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Notes From All Over


Rewrite's are edited,and used by permission. No bodily, or personal harm is intended within.

Feb.19, 2005
The following writer is unknown to me, but it's content is so real.....please read

The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness. We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom. We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often.

We've learned how to make a living, but not a life. We've added years to life, not life to years. We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor. We conquered outer space but not inner space. We've done larger things, but not better things. We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We've conquered the atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but accomplish less. We've learned to rush, but not to wait. We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less.

These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, big men and small character, steep profits and shallow relationships. These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes. These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill. It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom. A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete.

Remember, spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever. Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side. Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a cent.

Remember, to say, "I love you" to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it. A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you. Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again. Give time to love, give time to speak, and give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind.

(This was received in the fall of 2004)information of this sort is appreciated.

The following information was furnished by Wanda Parham Richardson (If you have any questions about any of this information please feel free to contact her by phone (205) 752-4286. She is on the Reunion Committee for the Class of 1960.) This information will be transferred into the proper links at a later time.

Buren Bailey Died earlier this year. He has a sister, Demetra, in the class of '61'. She and I were friends growing up.

Charlotte Barger Stanzykck apparently didn't graduate with her class, as she is listed in the class of '60' with the seniors. She has never been interested in our reunions, but she may be interested in going to the one with all her old classmates. Her address is:
4941 Red Oak Lane
Tuscaloosa, AL
(205) 556-4379

Clair Brown Broughton was killed in a car wreck several years ago. We lived in the same neighborhood at one time.

Jimmy Dowling, like Charlotte Barger is listed with the class of '60'. The address that we have on him is: 1812 4th Avenue
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
(205) 349-5650

Linda Fowler Anders is back in Tuscaloosa at
4 Bedford Place
Tuscaloosa, AL 35406.

Leavelle Hall Lemley and I go to the same church. Her address is:
5526 17th St. E
Tuscaloosa, 35404
(205) 556-4267

You have Pat Moye Williams listed as Pat Maye(This has been corrected). I have known her for many years. She lives at:
11903 Plowman Road
Gordo, AL 35460
(205) 339-1212

Betty Pittard married Milton Marcum, and they live here in Tuscaloosa.

Rita Smalley is deceased. At one time, I had a neighbor who was friends with her daughter, and I remember seeing her obit in the paper within the last year or so.

Houston Snipes married one of our classmates, Fayne Singley, and they live at:
7125 Spring Drive
Cottondale, AL 35453
(205) 553-3943

Harold Wyatt and I attend the same church. His address is:
2900 Maxwell Loop Road
Tuscaloosa, AL 35405

August 3, 2001

Dear Class of '59,
Do you know that you have an internationally famous member of your class? Linda Caldwell, along with husband Millard Fuller, created Habitat
for Humanity. They are still the leaders and directors of Habitat for Humanity. Linda is often featured in newspapers and TV coverage
worldwide. Please DON'T quote me because Linda has never wanted recognition for her wonderful work. However, if I were a member of this class,
I would want to show her my appreciation. In fact, I want to thank her anyway. I am a member of the THS Class of 1961 and I feel really proud of
Linda! Your classmates may want to honor Linda as well!
Jeanne Douglas

Thanks Jeanne for the news about our classmate Linda Caldwell.

Hi Classmates, Can you help Helen find the person/persons she is searching for??

----- Original Message -----
Email: CDEEY@AOL.COM - Click here
To: "Gene"
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 1:26 PM


Do you know of anyplace that sells THS license plates or windshield decals?

Buddy Hughes--class of '74

From Susan

I'm in the class of 1961, but got to go to Class '59's reunion on Sat. night. For $6,000 the Coasters sang for 55 minutes and the band that accompanied them finished the 3 hours!!!! They were supposed to sing for 2-40 minute sessions, but did the whole 55 minutes at one time. Everyone had a hard time believing they were stopping after 55 min. (for that kind of $$). It was fun seeing everyone, tho. We will start planning ours next summer for 2001.
Susan Rogers Elmore
(used by consent)

From Maggie,

Checked out your web page. Great Idea. I could help you with some names. Millie Card is married to Aubrey "Brother" Vick and lives in Selma, Al. My sister's name is Betty Jean Raiford Gillis and lives in Columbus Ms. There were some others I saw that I could help you with, but no time right now.

Hi Gene, my name is Jim Holloman, THS class of '56. We were the first graduating class from the then new THS campus on 15th street. At our 40th reunion, in August three years ago, a classmate (Rosalind then Alexander) and I renewed our friendship and subsequently married several months later. She was a widow and I had been divorced for a few years. We are wonderfully happy and content, looking forward to our three year anniversary coming up in December. We live in Tuscaloosa. Can't ever tell what might happen at these reunions when old folks get together!!

Hi Gene, You have done a great job with the THS web site. I finished in 58 and scanned the 59 class and noticed that you needed info for my brother, James C. Culwell. He lives in Farmington, New Mexico and has lived out there for the last 25 years. Good to hear from old friends.
Ingram Culwell

Any notes or additional news is always welcomed

Old Stafford Elem. 9th St. & 21st Ave.

Truly the Greatest Article Ever Written

Shame on you American-hating Liberals
Daily Mirror (United Kingdom) 9/11/02 | Tony Parsons

A thoughtfully written piece in one of the most left wing newspapers in
the UK. Just a word of background for those of you who aren't familiar
with the UK's Daily Mirror. This is one of the most notorious Left wing,
anti-American dailies in the UK. Hard to believe that the Daily Mirror
actually published it, but it did.

Begin article:

ONE year ago, the world witnessed a unique kind of broadcasting - the
mass murder of thousands, live on television.
As a lesson in the pitiless cruelty of the human race, September 11 was
up there with Pol Pot's mountain of skulls in Cambodia, or the skeletal
bodies stacked like garbage in the Nazi concentration camps.

An unspeakable act so cruel, so calculated and so utterly merciless that
surely the world could agree on one thing - nobody deserves this fate.

Surely there could be consensus: the victims were truly innocent, the
perpetrators truly evil.

But to the world's eternal shame, 9/11 is increasingly seen as America's

Incredibly, anti-Americanism has increased over the last year.

There has always been a simmering resentment to the USA in this country -

too loud, too rich, too full of themselves and so much
happier than Europeans - but it has become an epidemic.

And it seems incredible to me. More than that, it turns my stomach.

America is this country's greatest friend and our staunchest ally. We
are bonded to the US by culture, language and blood.

A little over half a century ago, around half a million Americans died
for our freedoms, as well as their own. Have we forgotten so soon?
And exactly a year ago, thousands of ordinary men, women and children -
not just Americans, but from dozens of countries - were butchered by a
small group of religious fanatics. Are we so quick to betray them?

What touched the heart about those who died in the twin towers and on
the planes was that we recognised them. Young fathers and mothers,
somebody's son and somebody's daughter, husbands and wives. And
children. Some unborn.

And these people brought it on themselves? And their nation is to blame
for their meticulously planned slaughter?

These days you don't have to be some dust-encrusted nut job in Kabul or
Arachi or Finsbury Park to see America as the Great Satan.

The anti-American alliance is made up of self-loathing liberals who
blame the Americans for every ill in the Third World, and conservatives
suffering from power-envy, bitter that the world's only superpower can
do what it likes without having to ask permission.

The truth is that America has behaved with enormous restraint since
September 11.

Remember, remember.

Remember the gut-wrenching tapes of weeping men phoning their wives to
say, "I love you," before they wereburned alive. Remember those people
leaping to their deaths from the top of burning skyscrapers.

Remember the hundreds of firemen buried alive. Remember the smiling face
of that beautiful little girl who was on one of the planes with her mum.
Remember, remember - and realise that America has never retaliated for
9/11 in anything like the way it could have.

So a few al-Qaeda tourists got locked without a trial in Camp X-ray?
Pass the Kleenex.

So some Afghan wedding receptions were shot up after they merrily fired
their semi-automatics in a sky full of American planes? A shame, but
maybe next time they should stick to confetti.

AMERICA could have turned a large chunk of the world into a parking lot.
That it didn't is a sign of strength.

American voices are already being raised against attacking Iraq - that's
what a democracy is for. How many in the Islamic world will have a
minute's silence for the slaughtered innocents of 9/11? How many Islamic
will have the guts to say that the mass murder of 9/11 was an

When the news of 9/11 broke on the West Bank, those freedom-loving
Palestinians were dancing in the street. America watched all of that -
and didn't push the button. We should thank the stars that America is the
most powerful nation in the world. I still find it incredible that 9/11
did not provoke all-out war. Not a "war on terrorism". A real war.

The fundamentalist dudes are talking about "opening the gates of hell",
if America attacks Iraq. Well, America could have opened the gates of
hell like you wouldn't believe.

The US is the most militarily powerful nation that ever strode the face
of the earth.

The campaign in Afghanistan may have been less than perfect and the
planned war on Iraq may be misconceived.

But don't blame America for not bringing peace and light to these
wretched countries. How many democracies are there in the Middle East,
or in the Muslim world?
You can count them on the fingers of one hand - assuming you haven't
had any chopped off for minor shoplifting.

I love America, yet America is hated. I guess that makes me Bush's
poodle. But I would rather be a dog in New York City than a Prince in
Riyadh. Above all, America is hated because it is what every country
wants to be -
rich, free, strong, open, optimistic.

Not ground down by the past, or religion, or some caste system. America
is the best friend this country ever had and we should start remembering

Or do you really think the USA is the root of all evil? Tell it to the
loved ones of the men and women who leaped to their death from the
burning towers.

Tell it to the nursing mothers whose husbands died on one of the
hijacked planes, or were ripped apart in a collapsing skyscraper.

And tell it to the hundreds of young widows whose husbands worked for
the New York Fire Department. To our shame, George Bush gets a worse
press than Saddam Hussein.

Once we were told that Saddam gassed the Kurds, tortured his own people
and set up rape-camps in Kuwait. Now we are told he likes Quality
Street. Save me the orange centre, oh mighty one!

Remember, remember, September 11. One of the greatest atrocities in
human history was committed against America.

No, do more than remember. Never forget.

Would like to have obituary's of the following deceased '59 Classmates/Teachers where possible or any info regarding.

Clare Brown (Broughton)
Sandra Brown (Jones)
Jon Burroughs (Brunson)
Carolyn Lake (Clark)
Buddy Copeland
Phillip Edmonds
Pat Flood
Don Harris
Mary Lou Hartley (Hall)
Robert Hartley
Marva Marqua (Hodo)
Cliff Hoyle
Jack Moore
Mike McCrory
James O'Bryant
Patricia Quarles (Seifert)
Elmo Riley
Alfred Willett
Roy Wilson


and/or any other Classmates/Teachers of '59 that is deceased and not named above.