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My hideout


Wednesday, 23rd of January

I have this mean headache right about now that I suspect wouldn't go away
even with painkillers. Though it's not as bad as it was just an hour ago
when I was doing my glaciology exam and trying to bring back whatever it was that I was
supposed to know about glaciogenic landforms. I never thought that mere thinking could
cause real, dull pain to your temples, but I guess since it's my third day awake with just
a couple of brief naps in between, it can.

I don't know why I do this to myself.
No, actually I do know, I'm the one who arranged myself in this situation after all *g*

I'm reading a book by Peter Hoeg, an excellently written story about a woman who was born
in Greenland, her affection for snow and cold and science. I don't know what the English
translation is called. The name of the Finnish translation that I'm reading is Lumen taju,
and the original Danish name is Froken Smillas fornemmelse for sne
--both of which I would translate as "Sense of snow", albeit I only know Danish through Swedish
and even my Swedish sucks *g*
It was just something my roommate shoved to my hands yesterday. I don't even know how we
got to the subject, though my glaciology-studies may have had something to do with it, she just
said I should read it, and I happily complied.
I got to chapter seven within thirty minutes ^_^ (and yes, I was supposed to be doing something
else entirely XD)

I have to drag my physical existence across the street, I still have a two-hour chem lecture
to deal with today and the effects of the caffeine are starting to wear off. I swear...when I get home tonight
I just bet I'll be looking like this _O_ *g*

Aquarina thank you so much for the link, it's the most useful thing ever! ^___^

--Chaos left the Lair at 2.08 pm---

Monday, 21st of January

Hahahahaa, looks neat, doesn't it? ^_^
The credit for this goes to Sryshtikai and the awesome dreamcatcher she did to me XD
Background images are not my thing usually, but I really really like this one.
(thank you dear!) I just hope it doesn't eat the text too much..

Aquarina: yeah, I just bet there are a million shrines for Weiss Kreuz
in the net XD I find it curious, because I haven't come across a single anime-fan who'd actually
list it as one of their favorites (yeah, it's all Gundam Wing, Initial D, Trigun, know how it goes)
and yet there's a whole world full of WK fanart and fanfiction and other...weird stuff out there. ^_^
And god knows *my* knowledge of the show is based on anime reviews and screenshots and
-of course- the loads of fanfiction I've read, and I'm hopelessly addicted...*lol*
To the point:
The "If I was a member of Weiss I'd be..." -quiz should be here
Go take it and please please tell me who you got XD (Now if only I found similar quiz
for Schwarz I'd be a happy camper...)
And I have a question for you too: how can I join an anime club over here? I know you got
those Fushigi Yuugi -tapes from somewhere, (ya know, the ones at Dee-chan's place..^_^)
but I had no idea there were means to get that stuff in Finland..
You have to do that Access-stuff at computer class? >_< Ouch.)

Risto: the photo-thing is going to take a while longer, me and the scanner reached an impasse. *g*

(weblog is no substitute for email but it works *g*)
I have an exam on Wednesday, so if later this week you catch glimpses of pointless blog entries typed
with too little sleep and too much caffeine in my system, don't look surprised. *kheh*

---Chaos left the Lair at 6.38 pm--

Wednesday, 16th of January

Addition to what I ranted about earlier today.
Remind me to stop whining until I really have something significant to whine about.

I got the most unexpected late Christmas present today XD
My classmate Hannele had been to Wales on her Christmas holidays and brought
me a collection of awesome dinosaur postcards (that I'm never sending to anyone
for I'm going to have them on my wall or something XD) and a small red dragon statue!
*melts* I am *so* going to -chan that girl!

I love my friends ^_^

Neutral Milk Hotel :: From the airplane over the sea

Wednesday, 16th of January

Addition to what I ranted about on Monday.
Radiation of the Environment is at the same time as my Japanese class.
My classmates also kindly pointed out to me that the Quartenary Geology
seminar is at the same time as the General Chemistry class I intended taking.
*counts to ten*
Well, it seems I have to reschedule. Again.

Tuesday, 15th of January

"Totemo yoku kakimashita!"

..was what my Japanese teacher had written in the back of my exam paper *^_^*
(how would it be..."very well written" ? or something..)
I don't know if she was referring to my test result or my handwriting,
could be both, actually. XD
I got 99 points out of a 100. One friggin point from perfect..!

If only my exam results from other subjects were as great *g*
Like, say, the ones involving my actual major for instance.

Monday, 14th of January 2002

Oh, this is just killing me...
Weiss Kreuz -stuff, I took the test to see which member of Weiss I would make.

You're just the cute blushing and innocent average boy next-door.
Despite owning a pair of razor sharp Wolverine-like claws you seem to feel
guilty over what you do at your job (ya know, that...night job you're trying to
convince yourself you *need* to be at) due to your extremely pure conscience!
When you're not working in the shop, or running night-time errands
you're most likely outside playing soccer, or teaching little kids to play...
or even helping out a nun!

...Someone shoot me, please. I was supposed to go home.

Monday, 14th of January 2002

I'm starting to get my act together, finally, which is a good thing since the
university is starting to come back to life and there is a constant fuss in front of the
notice boards, people looking for appropriate courses and compiling their time tables.
I was doing that too, and could do nothing but frown annoyedly at the fact that everything
interesting is still happening at the same time at opposite sides of the damned city.
For example there's an Ecological Paleonthology seminar coming up that'd not only be
very very useful to my degree but a personal interest to me as well, only that it's happily
at the exact same time as my Japanese lectures
--both of these which would require attending, and if I actually
want a grade from Japanese I have to do full year (and I want to do full year, thank you very much,
two in fact, in case the Chinese and Swedish I'm planning for next year won't happen to
exist in the same place in space-time -continuum which I could almost bet they do *rolls eyes*)
But then again, I'm already going for the Quartenary Geology seminar, and just how many
seminars can one do at the same time? At least when speaking of someone who hates performing
as much as I do >_<

In general the majority of the geology courses available right now are way out of my league, so I think
I'll be doing mostly book exams and random basic courses from another departments. I know I have
to do the Chemistry some day...

I finished the Amber Spyglass over the weekend. The aftertaste is...somewhat contradictory.
On the other hand it was awesome, different, surprising and all that, I really like how the characters' paths
crossed in different places, the thing with Mrs. Coulter and Lord Asriel --I saw it coming and yet I didn't,
they ended up being my favorite characters though I hated them all the way through the first two books. ^_^
And ten points for Lyra and Will for not getting the kind of syrupy ending the whole story implied,
but the thing that finally saved the universe was rather lame and unimpressive.
I also really would have wanted to know what happened to the war that raged for almost
four hundred pages' worth, only to disappear without a trace for the rest of the book as if it hadn't
really mattered that much after all.
Did it all just fall apart in an instant as God and Metathron died or what?
There are other things too, like the way the story never seemed to reach any climax though it seemed to be
trying very hard, or the fact that it didn't turn out to be as radical as I thought. I was expecting more
fundamentalist Christianity -bashing, but the author had obviously decided otherwise.
But, it was addictive. XD
In a way reminds me of the Judgement Day Book Dee-chan made me
read a year back; it's just the type of book you can't put down until you've finished or fallen asleep. ^_^

Oww, I have my first Japanese class of the year tomorrow. ^__^ And I have to go
to work tonight. The funny thing is that now that I recovered from last semester I'm
anxiously waiting to get to do it all over again. *g*

Thursday, 10th of January 2002

Several hours later

At least I think so. I can never keep track of time ^_^
Anyways, went through a massive amount of code --I'd never realised so much
stuff could pile up in a year or so, I actually came across some files I didn't even
recognise as mine. Interesting. *g*
There's a million things I should test and rearrange, but basically it should be in
working order now. *huff* I'm going to go surf elsewhere for the rest of the day...

Thursday, 10th of January 2002

Okay. I'd just dragged my lazy butt to downtown campus and found myself
a computer as my cellphone rang.

me: Anna Lavonen.

female voice: Good afternoon, this is from Kaukokiito (a finnish delivery company
I've never had anything to do with. I thought I'd misheard something.)

me: Excuse me, ehh...what did you say it was again?

female voice: Kaukokiito.

me: Oh. Uh, good afternoon. (they must have a wrong number or something...)

female voice: Package for you, from America, two kilograms. Would you like to pick
it up from Metsälä *a random address that went right past me* or would you
like to have it brought to your house?

me: *completely speechless for a while* Oh! Err...right. I see. Where did you say
Metsälä was? (the name didn't say anything to me)

female voice: On the other side of Hämeentie, since you live in Haaga.

me: *more speechlessness* (the location still didn't say anything to me, though it
should have since it's just two miles away)

exasperated female voice: Alright, so we'd better have it brought to you, then..

me: *snapping out of it* Oh, right. Yes, thank you, that would be nice. Umm, I'm not
home until later today, unfortunately...*much* later...

female voice: Tomorrow then?

me: *unable to manage polite conversation, apparently* Tomorrow, yeah, tomorrow's fine.
Um, what time would...?

female voice: We would need approximately three hours span, so as long as there's
someone home...

me: The, uh...11am to 2pm, would that be okay? I'll be around then.

female voice: Do you have a door code or...?

me: No, nothing like that. The door to the hallway is open.

female voice: All right. Tomorrow then.

me: Right. Thank you. Good bye.

female voice: Good bye.

I hung up, and now I'm shocked. It looks like someone finally outdid the ordinary mail. Srishti!!!!!
This thing has your fringerprints all over it, what the heck do you think you are doing?!!? XD
Right...gahh *gasp* I'm gonna see if I can do something about those links now...

Wednesday, 9th of January 2002


For the sake of the new year and my lack of inspiration for anything remotely useful
I seem to have decided to mess everything up over here *g*
Frames for chrissake...
I would advise you not to touch any of the links until further notice, I've given them
just enough attention to know that they don't work the way I'd want them to work.
I'll do something about that by the end of the week, I actually have other things to do today.

Tuesday, 8th of January 2002


...though I actually got out of bed before 2 PM today which is vast improvement to earlier,
I think it means I might survive the backlashes of last December, after all *heehee*
Ever since I got back to Helsinki (and how many days ago was that..? I've forgotten) I've been
doing absolutely nothing. Well, other than my work that is, but since I can do that with my left hand
it doesn't really count as anything but a long walk at 3 AM.
Thus whatever time I'm not out I've been at my house sleeping or watching TV. I don't even bother to
cook much; I mean I've tried a couple of times, but since I have no natural talent towards cooking at all
it would require my full attention to manage something that would actually turn out edible, so the attempts
so far have been rather disasterous.

I gave up at some point and switched to Chinese take-away. ;P

My ex-roommate Anu (who I discovered to have been almost equally energy-less, motion-less and meaning-less
after Christmas) got me out of the house finally yesterday XD We meant to go see an arctic discovery display in a museum that
turned out to be closed, so we went to see Harry Potter instead.
She'd read the first book and said it had been "okay". I haven't read any, and I must say that after the movie I never even intend to.
Normally I enjoy fantasy movies, nevermind that they're sometimes corny, the movie set cheap, the special effects embarrassing, and
the cast is filled with second rate actors, but I actually expected something out of Mr. Potter, because it had gotten pretty decent reviews
and really, anything that popular can't be that bad.
Well, I was wrong, it can be.
Is it only me, or did everyone see every "surprising" twist coming miles away? The story goes past all of David Eddings' production in the
number of clichees in my book, and I thought he was the absolute end. The only one the Potter-movie managed to avoid was having Alan Rickman
playing something else than the badguy for a change --he, by the way, was the only one there whose acting performance wasn't embarrassingly bad,
and save the cute little devil who played Draco Malfoy he was also the only good-looking one around.
Then the black-and-whiteness. *groans*
I realise it's a children's tale, but having things divided in to good and bad and nothing in between must say something about the original novelist's imagination, still.
That's not the way things are in real life --nevermind that it's fantasy we're talking about here--
and I found the attitudes of the "good" characters offending, narrow-minded, and prejudgist.
Not to mention they were the poorest losers ever.
Did you see their faces when the Slythering were about to win some competition in the end?
Harry Potter certainly doesn't tell anyone to tolerate difference; whoever isn't in your team is enemy.
After the movie me and Anu were both just like "what unbelievable load of crap"

Okay, maybe it's just the movie. Most people have said they liked the books (first one at least) better.
I pray they won't make a sequel, but I could probably bet one is on the way already. *g*

And then there's the Lord of the Rings -flick, too.
Haven't seen that one yet either, I'm still waiting for my date to get back from his holidays. (not that I'm
in a hurry, really, I don't like crowded theathres, and there's a reason why I never go to premiers.)
Anu saw it weeks ago and told me that if I just forget all that I've read from the books I might enjoy it.
Legolas and some other elf-boys looked very much fuckable, but just about everything else royally sucked.
--pard'n me for the bad language *g*--
There's another movie that's gotten pretty decent reviews and praise from even the most die-hard Tolkien-fans,
so I think right now it's what I've heard from the great public against the fact that Anu and I seem to share the exact
same taste in movies.
--I don't have very high expectations. *g*

Oh, and I got my hands on The Amber Spyglass, the third book of His Dark Materials XD
Finally. Devoured the first 100 pages last night at 1.30 AM.

Okay, I think I got a little carried away somewhere, but since I haven't been 'blogging for a couple of weeks
what was expected? I lack all direction and meaning in life when I don't have lectures to skip and
courses to fail (though I actually passed everything I needed to pass last semester ;);)
Just one more week of vacation to get by...
