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"What is a Phi Mu?"

She is a sister, mother and friend all rolled into one...
When she smiles she brings courage and hope to your heart...
She means everything to me, she is my Phi Mu sister...

This year was a busy one for Phi Mu's.   After spending the summer in
various ways, Phi Mu's reunite to bring only the best to the chapter.

Phi Mu's take great pride in making a difference in the community.  You can always
count on Phi Mu's to be dedicated to their philanthropies which include Phi Mu Foundation, Project Hope, and the Children's Miracle Network.

Fall semester is a fun-filled and exciting time for all Phi Mu's.  Homecoming is just
one of the exciting events during fall semester.  This year, Phi Mu's were
proud to be named the overall Homecoming winners. 

Phi Mu's are always campus leaders.   In February, Miss TSU 2000,
Heather Moran, had the privilege of crowning Miss TSU 2001, Kelly Hawkins,
her Phi Mu sister.  Phi Mu's own Meryl Jones was voted the 2001-2002
SGA President.  Phi Mu's were also chosen to serve as pledge class and
overall fraternity sweethearts for Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Pi Kappa Phi.

Phi Mu is about friendship.  It's about sisterhood.  It is about the people who
will always be a part of your life--whether it's fun times, sad times,
happy times or even quiet times.  Phi Mu is by far the best of times.

Looking forward to seeing you in the fall!!

The Sisters of Phi Mu

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