Sounds like this is a very happy household. Thanks so much for the birthday greetings. We had a wonderful day. Tux's birthday is still a few months away but we'll mark you on our calendar :-) Lovely website. Great pics and those Boston Boyz graphics are really cute. Take care, Arlene and Dillon
Jenny 01/Mar/2001:17:51:41
What a great site you have! Your daughter sent me over here, she's so proud! I love the special cursors, nice touch, and of course the pictures! I'll never be able to go without a pet as long as I'm alive, so thanks for giving them their own special place.
mark2 01/Mar/2001:16:19:50
oh - very, very cute! i loved the bubble-blowing bunny at easter and the jelly bean prayere...i had never seen that before! i REALLY love the umbrella cursor for april! (my month) this looks like a lot of work, but i suspect that it was a labor of love. you have lucky pets!
mommyd 01/Mar/2001:11:49:11
Very cute. My poodle, Bridgett, loved it!! I did too. d
AuntLinda -&- Boudreau 01/Mar/2001:11:20:24
What a lovely site! We both enjoyed looking at all the pictures, especially the ones of Tux. Boudreaux thinks Tux might be fun to play with. It's obvious you love your pets very much.
itype 01/Mar/2001:10:52:33
What a wonderful site, and such lovely pets! Your imaginative cursors are also a lot of fun. When I was growing up, my mom was afraid of anything with four legs, but I had a succession of parakeets: Cutiepie, Sweetiepie and Mr. Peeper. When I married, we started with Hamlet the teddybear hamster. Then when we got a house, we got Moses the Mexican Redheaded Amazon parrot, and an aquarium, followed by Muffin, a dachshund/schnauzer mix. We still have Moses, and also Friday the Shetland sheepdog and a pond full of goldfish. Our family would not be complete without our pets.
crystal wizard24 28/Feb/2001:23:03:24
Just dropping in to say Hi! I have been blessed by being room mate with several cats, gangsters of the animal world. I have been sad about losing them. Beast ran off to save the universe, We had to give Toby away when I joined the Army, and Midnight was adopted by another military family due to irreconcilable differences with us. I also am the proud owner of a senior citizen german shepherd. Star is such a polite little lady. She and my other two girls are just settling into their new apartment. Thought the site was great. CW
Narda 28/Feb/2001:22:47:48
Loved your site. I'm owned by a female tabby (Mouse) and a female golden retriever (Holly). Tux, Smudge and Oreo are absolutely gorgeous. Thanks for sharing them with us all. :)
Rackat 28/Feb/2001:19:35:11
My two dogs, Angie -&- Chi Chi (chee chee), really liked seeing your pets! And, me? Well, I enjoyed the graphics and the music of your homepage most! Keep up the good work!! Rack
Ann Dog-Zone-Design 24/Feb/2001:10:16:00
I love your page and all your dogs, keep up the good work. I don't know if you would be interested, but I make mouse pads, keyrings, drinks coasters and other stuff with pictures of your own dogs etc on them, visit my web page for details
Demo, Murphy -&- Jen Indiana Jens - Temple of Dogs 18/Jan/2001:08:47:54
Hi, Tux! You are such a cutie pie! Loved seeing all your pictures! Our maw makes calendars of us each year so we are calendar boys too! It's fun to dress up, don't cha think? Also, loved your snoopy cursor! Your pals, Demo and Murph
Becky Welcome to Riddell's Island 17/Jan/2001:22:56:08
Hello, your page is so nice. I looked through all of Tux's pages, what a little sweetie she is. I loved her pictures, she looks so cute dressed up. I can see how much you love her, and her puppy pictures were just adorable. I also looked through Oreo and Smudge's pages, they are both so adorable. It is great that you got all three of them at the same time, so that they could grow up together. Oreo sounds so sweet and Smudge sounds like my cat, getting into everything :) I am sorry to hear about your cat Beachy. She was a beautiful cat, and very smart. I really enjoyed my visit to your page. Congratulations on winning the Calender spot. Come by and see us anytime. Take care and keep up the great work.
Amanda All American Family 28/Dec/2000:16:57:20
Hi, I was raised in a little town not too far from Montgomery, called Marion. You've probably never heard of it :) Just in case, Marion Military Institute is where I went to high school, and I went to Judson College for college, if you've ever heard of those schools, you'll know where I'm from. I enjoyed meeting Tux and your baby kitties!br br centera href=""img stc="" border=0 alt="Visit the Eskies!"/a/center
Bear and Lesa Two Crazy Cats 12/Nov/2000:20:52:21
Bear wanted to thank you for the birthday wishes and we all enjoyed our visit to your site. The Christmas pages were our favorite. Great stuff and graphics too. Purrs and doggy kisses, Lesa, Bear, Butch and Felix
Amy My Boston Terrier Web page. 11/Nov/2000:18:14:55
Hello, Great Site! Keep up the good work!
Aspen,Missy,Shawna a Aspen's 03/Nov/2000:23:42:44
Howdy ! ! What a great site you have here and we sure are enjoying our visit here, there is sooooo much to see and get involved in....we shall continue to paws our way thru your site and please visit us because we have much for you to see and we also enjoy the company, so we'll see you at the Homestead.... Many tail wags and meows
Rachelle 02/Nov/2000:17:36:58
Hello Mimi, Awesome site! I love what you have done with it. Your girls are sooooo cute!
Peanut 31/Oct/2000:12:51:54
Great job on the Halloween page, thanks for reminding us about the dangers to our furry friends. Keep up the good work!
Chrissy -&- Boo! Sit Boo Boo Sit 30/Oct/2000:21:49:53
Wonderful site! Thanks for the Barkday wishes! You guys should stop back in and join our "It's a Doggy Dog WebRing"
Sassy Sassy's Homepage 30/Oct/2000:02:27:45
Hi Tux, Mom and I loved your web site, if you'd like you can go back to my site and pick a award for you site! Thanks so much for the birthday wishes too! Sassy
Anna, Sadie's mom 28/Oct/2000:08:09:29
Just read your Halloween tips -- what a great idea. Have been to your site before and want to tell you again how much I enjoyed it. Happy Halloween to you and your girls.
Sharon 23/Oct/2000:19:33:07
Isana I, Hellborne (no, I am not that weird, it's my nam 23/Oct/2000:14:11:41
Great site! Very helpful! I learned about pet safety a couple years back with cats. Some people would carry black cats around as part of a costume! can you believe it?!? Ihave three cats, one being solid black, they stay indoors all year round, and Halloween, they especially stay confined for when those cute little ghouls and goblins come a knockin! Anway, wonderful tips and information. It was great to visit! Isana
Tayro 23/Oct/2000:14:05:56
What a great idea! Not too many people think about these things, I'm sure. I sure will from now on!
Dana Rabbits rule ! 17/Oct/2000:02:27:07
Lovely website ! Keep up with the awesome job ! I enjoyed my visit so much :)
Deputy Aspen Aspen's 15/Oct/2000:15:53:47
A great big wooof for you Tux, that was such a neet birthday card you sent me, Maw she still can't believe this card, this is awesome in any language, doggie and kitty.......we all have to come over here and sniff around your site and from what we saw so far it looks pretty good, now Maw she is always busy and she is trying to keep up to the birthdays but this was one awesome card..........woof,woof,woof, in doggie lingo: Many doggie tail wags and doggie kisses Aspen...Wooferoo
Marcia Lucille's Place 10/Oct/2000:16:16:16
Hi guys, We love your site! You all match so purrfectly! Guess what, Tux? Our dog Zoie likes to suck on blankies, too! Please stop by and visit us! If you like us, we'd appreciate yur vote! xxoo, Lucille and Stan p center A HREF=""IMG SRC="" HEIGHT=80 WIDTH=448/a /center
Poonch Poonchy's Homepage 09/Oct/2000:16:03:40
Woof, woof! It's Poonchy. You have a wonderful site. I really loved it. The pictures are great, and I had a good time reading what you wrote. (It's quite funny.) I'm gonna visit real soon. Poonch. p.s. Thanks for siging my guestbook, and for your birthday wishes.
Suzan *Suzan Online* 06/Oct/2000:19:58:37
CCCCCCCCOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLL, that's all I have to say :-)
Terry Schlichter 05/Oct/2000:15:48:20
I love this site and your Big girl Tux is just beautiful. I just love the cupycake song.
scott wilhelm 30/Sep/2000:18:59:35
We have a wonder BT also and really enjoyed your site. I am glad Tux has trained Mimi to be so smart. Our BT is 7 months old and loves her toys too. She is now making friends with our 8 year old cat and they now sleep near each other in the living room. We are making progress. What we love the most about her are her cute snoring sounds and the way her tongue hangs out when she sleeps. She is also so friendly with everyone and all the dogs on the street. Scott and Susan Wilhelm
Mog cat Pussies galore the Leytonstone Cats 25/Sep/2000:14:30:11
A lovely site I enjoyed the visit a lot. An excellent site I will put details on my link page next time I update my site. Your kats are really cute bye for now Mog cat
Martina Scottish Terrier 14/Sep/2000:17:11:22
this site is one of the cutest I have ever seen!!!!!! Kindest regards from Germany!! The ARABELLA'S Scotties and Tin-openers!
Frieda Schuurmans bleyenhoek british bulldogs 11/Sep/2000:17:15:37
Hello Mimi and girls Lovely site and your girls are very beautifull I welcome you to visit my site to all the very best for you and kisses for the girls Frieda
JoAnn 02/Sep/2000:16:54:47
Hi Mimi: Beautiful Boston and beautiful website. Enjoyed going through it. I have two little sister Bostons. Kelly and Daisy. They are two years old and give us so much joy. Thanks for sharing Tux with others. JoAnn
Harry Harry's Home -&- Doug Kirton 31/Aug/2000:21:30:54
Greetings from Germany. Harry
Jake Jake's Dog House 30/Aug/2000:19:31:59
Hi there! Fun page you have. I enjoyed meeting the gang! WOOF WOOF ...Jake
Mitzi 06/Aug/2000:01:46:42
mimi, what a blessing you have in tux! my little girl is pookie, she's 3 years old. someone had abandend her at 2 months. we fell in love the first time we saw each other! my 3 growen daughters (human) are sure that i love pookie more than them!ijust tell them i love them all the same. thank the Lord for bostons!
Shirlee 30/Jun/2000:09:57:18
I was enjoying looking at your web page when it barked. Casey (my year and a half old BT) was napping on my foot. She was up in a shot to locate the new dog. She has been looking out the window to see if the new dog is out there. What a hoot these wonderful critters are. Incidently, my Molly and Casey are BT's number five and six for me.
Stancey No Bones About It! 20/Jun/2000:14:57:26
Your site is really nice. I really like what you were able to do with your "angelfire" page. Mine is also with angelfire. Small world!!!! Good Job with it! I can't wait to come back for visits!
matt and tina 06/Jun/2000:05:53:46
i had problems connecting for a couple of days, but it was worth the wait..what a luvely boston terrier..B I G girl!!
Elaine Doogie's Page 01/Jun/2000:17:11:02
Hi Tux, Oreo, -&- Smudge. I loved your web page. You are all sooo cute!
Blackie -&- Max Blackie -&- Max's homepage 30/May/2000:10:57:53
Hi Tux, we stopped by to see your website and wanted to wish you a very Happy 3rd Birthday! Hope you did get lots of treats and kisses! To Oreo -&- Smudge - Happy Belated Birthday! Sorry we missed your birthday. Hope it was good! Also, thanks for visiting our homepage! Blackie -&- Max
Garth and Taylor MemoryLane Collies 30/May/2000:01:27:19
WE came sniffing around and what a great time we had.. We thought your baby pictures were the cutest.. All three of you girls.. You were darling little bundles and now most lovely young ladies.. What a joyful site... Tux, you are so very lovely and surely deserving of the calendar girl award.. Oreo, you would be welcomed here , the cats here are not well behaved as you, Smudge, your adorable, but would fit in with our cats.. WE found your pages and stories most wonderful and you can be very proud of what great pages your big sister Amy has put up for your mom to show you off.. your mom is a great poet, but you probably know that.. A very loving site . "4 Paws Up and 2 Tails Wagging" . Collie{{HUGS}} Garth and Taylor A late Happy Birthday kitty sisters... Oreo and Smudge..
Max and Sam Max's Corner 29/May/2000:14:11:34
Hi Tux, came by to wish you a very Happy 3rd Birthday. We hope you're having a wonderful day. Happy Birthday Tux!
LilBit LilBit's Doghouse 29/May/2000:11:16:17
*clearing throat* ..Happy Birthday to you..Happy Birthday to you..Happy Birthday Dear Tux! Happy Birthday to youuuuu!! HeeHee hope my singing wasnt to bad for ya...hope you have a great "doggy" day. Here's a few bones on me. Licks -&- Tail Wags! ~LilBit
Jax -n- Boots -&- the UpCountry Maui Kids ~Jax -n- Boots~ JRTerrors 24/May/2000:12:52:30
Hi there Mimi -&- the Girls!!! We had such a wonderful time visiting your site and meeting the girls!! Sorry we missed Oreo -&- Smudge's birthday... HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY OREO AND SMUDGE!!! And we hope Tux has the most wonderful and memorable birthday!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TUX!!! We're glad to have met you and made new friends!! Our hugs and aloha, Jax -n- Boots and the rest of the UpCountry Maui Kids (-&- Mom, Lisa too)
Sweetie and Mr. Fuzz Sweetie and Mr. Fuzzy's Cyber Home! 23/May/2000:18:12:46
Arf arf to Tux, and meow meow to Oreo and Smudge! Thanks fur visiting our cyber home and leaving your pawprints there, especially the wonderfur birthday wishes for Sweetie! ;-) We furrowed them all the way here, wow, we had a great time sniffing around! ;-) Anyway, we'll be back again soon, and hope you'll come visit us often too! ...Sweetie the Pom ^..^ and Mr. Fuzzy the Persian =^..^= brcentera href=""IMG align=middle border=4 SRC=""/ a/center centera href=""IMG align=middle border=4 SRC="" /a/center
Sam Max's Corner 23/May/2000:13:46:26
Hello Mimi and Tux, thanks so much for the birthday message you left in my guest book. It gave me a chance to come and visit you. My Mommy and I really enjoyed your site. We can see why our friend Disney chose you for one of his favorite sites of the day. Love your photos and the poems are great. Congratulations on being the March gal in the Humane Society calendar - you look like a star! Say hi to your kitty sisters Oreo and Smudge. Thanks again for thinking of me on my special day. Love, Sam
LYNNE *((((-{ 21/May/2000:16:44:57
Butler's Dad Butler's Web Site 18/May/2000:14:51:07
It looks like you put a lot of hard work into your website but it was worth it - the site looks great. Tux is lucky to have a Mom that spends so much time on her. Also, thanks for visiting Butler's site.
Claudette Letendre Petit's House 12/May/2000:05:35:45
Hello I've enjoyed visiting you and your site very much.... you've done a great job! I will be sure to visit again!
April Sanderson 11/May/2000:16:03:12
Happy Birthday Tux, Oreo and Smudge. You are all so cute. I have two dogs, Buddy and Sam (Sam is Buddy's son), and one cat who's name is Kitty or sometimes I call her Miss Kitty when she is real sweet. I really enjoyed your page. I work with Amy at Rehab. She did a really good job with the website. I will continue to keep a check on your site.
Heather Dearing Heather's Pekingese Pages 10/May/2000:20:30:50
Happy Birthday Tux. We all hope you have a great day and lots of treats and kisses of course. Party Girl, Cinder and Spike And Mommy Heather
scottveysey scottveysey's main page of coolness 08/May/2000:21:46:06
nice page,i am looking 4 people to exchange links with my site,link to my site and i will link to yours if ya want to get lots of hits a day then add a link to my site on your site and i will return the favor and thats how e-z it is just go to and click near the bottom where it says exchange links with my site ...then pickl what site ya want to link to and follow the steps and then your done ..well bye
Tiki Tiki's Page 07/May/2000:20:43:22
Hi Tux, Oreo, Smudge, and Mimi, Thank you so very much for the wonderful birthday poem. I am so excited... being eleven years young is definitely something to bark about. I have had a wonderful time exploring your site. I see we are all May Girls :-). Your Friend, Tiki
Phyllis, Candi, Tori n/a 27/Apr/2000:10:29:10
Loved your site and the fantastic pictures. Will be back to visit again. All the best to everyone from British Columbia, Canada and Tori, Candi and their pet Sheltie, Bo.
Santana Santana's Little Spot On The Net 26/Apr/2000:23:00:17
Great site Always love to drop by and visit your site. Keep up the great work. Hope you are enjoying being a member of Santana's Birthday Club. We now have 220+ members. Free draw held monthly, for free birthday presents. Come join all the fun.
Donna, Butch -&- Kryst 24/Apr/2000:18:42:51
Great site, you are very talented, the pictures are great, I do not think I could get Butch to sit still, to dress him up. Tux your a Doll. I would love the wav file of cupycake. Thanks Donna
Erika Cosette's Lair 18/Apr/2000:03:58:45
great site, keep up the good work, Tux is adorable.
anna Cindy -&- Sally's Spot 09/Apr/2000:12:37:58
I love your website! It has so many creative touches in its features - not to mention the adorable furbabies!!!!! I really enjoyed my visit here :-) Anna
Marshall The Doggy Bag ~ Woof! 08/Apr/2000:01:54:28
Tux, what a beautiful Calender girl you make! Your Mom (and Amy) have created a wonderful home on the web for you and an even better one in "real life". I love all your pics and graphics and trailing cursors, and, and, and .... Very nicely done. Thanks so much for sending birthday greetings to me for my 13th Birthday and for signing my guest book. What a gal! Your cyberpal, Marshall
Gary and Roxie Linds A XOLOITZCUINTLI TAIL 02/Apr/2000:11:48:41
Greetings from Taco the hairless dog: Taco visited your wonderful site and liked it very much. Everything is well done and easy to navigate. Congratualtions on an excellent, well balanced website! Give Tux a pat on the head from Taco.
Jude, Jed -&- Amber Jedstar's Site for Animals 31/Mar/2000:16:54:45
Wow, what a neat site. Tux you are one cool guy! We really have enjoyed our visit. We have sent you something special via email. Take care. Your Kiwi Friends, Jude, Jed -&- Amber
Spikey For the LOVE of Dogs! 27/Mar/2000:20:10:49
Gosh Tux, aren't you just a punkin? You look JUST like my "Mom's Aunt's BT! His name is Toby! (He hates me!LOL) Thank you for stopping by MY site! It gave me the chance to come visit you! Tell you "Mom" that your website is very, very good and that you are just one little doll! PAW SHAKES -&- PUPPY HUGS from, Spike!
nandi+bogey 27/Mar/2000:00:55:17
i really enjoyed your was very fun to look around....just looking at it made me very happy. good job from bogey+nandi
Belle-&-Diane Herr Royal Saints 21/Mar/2000:09:53:00
Wanted to drop by and check out your wonderful site it is great...and to thank you for the nice birthday wish....
Jan Jan's Joyous Jungle 19/Mar/2000:16:57:28
I had so much fun visiting your pages and seeing the pictures of Tux! What a good job you have done with the site, and what a cutie she is. I love her puppy pictures! Have you noticed that Boston Terrier owners are fanatical about their dogs? LOL! Since you have already visited my site and the a href=""Whoa, Nellie/a page about our Boston, you know that I never thought I would like them, myself. But since we got Nellie, my husband teases me about being on the "Boston Terrier Chamber of Commerce"! They just seem to wiggle and lick their way into your heart! brJan
Buster Labrador Buster 16/Mar/2000:14:28:18
Woof Mimi, Just been on your page. That looks very good and so do you! You are so cute!!! Be surte I'll be back in a while! Labbie licks, Buster
Buster da Dude The Boston Tooter 16/Mar/2000:02:55:22
Wonderful pics and everything - really enjoyed my visit. I sent you a surprise in your e-mail too :)
Gretchen and Eryn Planet Pug...Gretchen's Galaxy 09/Mar/2000:19:10:34
Hi there Tuxie! We sure love your sight. You rock, baby! You are now proudly posted on my friends page, and your link is in the golden winner's circle. Pug hugs and kisses! -Gretchen
Sis Sis' Home Page 03/Mar/2000:18:46:36
Thank you for stopping by my site for a visit. I hope you enjoyed your visit and will come back again. It salso gave me a chance to drop by your site. I enjoyed reading about your babies and seeing your pictures. You have a realy nice site, keep up that great work and GOD BLESS.
Kathy 03/Mar/2000:14:19:48
Love your site. I have 2 Bostons. Mandy and Muffin. Mandy is 13 years old, almost totally blind, and has lost most of her hearing. She has been a wonderful dog very laid back and mellow. As with all Bostons always glad to see you. Muffin is 2 1/2 years old and she is my WILD WOMAN. She is very hyper, but very much a lapdog when it comes time to settle down. Mandy is a somewhat bigger girl, but not as big as TUX. She weighs in at about 22 pounds, but Muffin is my petite girl and weighs in at around 14 pounds. They love to go for rides. All you have to say is GO and they start jumping around. I love to see pictures and hear stories about other people's babies.
Andrea 03/Mar/2000:10:56:56
What a lovely, lovely tribute to the pets in your life! This is one of the dearest websites I've seen in a long time. Tux is so sweet! I have two bostons and couldn't agree with you more in everything you said, from their funny antics to all the love they give each day. I've bookmarked this and will visit often! Thank you. Andrea, and her 2 bostons Meggie -&- Basil (in Chicago, IL).
Deb and Lambchop and lambchops house 01/Mar/2000:04:34:07
Hello Sherill and Tux, wow you sure are a sexy lady in those pearls!! love the hat too. You know how we feel about getting all dressed up! Congradulations on the calander, you look marvy! way to go tuxy!! love Deb and lammie and B. Ben
Meeka 24/Feb/2000:09:32:56
WOW! What a great site. I really enjoyed it and your girls are great. I came here from the board and am really glad that I did.
Shadrach Shaddie's Pages! 22/Feb/2000:22:12:33
Thank you for signing my Guest Book! I had alot of fun looking at Tux's pictures. =o)
Carol 12/Feb/2000:21:07:38
I really enjoyed Tux's web page!!!! What a beauty!!! I have 2 boys, and would love to do something like this, but unfortunately, computers and I dont get along!!!! Yours was a true inspiration, maybe someday I could do something like this.. You should be very proud, it is wonderful!! Thanks for sharing your Tux.. very precious!!!!
Bonita 12/Feb/2000:10:52:00
Mimi, i just loved your page i got here thru the message board. i posted a message a few days ago about my fat Boston, now after looking at your adoable girl, i think maybe my JC is a lot like your tux....i don't believe Jc is quite that weight but i believe him to be close.....i thought i just over fed him when he was a pup. but now not so sure. i felt i was the only one with an overweight boston. because everyone mentions wow what a chunky dog. that kinda hurts my feelings and JC's. even my mother in law had a boston growing up and said hers was never as big as mine. but to make this story short i am thanksful that i come to your webpage to see that i just Have a Big Boston not necessarily a fat one....LOL. have a great day...
Sis Sis' Home Page 05/Feb/2000:00:41:58
Very cute site, enjoyed my visit.
diana 06/Jan/2000:19:22:57
I saved this from Christmas, it is a beautiful and fun page, hope to see another next year. I had sent it to everyone I know. Thanks again for sharing a little Christmas with everybody.
Gandy 30/Dec/1999:09:18:35
I'm "whopper" also and I think you are BTeautiful!! Great site!!
Robinson Hill Vet CL 28/Dec/1999:17:42:29
We enjoyed seeing Tux in all of her glory. The poem was lovely as were the pictures. What was the comment about disliking the vet visits all about???? Hope to see you soon! Your Friends at RHVC
M.A. Boulden 25/Dec/1999:21:25:39
I'm not sure about my addy. Cute Xmas page. Takes a while to load.
PatGoodwin 20/Dec/1999:16:10:16
beautiful site thank you. Pat
james 16/Dec/1999:20:22:05
Thank you for signing my guestbook. I came to look at your page and i love the paw cursor trails. i hope you get the comet cursor to go along with the page to make it even more ya. james
Melissa 14/Dec/1999:11:50:33
Great Christmas page. Loved it.
Leigh Norris 02/Dec/1999:16:30:26
Hey Sherrill, I finally got a chance to look at your website again. You have really done a great job. Andy finally fixed my speaker problem, so I got to hear the "you are the apple of my eye" song and it was absolutely the cutest thing I've heard. Our trip to Gatlinburg was great (except way tooooooo crowded). Talk to you soon. Leigh
Teri Bewitching Bostons 25/Nov/1999:11:11:12
Great Website!
Susie Boodog's Home Page 22/Nov/1999:14:49:44
Hi. It's plain to see how much you love your pets. Tux is a big girl! I thought my Boodog was big (31 pounds). She feels like a big squeezable teddy bear. You have such a neat website, with the unique picture frames, etc. You and your daughter did an excellent job on it. Fellow BT Lover, Susie
brenda 21/Nov/1999:23:30:22
sb, im impressed. that was way cool. thanks for sending. bh
Matt Porter's Page 21/Nov/1999:09:44:07
I have finally seen a Boston that's bigger than mine! Porter is not yet 1 year old and he is 35 pounds. I guess that means that the big ones have more love to give! I love your page.
Laurie 14/Nov/1999:05:08:37
mimi: your web page is awesome! I think your Tux is just a doll! i have a 5 month old baby boy named Jax (BlackJack) and he is my pride and joy. boston's sure take over your home and heart! they are so funny at times! I don't ever want to be without a BT again! thanks for sharing your babies with us, what a delight! - Laurie
Mickey A Boston's World 11/Oct/1999:04:25:47
Super site! In fact, I'd like to link my site to yours and wonder if you would consider doing likewise? Looking at your pictures with cat friends makes me think I need to change my attitude about Jethro! Mickey
ClawMarks -&- Mystic Mystic's Page! 27/Sep/1999:09:06:00
Hi! I love your heavyweight!! Mystic says she'd feel like that sandcast next to Tux. The puppy picture is TOO cute. Our kitties have web pages too, but they're kind of hard to find! Hope you enjoy them! Claudia, Mark, and Mystic!
Joan 10/Sep/1999:20:46:58
I just wanted to tell you that your babies are very beautiful. and your page has just lifted my spirits. I will come back and visit often. Thank you for the *Joy*
Jerry 05/Sep/1999:08:50:23
Excellent page and the dogs are great. I'm the dad of Little and Jack and they really liked the pages...they like to keep up on the latest BT styles. Of course now they are jealous and are pestering me to start a page for them so it looks like this old dog has to learn how to do that! Happy dog days!!!
Cathy 09/Aug/1999:21:08:45
I just loved receiving this - and want to thank Amy for sending it! I love your girls, they are so very cute. I only have one baby (animal) which is a male cocker spanniel but he is such a sweetheart - so I know what it means to be an animal lover. Congratulations on this page - it is really great
Tracey -&- Bandit Ulri 09/Aug/1999:14:14:32
We just loved your page. Tux is absolutely adorable!! And don't let anyone make fun of your weight, Tux. Bandit weighs 24-26 lbs. and everyone calls her "Porky"! Tux is beautiful just the way she is. We send her hugs and sloppy BT kisses!
Betty Mott 09/Aug/1999:08:00:12
Loved the pictures and of course I feel I know the girls personally. Remember, the girls will get us all through these difficult days. Good job - compliments to Amy and to you
Ellen and James 08/Aug/1999:00:58:22
We are going to dress our Abi in pearls and a hat and take her picture! She is a joy in our lives. She is full grown and weighs 12 lbs. (opposite ends of the spectrum, huh!) Abi also has two kitty sisters. We love to watch them all together. Your site is great.
Dan and Michele 03/Aug/1999:22:51:32
Cute Boston Terrier..... but I suggest diet puppy chow.... thats a big one... :):) kudo's to you and Amy for the web site... its nice..... From North Bama Dan and Michele
Ella 03/Aug/1999:02:08:33
Well Porkchop and Goliath are just drooling over your lovely lady, Tux! She sure is a sweetie! They too, have a kitty friend named Piper that they live with and think that its great that Tux lives with kittys too! Thanks for sharing your wonderful page with us! Sloppy kisses to you and Tux! Ella, Porkchop and Goliath
Renate 03/Aug/1999:01:49:30
What a great page. Great Job! Tux is so cute and so are Oreo and Smudge. You are also a talented poet.
Amy 02/Aug/1999:22:23:17
Hey! I built this site, but I wanted to give some credit where it's due. First, I'd like to thank Dr. Troy and Lugnuts for their help. Fortunately for them, I didn't have to ask them for TOO much technical help, but their moral support was there for me as well. Thanks guys, you're the best! Second, I'd like to thank the Angelfire Webmonkey. Man, that is the BEST thing. I never could have done half as much with this site without that help. And last, I'd like to thank my mom. She spent countless, and I mean COUNTLESS hours surfing the net looking for graphics and cool stuff to put here. She put more work into this site than I ever could have. Thanks to her, building this was relatively painless and it went rather quickly. Also, without her, I never would have learned a lot of the things I did about building websites. Thanks mama! Without you, this NEVER would have come together. (not to mention the fact, that, without you, neither me nor my kitty sisters would be as luc
Marilyn Pittman 02/Aug/1999:18:37:01
The poetry is beautiful. The writer is very talented. Keep up the good work. Tux is gorgeous and so are the kitties. I will tell all my friends about your site.
Jeanne and Sarah 02/Aug/1999:15:33:03
Tux is a gorgeous girl. We have two BT's Sarge, a big boy, and Dottie a petite girl.
ditto's mom 02/Aug/1999:15:13:10
Tux is adorable. Thanks for sharing.
Rocky -&- Karen 02/Aug/1999:14:57:19
This is an adorable site. Rocky loves it. (12 week old bt and a baby doll.
susan 02/Aug/1999:12:34:55
Great page. I love everything in it. Susan for Louisiana
Susan B. 02/Aug/1999:11:13:36
What a sweetie. You're life surely seems full and enriched by your devotion to your pets. Enjoyed viewing your babes. Is he really 38lbs. All Boston! BTs are the best.
Chari The Campbell's Kids 02/Aug/1999:06:14:23
Very very impressive for just having created your very first web page! It is so well done! I adore the pics. of Tux and his sisters... It's just great. Chari, Sammie and the gang
Boure' -&- Bluff -&- Mom Boure's Toy Box 02/Aug/1999:05:15:58
We love your site! Tux you are beautiful! BT kisses! Boure' and Bluff
E-mail us!
Tux, Mimi's Boston TerrierTux, page 2Tux, page3 Mimi's Calendar Girl TUX Miss March 2000Happy 4th Birthday, Tux! (2001)Happy 5th Birthday, Tux! (2002) Tux's Kitty SistersOreoSmudgeBeachy God Bless AmericaRainbow Bridge 9-11 Season's Greetings from Mimi and her GirlsDogs Love Christmas, TooCats Love Christmas, Too LinksFun StuffAwardsWebRingsHome Please be sure to visit my Guestbook before you leave You may click here to view entries from my first guestbook
Pets Are GemsJANUARY: Happy New YearFEBRUARY: Happy Valentine's Day MARCH: Toxic PlantsHippity Hoppity Happy EasterAPRIL: April Showers Bring…ThunderstormsCaught MAY: The Merry Month of MayJUNE: Basic First AidFirst Aid KitJULY: Have a Fun and Safe 4th of July AUGUST: Vacationing with Your PetsPets Enjoy Celebrating Their Birthdays, Too SEPTEMBER: School DaysOCTOBER: Halloween Safety Tips For Your Pets NOVEMBER: Stuff The Turkey, Not Your Pets, This ThanksgivingDECEMBER: Holiday Hazards Saying GoodbyePoetryRainbow BridgeLiving LoveThe Journey