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My Home Page


Leah Helen (Payne) Hebert
3269 Trails End Lane, Nashville, TN 37214
Phone Number: (day)_____________ (evening) _______________
* My Personal Information: UPDATE: Aug 2004

* High School Name: First Name: Leah Middle: Helen Last: Payne

* Married Last Name: Hebert

* Home Address: 3269 Trails End Lane Nashville, TN 37214

* Phone Number And Area Code: _

* E-Mail Address:

* Married: Yes: X_ No: _

* Spouse's Name: First: Melvin Middle: Ray

* Children: Yes: X No: _ How Many: 6 Boys: 4 Girls: 2

* Grand Children: Yes: X No: _ How Many: 8

* Occupation: You: customer service - Spouse: US Navy (retired) Maintenance Eng. (retired)

* *

* Interested In Class Reunion: Yes: X No: _

* What Year: 2005: _ 2006: X 2007: _ 2008: _ 2009: _ 2010: _

* *

* High School Memory to share? : _

* *

* Favorite Teacher's: 1. Anna Brown 2. _ 3. _

* *

* Classmates You Miss: 1. _ 2. _ 3. _

* *

* Your Favorite Hobby: Gardening, home decorating.

* For Fund Raising Would you be interested in buying articles with THS and/or Logo inscribed? Yes: X No: _

* Which of the Following: Planners: _ Pens: X Mugs: X T-Shirts:X Others-Specify: _

* *

* Can You Share Any Other Classmate's Email Address? If So Please Enter Here: _

* If you have further input to this form, please type here: _

Would you be interested in receiving information/emails about/from other classmates from Class Of 1959? - Yes X

News of interest.
Depends on defination of interesting. I'm Ex Navy (Photo/Journalist), Presently a Travel Agent, Mother to six, Grandmother to eight (8), married to same man for forty (40) years - still have lots of family in Tuscaloosa.

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