Gym Type: Fire
Type in what type of gym you want. add a 'slash other type' if you need to
Gym Name: FireBlast
What you want to call the gym
Pokémon (3-trainer 4-leader): Charmander, Ninetales, Charizard, Charizard
Write in your pokemon, 3 for a trainer 4 for a leader
Pokémon's Level (60-trainer 80-leader): Charmander lv. 10, Ninetales lv. 20 Charizard lv.25 Charizard lv. 25
Write in your pokemon's level above, (if the lv. is 25 or higher, it has a special) for a trainer it has to add up to 60, leader 80.
Pokémon's attack:
Charmander- 2 (r)
Ninetales- 2 (r)
Charizard- 1 (r) 1 (s)
Charizard- 1 (r) 1 (s)
Write the pokemon then, what attack types they have, (in the bracets should be a 's' or 'r'.) S stands for special which means it does 15 damage. You get a special if the pkmn's level is higher than 25.
R stands for Regualr, and it does 10 damage.
Pokémon's HP:
Char- 10 * 2= 30HP
Nine- 20 * 2= 40HP
Chariz- 25 * 2= 50HP
Chariz- 25 * 2= 50HP
Multiply the level by 2 to get its HP!!!