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Fadeaway Encounter

Fire, period.
Emily with Jesus in the garden,
talking about the werewolf of Peabody, and
Time, red haired angel, she's the
Dragon of Sandinista.
Machine works, life.
Sunset, outside. Pastel.
Lightbulb, inside. No electricity.
Burning desire, sets the stage for
Gunshots on Chesterfield avenue.
Speedball, murder winds.
Desert moon drops.
LaGrange premelt.
Emily at the stations of the cross.
Pastel sunset, then wine in the dark.
Nightmare notes,
bloody bathroom tiles.
Eos, another May baby, she carries the
Ragnarok brick.
Flying mystery,
Jesus on a joyride,
in frosty frizzy clouds.
There goes that pretty blind girl again.
Thinking about Jesus and Emily,
and of course the pretty blind girl.

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