Mimi's Girls
Greetings from Montgomery, Alabama and welcome to Mimi's Girls! During the summer of 1999, with the millenium quickly approaching, I wanted to get a little more involved with the Internet by sharing some of my wonderful God given gifts with you. Those gifts are what we call pets. What kind of world would this be without them? As far back as I can remember I had wanted an American Original, a Boston Terrier. Finally, after way too many years, I was able to choose the pet that I wanted and it just had to be a Boston. It took months of searching to find exactly what I had in mind, but it was certainly well worth the wait. I'll never forget the first time I saw my "Tux" -- it was love at first sight. Although she grew up to be much larger than I could have dreamed, I just see her size as being that much more to love. On the same day that Tux arrived, so did her kitty sisters, Oreo and Smudge. Three precious girls coming to share my home all on the same day...my life hasn't been the same since.
During the summer of 1999, with the millenium quickly approaching, I wanted to get a little more involved with the Internet by sharing some of my wonderful God given gifts with you. Those gifts are what we call pets. What kind of world would this be without them?
As far back as I can remember I had wanted an American Original, a Boston Terrier. Finally, after way too many years, I was able to choose the pet that I wanted and it just had to be a Boston. It took months of searching to find exactly what I had in mind, but it was certainly well worth the wait. I'll never forget the first time I saw my "Tux" -- it was love at first sight. Although she grew up to be much larger than I could have dreamed, I just see her size as being that much more to love. On the same day that Tux arrived, so did her kitty sisters, Oreo and Smudge. Three precious girls coming to share my home all on the same day...my life hasn't been the same since.
Just click on the links below to meet my Boston Terrier, Tux, and be sure to visit her kitty sisters, too.
Mimi's Girls Index
Tux, Mimi's Boston Terrier
Tux, page 2
Tux, page 3 Mimi's Calendar Girl "TUX" Miss March 2000
Happy 4th Birthday, Tux! (2001)
Happy 5th Birthday, Tux! (2002)
Fun Stuff
Tux's Kitty Sisters
Beachy a loving memorial tribute
Season's Greetings from Mimi and her Girls
Dogs Love Christmas, Too
Cats Love Christmas, Too
God Bless America
Rainbow Bridge 9-11-2001
Pets Are Gems a series of pages dedicated toenjoying our treasured pets all through the year
Please be sure to visit my guestbook before you leave. I just love to hear about other animal lovers and their pets.
CLICK HERE to view entries from my first guestbook
Pets provide so much enjoyment and entertainment. Every day is brightened by their funny antics that bring laughter throughout the house and leave loving paw prints on our hearts. Nothing matches the unconditional love of an animal who wants only to please us. Our pets are sometimes our first and best friends. We're calmed by our cat's purrs, revitalized by our dog's energy, and warmed by the love offered without reservation by our animal companions. Please choose your pets carefully and be totally committed to their care. Pets are friends for life.
Mimi's Girls is best experienced full screen with 800 x 600 resolution and Please be sure your window is maximized!
This project would not have been possible without the help of my daughter, Amy. She is my only child, and has always been more than I could ever have hoped for. Amy and her husband, Mickey, have three children, Dale, Kayley and Kelsey. I want to say a special thanks to Amy for making this website for my pets possible. Not only did Amy get this website started, but she also taught me a lot about html and graphics, and she gave me the confidence I needed to learn how to do even more. Thank you, Amy, for your continued support and encouragement.
Mimi's Girls is graphics intense...please be patient
I hope you enjoy meeting my girls. Each one has her own unique personality, and my life has been blessed and enriched by all of my pets. Thank you for letting me share my girls with you.
E-mail us!
You are guest number since August 1, 1999.
Tux, Mimi's Boston TerrierTux, page 2Tux, page3 Mimi's Calendar Girl TUX Miss March 2000Happy 4th Birthday, Tux! (2001)Happy 5th Birthday, Tux! (2002) Tux's Kitty SistersOreoSmudgeBeachy God Bless AmericaRainbow Bridge 9-11 Season's Greetings from Mimi and her GirlsDogs Love Christmas, TooCats Love Christmas, Too LinksFun StuffAwardsWebRingsHome Please be sure to visit my Guestbook before you leave You may click here to view entries from my first guestbook
Pets Are GemsJANUARY: Happy New YearFEBRUARY: Happy Valentine's Day MARCH: Toxic PlantsHippity Hoppity Happy EasterAPRIL: April Showers Bring…ThunderstormsCaught MAY: The Merry Month of MayJUNE: Basic First AidFirst Aid KitJULY: Have a Fun and Safe 4th of July AUGUST: Vacationing with Your PetsPets Enjoy Celebrating Their Birthdays, Too SEPTEMBER: School DaysOCTOBER: Halloween Safety Tips For Your Pets NOVEMBER: Stuff The Turkey, Not Your Pets, This ThanksgivingDECEMBER: Holiday Hazards Saying GoodbyePoetryRainbow BridgeLiving LoveThe Journey