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Bowhunters of Alabama By-Laws

Section I - Chapters: In each county of the State where there are ten members or more, a chapter may be formed taking the name as follows: (name of county) Chapter, Bowhunters of Alabama, Inc. Chapters must complete a BHA Chapter application and petition to the BHA State Executive Board for membership. Each chapters organizational structure (officers and objectives) will be the same as the parent organization, which are recorded in the document. Each member of the Chapter must be a BHA member. Each Chapter should hold hunting clinics for its members stressing proper techniques, safety, laws effecting bowhunters and respect of other hunters. Also, each Chapter should raise money through legitimate means in order to further the goals of this organization. Any Chapter that does not comply with the before mentioned objectives shall be subject to disciplinary actions, as specified in paragraph 2 of Article III of the BHA Constitution. The BHA State Executive Board shall, after proper application, be empowered to determine whether more than one Chapter shall be recognized for any one county. The name of the Chapter shall be determined by the BHA State Executive Board.

Section II - Fees & Dues: Regular state BHA dues shall be $10.00 per member, per year, except those who are 15 years of age or younger, which shall be $5.00. One dollar ($1) of the membership dues are earmarked and deposited to the BHA News account for the publishing of the Alabama Bowhunters Magazine. The general fund will supplement the BHA News account if needed. Life membership dues shall be $200.00 per person (may be paid in $50.00 increments, But must be paid within the year). Money collected for life membership will be deposited into a separate account. The dues and membership application shall be sent to the BHA Secretary/Treasurer as soon as possible. Regular membership shall be renewable on July 1st of each year. A renewing member of Chapter affiliation has until September 30th of each year to renew before they are declared a non-member of the organization and deleted from the membership list.

Section III - Affiliations: Each Chapter and/or BHA, Inc., shall affiliate with such conservation as is decided upon by the BHA State Executive Board. Annual meetings of the organization(s) should be attended by the BHA President and/or his or her representative(s) at the direction of the BHA State Executive Board. Expenses incurred by the state officer(s) in attendance will be reimbursed by BHA, Inc. Chapters may affiliated with other local conservation organizations at their option. Other organizations with the same objectives may affiliate with BHA, Inc., after proper application and acceptance by the BHA State Executive Board, with a favorable 2/3 vote. Each organization may have on reciprocal vote.

Section IV - Meetings: The BHA State Executive Board will meet a minimum of three (3) times yearly at Clanton, Alabama or close proximity. Special meetings will be called by the BHA President or 25% of the Board members. Expenses incurred by State officers will be reimbursed by BHA, Inc. Each Board member will be entitled to one (1) vote, except as provided for in Article IV of the BHA Constitution. A majority of the votes cast by Board members present shall transact business. A chapter president who is unable to attend a Board meeting may send a Chapter representative with full voting power if the BHA President is personally notified of such (at the time) in writing. No Chapter can bring a proxy accordance with Robert's Rules of Order (latest revised edition). All items of business to be acted upon by the Board members. All meeting will be opened with a prayer and the reading of Article II of the BHA Constitution. The last Board meeting will be called the BHA State Convention.

Section V - Elections: The BHA President will appoint a nominating committee to nominate one or more slates of BHA State officers. The new officers will be elected by the BHA State Executive Board at the BHA State Convention, before October 1st of each year. A slate of officers is elected by a simple majority of secret ballots. The term of the BHA State officers shall be 12 months from October 1st to September 30th. The term for Chapter officers shall be 12 months. Vacancies occurring among elected officers shall be filled by the BHA State President for the remainder of the term.

Section VI - Officers: President - This officer will be the chief executive of the organization and preside at all meetings. He or She will lead the members and see all activities are concerned with furthering the objectives of the organization. He or She will be the only contact between BHA, Inc. and the Alabama Department of Conservation of any other government agency regarding any issue Chapter or member may have, except by the authority of the BHA President.

Vice President - This officer shall be responsible for administrative and organizational matters and assume the BHA Presidents duties if the President is unable to perform his/her duties.

Secretary/Treasurer - This officer shall be responsible for the keeping of the minutes of all meetings. He or She shall maintain complete financial records and issue notices of pending events.

Awards Chairman - This officer shall be responsible for implementing the BHA, Inc. State Award Program. Duties include: (A) Procuring award for BHA sponsored events. (B) Maintaining all eligible species lists as determined by the BHA Board. (C) Furnishing each Chapter with application packets for eligibility for awards, no later than the first BHA Board meeting. This packet will include: (1) Bowhunter of the Year application (2) Big Buck applications (3) Eligibility lists (4) First Deer Award applications.

Zone Directors - Shall act as liaison between Chapters within their zone and the BHA State Executive Board. They shall stay in contact with cone club presidents, settle any problems between or within clubs in their zone, furnish a list of Chapter officers including names, addresses, and phone numbers. Zone tournaments schedule and maps to ranges will be sent to the BHA President, Secretary/Treasurer, Awards Chairman and the Alabama Bowhunter Magazine Editor by November 1st of each.

Alabama Bowhunters Magazine Editor - Shall be responsible for the printing and distribution of The Alabama Bowhunter.

Section VII - Committee: A Membership Legislative, Publicity and Merchandise Chairman shall be designated by the BHA President. An International Bowhunters Education Program (IBEP) Chairman shall be jointly appointed by the President and the President of the National Bowhunters Education Foundation (NBEF). These and other committees deemed necessary by the President shall function under the general guidance of the President. They shall report committee activities at each Board meeting. The function of these committees shall be:

Membership Chairman - Shall keep current membership files, furnish the Editor of Alabama Bowhunter Magazine with labels for distribution and furnish the State Secretary/Treasurer and Chapter presidents with current membership lists prior to each Board meeting.

Legislative Chairman - Shall maintain liaison between the BHA State Executive Board and the Alabama State Legislature.

Publicity Chairman - Shall promote BHA, Inc., activities and events through all forms of the media.

Merchandise Chairman - Shall procure merchandise for sale, maintain records and account for all merchandise sold and/or distributed.

IBEP Chairman - Shall work to promote and conduct IBEP course in conjunction with BHA, Inc., its Chapters, and the Alabama Department of Conservation Hunter Safety Coordinator. The NBEF requirements for materials and training and certification of instructors shall be utilized.

Section VIII - Revisions: Any proposed revision of these By-Laws must be submitter in writing by a Board member at any BHA State Executive Board meeting and discussed, and then tabled. It will be raised for vote at the next Board meeting.

Section IX - Dissolution: In case of dissolution of Bowhunters of Alabama, Inc. and after payment of all debts, all property and monies accrued by BHA, Inc. shall be appropriately be donated to the Bowhunters of North America and the National Bowhunters Education Foundation for the support of bowhunting.

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