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The Right Place For News

Always get your news from more than source. The reason I suggest that so often is the fact that our news media shapes the way we think, our opinions, our view of events, with the news we receive from the media. Most Americans today will agree that mainstream media has become very bias or should I say "liberal" in their reporting of events.

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Personally, I believe a "Politically Correct Press" cannot be a "Free Press." I do believe most free thinking Americans will agree, the truth is not always politically correct, is it?

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If you do not understand what being politically correct is all about, please read this News Max.Com story. Tyranny Is Here A report so well done by Mr. Paul Craig Roberts.

Copyediting services for reasonable rates contact: Ivan Santana at (212) 969-0668

Outstanding Conservative News Sources Click on any one for News of the Day:

World Net Daily
News Max
The Washington Times
Jewish World Review
The Spotlight News
Alex Jone - Infowars
The Other Side of the News
Lew Rockwell
Free Republic Conservative News Forum
The American Partisan
Town Hall Conservative News and Information
Eaglesup News and More
Enter Stage Right
Christian Broadcasting Network News
The Asheville Tribune *** Outstanding News Source
Shotgun News
Capitol Hill Blue
International News - Hal Lindsey
Liberty Journal
Sianews: A politicallly conservative news site

Conservative News Magazines a great place to find interesting and informative stories!

The New American Magazine
Reason Magazine
The Free American Magazine
Liberty Magazine