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undefined Welcome to My Page!
Hope you enjoy my home page!~If you're here right now... you probably have nothing better to do, so I'll try to make this as interesting as these things can possibly be....??? for now... Just take a look at all my info, pics, links, etc. and lemme know whatcha think in the guestbook...or not... I mean Hey... what's the point of these things anyways?...I was just up watching the sun-rise, sippin' some vodchino when i thought to myself "Hey... i think i'll build one of those gay lil' web pages"... so just scroll down...or not...whatever... take a chance...what's life without 'em?

First of all I Would Like to Give Out a big *Hello* to Some of My Crazy Buds:
>> Katie, Fer,Russ, Clint, JonRoss, Brittany, Nikki,Casey and James, Dalton, Blake, The Twins, Clara, Tracy, Brent, Jamie and Will, Yahtin, April, Michael, Adam, Jess, Sommer and Randall, Brien, Kain, Jen, Mandy, Goose, Kristin, Leslie, Danielle, Kyle, Kelly, Meagan, Brant and Nicole, Adam, Matthew B., Ricky, Dave, Emily, Jon, Tech, Chris Stanley, Pate, Tara, BV, Whitney, Tracey, Chase, Zach, Brandy, Ben, Kemp, Ryan, My favorite teacher Mrs. Crutchfield, all my peeps who used to cruise in Boaz that now Party like Rockstars-somewhere-sniff sniff-reminiss of the churt-pit..., all the wal-mart shoppers, My buds at Unclaimed Baggage, Salvation Army (keep those low prices and half off sales), & Goodwill(but you're a lil pricey), Don Ponchos- Alonzo, and the usual Friday-Night gang, The Deli- Sherry, Mandy, and the rest of the girls!, and The Pig- chillin in the parking lot, and everyone else!*U know who you are!~~~ unless you just weren't important enough to put on here... b'c evidentally i didn't remember you. *feel the love*and everyone else who's my net pals on ICQ (57247058) & AOL (BHSernie03) & Al Live (Erin03)!!~~

**CONGRATULATIONS to my Big Brother for making it through his sophomore year at M.I.T !*Good luck- and Party Hard with the rest of Chi Phi**

"This Bud's for You!"

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*Party Hardy, Rock-n-Roll, Drink Barcardi, and Smoke a Bowl!* LaTa!!

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