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"God's Masterpiece"

From graceful lilies pure and white,
God fashioned lovely skin;
Then formed your baby chin.
He took a tulip bright and red
Twas one that did not fade;

A softer,sweeter little mouth
Before was never made.
Another flower next-He used-
A rosebud, pink and fair;

Touched it to your dimpled cheeks
And made it blossom there.
Then with His magic fingers picked

Two morning glories white;
Curled and shaped your little ears
Soon they were fastened tight.
That crowning bit of golden down

Will soon become your hair;
He gathered pollen from the flowers
And sprinkled it with care.

For dainty little fingers dear
And precious, tiny toes,
He used the slender daisy frills,
A snowdrop made your nose.

This world and all within it.
He created here for man;
But baby was "God's Masterpiece"
Since time and life began.
~authur unknown~

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Angel's Designs

~Designs by ~Angel~
~Art by ~Jonathon Bowser & Jim Warren~