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It is a cool fall morning at Jerdan Weyr. You walk out of the Lower Caverns where you had just finished your breakfast. You walk around enjoying the cool air after the intense heat of the summer. You walk over to watch the weyrlings practice going between from one place to another, and you spot your friend Laurilyn on the back of her beautiful green Reamith.You watch as Reamith blinks from the Star Stones to the Bowl and back again.

Green Reamith

You wait patiently for the class to end. When it finally does end, you walk over to greet Laurilyn. "Hello," you say grasping her arm in the normal dragonrider greeting.

"Hello," she says smiling. Then she starts to walk away.

"Where are you going," you ask following her.

She turns around to face you. "I am going to my weyr. You are welcome to join me if you wish," she says turning back around.

You decide to follow her so you can catch up with things that have happened while you were gone. You walk through the Lower Caverns and up the steps to her weyr. It is mostly tidy with the flying equipment heaped in a corner. There are two cluttered tables in two different corners, and you walk over and sit down at one of them.

"I am very sorry about the mess," she says clearing the table and going red in the face. "I have been extremely busy keeping up with Nyssa, Ranaly, and Reamith." At the mention of their names, all three of them come into the room. The two fire-lizards land on their accustomed perches on Laurilyn's shoulders while Reamith lays on her couch. Laurilyn sits down at the table with you after it is finally clear.

Gold NyssaGreen Ranaly

"You have them all well trained don't you," you say smiling at her.

"Yes, I do," she says exasperated. You both laugh for a little while. Then you notice something. You glance at Reamith, and Laurilyn follows your line of vision.

"What is it," she asks just a bit annoyed.

"I just noticed how big Reamith is," you say surprised at how much the dragon has grown.

"She has grown quite a lot since you last saw her hasn't she," Laurilyn says absently stroking Reamith's eyeridges. You both sit there in silence for a moment not sure of what to say.

"Has anything happened since I was here," you ask trying to start a conversation.

Nyssa starts chirruping as in answer to your question. Laurilyn smiles at her gold. "Yes, as a matter of fact something has happened since you were here," she says still looking at her gold.

"Really," you say moderately excited. "What happened?"

"Well, it happened about a sevenday after you left. Nyssa's hide began glowing really bright. Then one morning she just disappeared. None of us were worried though since we all knew why she had gone. I kept to my room, and around midday I knew she had been caught. I was overwhelmed by a sense of love and devotion to Nyssa but not as much as a dragonrider would be. I remained in a cheerful mood the rest of the evening and was totally unaware of the world around me. Nyssa appeared the next evening and told me that the fire-lizard that caught her was a wild bronze. Two sevendays later she laid her eggs. We all congratulated her on the splendid clutch of twenty four eggs including one queen egg. They are resting on the hearth now," she says finishing her story.

"Can I see them," you ask glancing at Nyssa.

Laurilyn laughs at your apprehension. "It's okay. Nyssa was a bit protective at first, but she doesn't mind people looking at them now that they're about to hatch," she says smiling.

"Can we go then," you ask politely.

"I have to bathe first. All this heat is making me terribly dirty. I can normally stay pretty clean. You can go on without me if you want," she says getting up and walking off toward the bathing room.

"I'll wait," you say settling yourself at the now clear table.

"Okay, suit yourself. But, I am going to warn you that it is going to take turns to get all of this grit out of my hair," she says disappearing into the bathing room. She pops back out just long enough to say, "Oh, if you want some klah, there is a pitcher and some cups on the other table. It isn't hot, but it will do if you are really thirsty."

At the mention of klah, you realize just how thirsty you are. You decide to take Laurilyn's advice, and you go get the pitcher and pour yourself a cup. As you take your first sip, you can tell she was exactly right. The klah is not as hot as you would like it, but it isn't cold enough to lose its desired flavor. You have two cups, and then, you settle yourself down again.

You wake with a start realizing that you must have dozed off. It is evening now. You get up and look around for Laurilyn. Since there is no sign of her, you decide to go down to the Lower Caverns to see if you can find her.

You walk into the busy Lower Caverns and spot her at a table near the hearth with Nyssa and Ranaly on her shoulders. You go over and sit down with her.

"I am sorry I dozed off," you say appologetically.

"That's okay. I thought you needed the sleep after your journey here," she says smiling at you. Suddenly, Nyssa and Ranaly begin humming. Laurilyn looks at the hearth and exclaims,"The eggs are hatching! If you want an egg get down there," she yells pushing you closer to the hearth.

Before you know what is happening, a brown flit tumbles out of his shell and into your hands. You feed him scraps of meat from a bowl as fast as you can. Once he is full, you look up to see Laurilyn smiling sweetly at you. Then, she asks you the one question you didn't expect to hear.

Your brown flit

"What is his name?" You look at her dumbly. "Well," she says impatiently.

"I don't know," you say getting up. The little brown is sound asleep in your hand.

"Then, I'll leave you two alone. I know it takes a lot of energy to take care of a new hatchling," she says smiling at you and disappearing before you can thank her for pushing you towards the hearth. You spend the rest of the night taking care of your new friend, and you promise yourself that you will thank Laurilyn as soon as you can.

Name: Laurilyn

Age: 17 turns

Job: Apprentice Healer

Father: Rath

Mother: Lyra

Birthplace:Rynin Hold near Ista

Dragon: Green Reamith from Green Aldath and Blue Wakith

The picture on this page came from The brown fire-lizard was drawn by my sister Sunny. Please don't take it. If you want one, Email me.

Jerdan Weyr
Hatchling Story
Dawn Sisters Weyr