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Thursday 20.12.01

It doesn't often occur to one that one's state of mind has a lot to do with
one's physical health. *groans* A couple of days down and now I'm struggling
with a nasty flu and a headache. Without as much as catching a cold in eight months,
this is ridiculous.
During the past autumn everyone here has been ill except for me, despite my
stress and lack of sleep and everything, did my wrecked immunity system get me through all that
just because I was on a good mood?

Right. *g* I better cheer up before I'll be running fever.

Exams are done for this year, I just have loads of shopping to do and the damned apartment
to clean before heading off to my Christmas holidays. ^_^
I am late from every possible schedule I can think of --which I think isn't anything new, really.
Promised to go see a movie tonight with a friend, though I have less than no idea where I'm
going to find the time for that. I don't even know what movie would I be talking about here.

Ah well >_<

Tuesday 11.12.01

-Have you come up with a subject for your story yet?

-No, not yet. You can't just switch on creativity like some machine,
you have to be in the right state of mind for it.

-What state of mind is that?

-Last minute panic.

(..need I say more? *g*)

Monday 10.12.01

Well then...

I think I must have mentioned somewhere that I don't drink coffee unless under stress, yes?
I was happily unprepared for what happened once I was through last Wednesday and
stopped consuming massive amounts of it.
I spent two days in withdrawal with a splitting enough headache to make mere existence very uncomfortable. *g*
The thought that I have to go through that again next week once I'm done with the rest of my exams makes me cringe;
it wasn't nice...
I swear, after Christmas I don't even want to smell coffee.

Wednesday 5.12.01

And I'm here again though I shouldn't...

11.55 AM
So much for sedimentology ^_^
The environmental chem exam is next, in three hours.
The good thing is that I have the time to go through my notes once more
--the bad thing is that I need loads of caffeine and possibly a miracle to keep
myself going until then.
What I dislike the most about being really tired is that I'm terribly cold all the time,
though on the other hand if I was warm and comfortable I'd probably fall asleep
immediately *hehe* so better this way for now, I'm sure.
(Do I imagine it, or is it because of all the years of holding a pencil that I'm actually so much
in control of my hand that I can stop it from shaking if want...? Hmm...)
Been up and running since 3 AM, after actually having slept for three hours.

Just remembered though that the third book of the Sandman Library that I ordered
just may have appeared to the bookstore downtown, and that I'm all out of 2-minute
noodle soup (a precious thing to have when you don't have the time or energy for
more elaborate cooking ^_^) so after I'm done --godshelpme-- with the chem I'm off to shop.

I think I know why my roomie looked at me rather worriedly yesterday.

Tuesday 4.12.01

I'm lazy, I know I am...

I think my interest towards email pretty much went the way of the Elfwood sometime last summer.
I *am* friggin busy, but stilI I know more than one person with half the good reason to knock me senseless
for not keeping in contact.

Two exams tomorrow, meaning I won't be sleeping much tonight, either.
Thursday is the Independence Day so that I'll have time to breathe at some point at least.
Demo, raishuu wa taihen desu... Or *interesting* or whatever. *g*
My exams scheduled for next week would be...

Tuesday: Jewels and gemstones
(dry and theoretical)

Wednesday: Crystal optics
(I swear, if I pass this on first attempt someone better declare me a god...^_^)

Thursday: Japanese
(we'll see if Anna Mari-san knows how to conjugate her adjectives...*g*)

Friday: The history and philosophy of science
(a random and perfectly voluntary course, though irrationally enough probably the most
fascinating and enlightening yet ^_^)

And then there's the infamous glaciology of course...I get a headache just thinking about it.
My life outside school is non-existent, the only escapes from reality being
cooking chinese and fantasizing about Sephiroth.
--Yes, I still think he's the most gorgeous videogame character ever, have pity on me ^_^
If only I could go back to the time of 1997and 98 when liking him was still a cool thing...*g*


Lookit, 'ts December already!

Could someone please explain to me where the past three months of my life have gone to...?
Oh nevermind.
Just had a large cup of coffee in hopes of getting myself awake. It's 10.45 AM, which means that
I have some time to do some last minute studying on geochemistry.
--and that means that I'm in a wrong place right now, yes? *g*

3.05 PM; one geochem exam later

Well, I'd say I'll pass. Meteorite classification went okay, nevermind that I pulled one term from godknowswhere,
the word I was looking for was probably acondrite while what I wrote was something closer to a
adiactified meteorite (don't tell me such a thing doesn't exist, I know it doesn't because I just made it up myself
though for some reason it sounded perfectly reasonable at the time *g*)
The stuff about unadjusting elements as well as seawater pH balance was relatively easy, the concordia and discordia of
U-Pb I don't even want to think about, and then the part with...ehh, ion radius?
No, no, no, I eagerly skipped that in order to avoid further despair ^_^

Why coming up with a coherent sentence is taking especially long today is because I was at work last night, and I've slept about two hours.
It's three in the afternoon and I don't think I've had anything save the cup of coffee earlier. Monday's four hours worth of glaciology
is due in ten minutes, so I'm going to dash to get myself another one in hopes of avoiding being completely reduced to a shivering
and whimpering wreck *snicker*

Oh the wonders of the world that I put up with this kind of life...


Juuni-ji han goro daigaku e kimashita...

It's funny how I manage with a random four hours a night for several days, but once
I get to sleep properly eleven hours doesn't seem to be enough. I get surprised every time,
because I never seem to fully realise how tired I am.
I made it here around 12.30 today...*chuckle*

Don't expect too much out of me before January, I have far too many exams and far too much work...
I am annoyingly aware that right now I should be downstairs copying the geochemistry memo,
for the exam is on Monday, and sedimentology and environmental chemistry are due on Wednesday.
But of course there are some wonderful things -other than my weblog*g*- that are devouring the
time that I don't have... ;)
I finished reading The Subtle Knife, the second book of His Dark Materials,
and now I just can't wait to get my hands on the third one, which probably hasn't been even published yet!!
Ohh, the book ate my's probably the most original fantasy I've read, though if you're
a religious person I'd advice caution *grin* The second book at least had some, shall we say, heretic ideas. ^_^
And I went to see Moulin Rouge which wasn't exactly a waste of time, for it was certainly an experience,
and I loved the last music scenes starting from the tango...! 0_0
But it took too long in my opinion for the whole thing to just "get on with it", and the constant repetition
of the word "love" was annoying to say the least. The plot wasn't exactly my thing, and generally the lack of
other message than 'this is a story about LOVE' didn't get too high regards from me.
Nice, but I wouldn't bother to see it again.

Okay, and now I'm late from my last environmental chem lecture...*g*
One must fly again.


It's snowing insanely...! ^_^

Another weather report: Lotsa snow, and wind from the south east in Helsinki.
Sun rises at 8.36 AM and sets 15.36 PM
Temperature is pretty much 0 C. And gods, it's slippery, I'm surprised I didn't
break a leg on my way to campus *chuckle* I like snow.

--until, of course, I have to go to work while it's snowing.
Make that tonight >_<

Japanese...*phews* is draining me dry. Okay, I know the course guide said the course would be
somewhat demanding. NO KIDDING?? I've been working on it with enthusiasm at odds with
my personality, going through all the extra exercises I could get my hands on, etc. Even my dreams
are switching to Japanese --they're usually in English for some obscure reason... ^_^
And still I have to struggle to keep up with it -_- I barely have time to understand the first thing when
we're already halfway down the other. Luckily though I'm madly in love with the language, and that
I'm not the only one there who's a little frightened sometimes XD

Okay, I'm going back offline now, there are some pieces of story I should go type finished...


Updated... Elfwood-site. Uploaded Delphine's werewolf-picture yesterday, and scribbled a new bio today.
I wouldn't get anything else up, though, even if I had something ready because somebody confiscated the scanner
when I wasn't looking. *scratches head puzzled* I guess it'll be back...eventually.


Happy, despite all that's been going on lately

Yesterday's noodle soup turned out surprisingly well given that I pulled the recipe out of a hat ^_^
It's amazing what you can do with leftovers from the fridge, ne?

I'm reading Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials, just started with part two.
It's awesome, and it makes me sigh and shake my head at the thought that it's been
absolutely ages since I last read fantasy or scifi.
--ehheh, other than someone else's anime or videogame etc. fanfiction that is *g*
I think I've actually been going through too much of Weiss Kreuz and FFVIII
'nuf said about that...;)
Renewed my interest towards our own stories, so I've been writing some TQFA
with my little spare time. Refreshing to be writing again, it has been a while ^_^
though on the other hand my creativity went down the drain in the process and my art projects
are now progressing at a snail's pace.
Bahh, I guess you just can't have it all, can you?

Oh well: weekend ahead --> theoretically lots of free time for doodling ^_^

12.11.01 (I think):
Do you know what my internet connection has been like for the past two weeks...?
Like now, it took me ridiculously long just to get here, though I'm not sure what happens when I hit the save-button.
The odds for getting this up are fifty-fifty, I'd say. Tried to do a brief tour of EW because I have been
neglecting the site for possibly a month now, but decided otherwise after the system had crashed once.

With better luck some other day...

I've been drawing and painting some, and watching movies. And sleeping, gods, that is heavenly ^_^
-albeit I'm having very lively and interesting dreams about all the wrong characters.
Why oh why can't I have dreams about playing life-size chess in Japanese with Bradley Crawford,
rather than some dull guy from my past I wouldn't bother to meet again on any plane of existence?
...Eek, my next lecture started two minutes ago.

Coffee, blessed coffee...

Let's see, I don't think I've slept more than brief early morning hours since Tuesday again.
It's the good old job and school -combination again, and the fact that I've been near desperate
trying to put together my astronomy essays with almost no material and no reference whatsoever.
What the heck did they want from us anyway?
So I spent yesterday in whole and most of today over here at campus struggling with the damned thing,
seeing how far my willpower and loads of caffeine would get me. ^_^

Of course the server crashed yesterday at some point, which cost me several hours, and when I got back to typing
the computer had lost the Scandinavian alphabet.
Okay, okay, normally I don't give a damn, because it does that often.
I write most of my stuff in English anyway, but this one was definitely to be done in Finnish, and happily
by that time the maintenance personnel whose computer I could have used to fix my profile had
locked up and gone home several hours ago.

I dragged my tired self home around 9 PM, cooked pasta, and went to sleep. It snowed at night when I got up
and went to work
--can you believe I just ranted to John I was morbidly certain it wasn't going to snow properly here before Christmas?
I don't want to talk about last night (though I do feel like ranting just about everything else *g*)
I just want to say I was cold and wet and rather pissed off when I got back.

Knowing I'd have the morning to type my frigging essays ready and return them, I decided not to
go to sleep at all but to take a shower and head out again. Well, it almost worked out;
I fell involuntarily asleep for an hour or so --found myself from my own bed even though having little
memory of how I'd gotten there, and I woke up feeling I would pass out if I as much as stumbled slightly.
(don't try this at home, boys and girls)
Coffee had saved me, though, by the time I made it back to campus, (I can't stand it other than in times
like this when I have to stay awake at all cost -but heavens does it work well!) and I even chatted with Dee
on the phone for a while which majorly improved my moods. ^_^
(gods, when was it that I'd last spoken with her anyway?)

Anyway...what I'm trying to say here is that I actually got the astronomy done in time (though how well
it is done I care not elaborate *g* --I'd be eternally grateful if I never had to see that particular pile of paper again.)
It's ten past four on a cold Friday afternoon, I've ceased to care about astronomy and any other subject I can think of
right now --save maybe Japanese-- and I'm going home and sleep.

It's funny how lack of sleep makes me think and talk about almost nothing else ^_^

Oh yeah, I filed away some old update info in hopes not to crowd this part too much.
It's somewhere...down there. I think.

Laters XD