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The Dublin Trip.

This all happened when Leanne,Ger and Alan went to Dublin to see Joe Satriani,who played in Vicar st. on the 20/6/00. We all stayed in a hotel,and nearly got thrown out because Ger kept screaming.It was a great gig,but the highlight,I think,was the laugh we had for the three days.

Alan,Leanne and Ger.

You can only barely see Leanne between Alan and Ger.Ger is wearing his funky sunglasses that he searched Dublin for three days to find,and eventually ended up buying them in a GIRLS SHOP.Leanne is wearing these gammy C.H.I.P.S. sunglasses,and Alan is wearing a Parma football jersey he was looking for 6 years to find.

Joe during Cool *9

The gig was absolutely great.It was seated,and you could have a few pints while you enjoyed the show.This photo was taken during the upside-down tapping part in "Cool *9". It was taken by Leanne,fair play to her! The photo below was taken during the harmonica solo to "Big Bad Moon" which we all agreed was a very funky song.

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