Also known as the black dragons.
The Errai are the descendants of the mysterious Timaru, who disappeared
at the dawn of times. The black dragons are smaller than golden and red ones,
but greater than the bronzes and the blues. Their nature is not vicious, but curious and
intelligent. They are the keepers of knowledge and power, their magic is more powerful
than that of any other dragon clan.
Very early in time, mere centuries after the first dragonlords were called,
the black dragonstone ended up in the hands of lord Krath. He became the black
dragonlord, and the Errai clan has served him ever since. The black stone was lost
at the dawn of the eighth millennium, when Grom managed to finish the creation of
the Black Stone of Morianor, but the black dragons stayed with Krath.
These dark times they live in their underground lairs, deep beneath the stronghold of
They have grown very fond of their master, and want to stay close to him, so unless called
by the vampirelord Krath they rarely leave the comfort of their lairs...
Black dragon Eldencahn fighting the Bronze dragon Dura Fireye.