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Name: Nakuru Akizuki
Birthday: October 23
Blood type: AB
Favorite class: Math
Least favorite class: None
School club: None
Favorite color: Red
Favorite flower: Queen of the Night
Favorite food: Secret
Least favorite food: None
Best dish: None
Most wanted: Tasty things
True form: Ruby Moon

Nakuru is a transfer student as well, this time in Touya's class.
He is very good in sports, and seem to have an interest in Touya.
Even though Nakuru dresses like a girl, Nakuru actually is a guy.
In fact, he said he isn't even human! He is hinting something at Yukito
about Touya and Yukito himself, but his definitely keeping a lot behind.

Name: Ruby Moon
Master: Eriol Hiiragizawa
Birthday: Secret (different from Nakuru's)
Symbol: Moon
Attribute: Yang (Light)
Eyes: Dark red
School club: None
Hair: Red
School of sorcery: Western
Favorite food: Doesn't eat anything
Favorite thing: Troublesome things
Least favorite thing: Boring things
False form: Nakuru Akizuki

The true form of Nakuru is Ruby Moon.
He looks like a woman dressed in red and black dress, and with black butterfly wings on his back.

Nakuru's Gallery
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