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You're A Grand Old Flag


Have a Fun and Safe 4th of July

Perhaps the most fun filled summertime holiday is the Fourth of July. The day is usually filled with picnics, swimming, lounging in the sun, and fireworks. Having a good holiday depends on having a safe one, and for most folks with family pets, they are included in the equation.

Bombs bursting in air on the Fourth of July may make you feel patriotic, but your pet may be frightened. Some animals do fine and don’t seem to notice the fireworks. Some do well with just having their owner near, talking in a soothing voice and petting or holding them. Some experience extreme fear and anxiety and may hurt themselves trying to escape the loud noises. Some of the commonly seen signs of fear that pets may show when exposed to the sounds and smell of fireworks may include shaking, trembling; excessive drooling; barking, howling; hiding; trying to get into or out of the house or fence; refusing to eat; and from prolonged stress, loss of bladder or bowel control.

The days after July 4 are some of the busiest days for animal shelters where high numbers of phone calls for lost pets and stray animals are received. If you follow a few safety tips for Independence Day you can greatly reduce the chances of losing your pet.

* Keep your pets inside the house in a quiet, protected room where the sounds will be muffled, and where he can feel safe.

* If your pet is frightened, divert its attention by playing a game or practicing an obedience routine.

* Don’t try to force a scared cat from its hiding place.

* Make sure your cat and/or dog is wearing an identification tag.

* Don’t take your pets to a fireworks display. Your pet’s ears are much more sensitive to sounds than our own ears. Explosive noises may damage your pet’s hearing, or a falling firecracker may injure the pet. Pets and fireworks just don’t mix.

One more thing about Independence Day celebrations...

What kind of holiday would it be without the picnics and barbecues? Holiday feasting means lots of fun foods for everyone. Most pets are on pretty strict diets with limited extras. If your pet doesn’t normally eat hamburgers and hot dogs, a few on the side can lead to a bad upset stomach. For those who will celebrate the holiday with fried chicken, remember that the bones can splinter and cause severe injury to any pet that eats them. Dispose of leftovers properly, whether you are at a picnic spot or at home.


We have the right to be full members of your family.
We thrive on social interaction, praise, and love.

We have the right to stimulation.
We need new games, new toys, new experiences, and new smells to be happy.

We have the right to regular exercise.
Without it, we could become hyper, sluggish...or fat.

We have the right to have fun. We enjoy acting like clowns now and then;
don't expect us to be predictable all the time.

We have the right to quality health care.
Please stay good friends with our vet.

We have the right to a good diet.
Like some people, we don't know what's best for us. We depend on you.

We have the right not to be rejected because of your expectations
that we be great show dogs or show cats, watchdogs, hunters, or baby-sitters.

We have the right to receive proper training.
Otherwise, our good relationship could be marred by confusion and strife--
and we could become dangerous to ourselves and others.

We have the right to guidance and correction
based on understanding and compassion, rather than abuse.

We have the right to live with dignity...
and to die with dignity when the time comes.

Tux, Mimi's Boston TerrierTux, page 2Tux, page3
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