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Welcome To Alli's Art Land!

Thanks for taking the time to stop by my land! Here you will find bits and pieces of my art work. I haven't added many new works lately, but will be adding more soon. Keep checking back for updates.

December 13, 1999.

Interactive Fun!

Shapes In Motion

For some reason the "Shapes In Motion" doesn't seem to be working right now.

I will try to get it figured out and hope to have it up and working soon.

November 10, 1999.

Snowman Shockwave Movie


October 18, 1999.

The images in this group are large and may take some time to load.

October 13, 1999.

Memory Collage

October 11, 1999.


October 10,1999.

Doodle Bug

Little Doodle Squares

October 6, 1999.


Blue Page

September 29,1999.

"Hazy Dream Mist"



soft colors...

mood of the moment...

Today's art gallery!

Page visits since March 25, 2000.

Copyright © 1999, 2000 Allison Landvik