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May God Be With Us Protect Us and Give Us Wisdom.


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Thank you Lord, for the Lighthouse , That brought me safely in

To your loving harbor, Far from the rocks of sin.

This vessel was in  peril, And then I saw  the light

That guided me to safety, Through the stormy night.

Temptations waves were raging,, And it just was not clear

In the darkness and confusion, The way that I should steer.

So Thank You, Lord, for the Lighthouse!! !  When in my billows I was tossed, 

If it hadn't been for Jesus,  This soul would have been lost!!! R K Cecil





AA           And Jesus said, "I am the Light of the World. Whoever Follows Me will Never Walk In Darkness but will Have the Light of Life"   John 8:12



He Died, So We May Live



Thank You Jesus


We are all sinners ...But...The heaven bound have asked and received forgiveness!

        Where Will You Spend Eternity?










Knock and the door will open 

Seek and Ye Shall Find

                 Ask, Ye Shall Receive!!


If You are a sinner who has never accepted Jesus Christ into your life,  you should do so now.  Don't put it off.  Tomorrow may be to late. One hour from now may be to late.  If you feel JESUS knocking at your hearts door PLEASE let him in.   ...He has made it so simple for us to receive him into our lives. Just do this...


Get on your knees if possible



Dearest gracious God in heaven, I know that I am a sinner and headed for the fires of hell.  I believe with all my heart that Jesus Christ walked on this earth, died on the cross and arose from the dead.  Thank  you Jesus for dying for me, so that I might be born again and have everlasting life.  Please forgive me of all my sins, renew my heart, change me.  I want to live the rest of my days on this earth for you and have Eternal Life In Heaven. In Jesus name Amen.



This is Gods promise to You

"For Whosoever Shall Call Upon The Name Of The Lord Shall Be Saved" Romans 10:13