Britney's K-mart Fund

She really must be stopped...

    I'm sure your familiar with our hatred of Britney Spears by now. I'm surfing through humor sites... lalalalalala... and I notice something! Britney isn't a whore! No! As startling as this discovery may be, its true. She just can't afford any REAL clothes! Her parents take all her money... they can't help it, they're cleptomaniacs... it's all to blame on southern breeding. Anyways, as I was saying... Brit's parent's take all of her dough, leaving her with just enough money to buy underwear at K-mart. Don't believe me? I'm sure you don't... why would you? So I decided to compile a little evidence for you...

Exhibit A:

exhibita.jpg (32172 bytes)

Oh my! It looks as if Britney has accidently stumbled out in public in her underwear...

Exhibit B:

exhibitb.jpg (36943 bytes)

*tsk, tsk, tsk* At least she's inside now. *nods head*

Exhibit C:

exhibitc.jpg (45470 bytes)

Oh yes. I go into national magazine shoots in my bra and panties ALL THE
TIME.... happened just this morning.

Exhibit D:

exhibitd.jpg (28832 bytes)

Aaaawww... poor Brit, now shes wearing her little sister's clothes... she
made them fit! YAY BRIT! *shields eyes*

    There. Have I proved to you that Britney is poor? That she is forced to
prance around in her underwear because her parents took her money? For only .75 cents a month, you can adopt your very own Britney. We'll send you a
picture and personal information of your slut. And if you choose to adopt
her, she might be able to buy a WHOLE shirt, she might be able to buy clothes
that fit. Please help her. After all, don't hicks deserve a little love?

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