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Chris Carvers Website

Okay so I had Big Plans to completely redo my Website but in reality I really dont have the time. I think it will just have to wait. We got a DOG!!!! Jack is the newest edition to our little family and he is areal handful. Carrie is still working at the local Hospital. She graduated from her Radiology program on June 3rd and she is now in the putting me through school segment of the marriage. As far as other activities are concerned, I was elected President of the Triathlon Club, and I am working at Colonial Bank as a Teller. Im always in training or at least in between training. Im planning on having a huge year with Triathlons next year. I will be trying to add some new pictures to this website for your viewing pleasure. Ive also added a new link to Sams Website please check it out! Ill just have to find the time. I have noticed that Im still getting hits so if you are a frequent viistor please sign my guestbook. My life is going great though, Im working hard but its gratifying. Please come back and look for my newest pictures --- coming soon ---

Please check out my TRIATHLON PICTURES. These are some of the best so check out my SPRING BREAK 99 pictures too. I also have a page for my FRIENDS, FAMILY, and CHURCH pictures. Last but not least I have pictures of myself and my WIFE Plus I have WEDDING PICS
I will update my: Carvers PROFILES when I have the time. I hope you enjoy all of these, I will update them periodically. Have Fun, and please sign my geustbook!

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My Favorite Web Sites


My most Honorable friend David Crawford
The Auburn Triathletes Homepage
Angelas Web Page
The Young Meadows Presbyterian (PCA) youth group website
David and Matt Martin are starting a new Web Page
This is Sams new Seminary update Webpage
