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My hideout


Thursday, February 7th

Once in a lifetime that I feel like replying to the pile of unanswered mail I have crowding the inbox,
the university mailing system goes and jams itself. Psefh.

I got myself a happy energetic feeling today (that's already wearing itself out actually because I've been up
for 24 hours again, it's not bad I just feel...sleepy ^_^) because I had a word with my Japanese teacher,
asking about ways to continue studying the language, and she said I should consider going to the
department where the actual Japanese majors study.
Whee! More kanji and grammar. But that would be in the Faculty of Humanities. People with the humanities
tend to have hair standing on their neck when they see a science major. Or so I've heard. And vice versa.
Can I just walk in there or do I have to apply for a minor?
Oh no, my teacher says, the Japanese teacher there is really nice, you'll be fine. Though she said I'd
probably have to take an exam to prove my skills with the kanji, since over there they've been doing
twice as much of them as my class over at the general language department.
Sure. *grin* I must have mentioned before that I'm ten chapters ahead of my class, hmm?
I could do the test with my left hand, blinfolded, and next week if I wanted to XD

I'm so happy-happy-happy, though it's next year we're talking about here, so I'm in no hurry.
It'd be so wonderful if it worked out, and it'd be great if I still managed to get to the Chinese course too.

It's so amusing when I get ambitious about all the wrong things ^_^

Sryshtikai, in case I pass everything I need to pass this semester: --probably late June.
But since I find it rather unlikely I do that well, I think July is more so. And then it of course depends on my job,
though we should usually get to pick our own vacations. How does that sound to you? ^_^

John, provided that you even read my weblog, which I kind of doubt that you do *grin* The same.

Kaisa, you said you would call soon and you still haven't, and my boss just called
and I thought it was you and I blurbled a happy, informal greeting and got a confused "Excuse me?"
as a response, after which I went like "¤#@!" under my breath. *hehe* *^_^*
Geeze, your chemistry labs can't take that long...

--Chaos left the Lair at 3.35 pm--

Wednesday, February 6th

I am...fine? ^_^

I felt like I'd been run over by a truck yesterday; today I'm feeling if not yet perfect at least
insanely lot better, and duely I'm very happy and surprised. My brother sent me a message
saying he'd been downloading new MP3's from the net and I'm going to go visit my family and
toy with the new stuff this weekend.
(and actually miss seeing live j-pop in Helsinki on Saturday (!!) but heck ^_^)

--left the Lair at 5.42 pm--

Tuesday, February 5th

I'm a little annoyed with myself right now

A tad. Because I think myself so superior and skilled that I've gotten careless,
this referring to riding a bicycle. I actually fell last night when returning from work,
and nicely landed on my face on the asphalt.
Okay, it was a slippery road and anyone with any sense at all wouldn't have been
riding a bike at this time of year at that hour and in that weather, but like said
I've gotten careless because I can't even remember the last time I would've gotten
knocked down like that. Well, probably because I don't think I ever have been, really,
sure I've crashed to the ground and various other things before but that's when I was a kid
which is just about as good as in the previous life for me.
Still, what was I thinking landing on my face??
My reflexes really don't work the way they're supposed to at 5.40 am apparently,
so now I've got a split lip, huge bruises along my right leg, and a nifty collection of
minor cuts all over. (Sryshtikai, we all have our Happy Phantom -moments, don't we? *g*)
My face went numb from the impact so it took me a while to figure out where the hell was
the blood coming from in the first place. I actually had the sense to walk home after that *kheh*

Yeah well, I should probably walk from hereon in general. At least until spring.
Or until my body is done fixing itself and I forget about the whole thing. ^_^ You know what's awesome?
Human body in real life. Some people may have heard me bitch about how computer games
are so much cooler because in real life there's no music playing in the background that would change
according to the situation, or how there's no magic in real life, or how you can't go into the woods with
a huge sword and bash monsters to gain exp points XD But in how many computer games would the
characters have their wounds healing automatically in between battles? Sure in several games you can get
special accessory that heals you slowly as you walk the worldmap and things like that, but the basic rule is that
you have to go to an inn to sleep to restore your strength, or have an ally heal you, because unless it's
a poisoned type of wound you have (in which case your strength would slowly decrease as you walk)
once the damage has been done your current hp stays until the next battle.
Once I'd smacked my face to the road pavement, however, I couldn't help paying attention to how the bleeding
eventually stopped and how my body almost immediately started evaluating and repairing the damage.
It's slow of course, I bet it's going to take several weeks before everything's back to normal, but hey,
at least it's happening.
In real life it's like having a regen spell on you all the time and that's what I call real fucking cool XD

On another note, my sensei keeps praising my handwriting in Japanese classes which
makes me a little embarrassed but very happy-happy ^_^! I'm slightly ashamed because I really can't say
I participated much in the class today, but I'm rather sore and I believe I look worse than I feel,
so I'm sure they could put two and two together.

Ouch. I think I'm going to go home now and slump into a comfy chair for the rest of the day ^_^
This turned out to be a bit longer a rant than intended.

--Chaos left the Lair 4.25 pm--

Monday, February 4th

Ouch ouch ouch

I went barhopping with friends last night. *mwehehehe* Oww...

There's a pile of pencils and paintbrushes and paper and unfinished drawings
in my room that I haven't touched for ages. It's big and nasty and I could swear
it has started growing teeth.
I think I have to do something about that when I get home ^_^

--dropped by at 2.43 pm--

Friday, February 1st

It's February already? Feb 02, I've been in the University of Helsinki for 1,5 years.
I wonder if it's time to start doing something..? ^_^ I don't acknowledge understanding
anything more about geology than I did when I first came here, though I noticed on my
English class last year that chemistry majors don't know anything about plate tectonics -theory
and I do, but actually I picked that stuff up in highschool already, so I just suppose
not everyone paid attention to it then.
But I have classmates who actually study, and who have picked minors already.
The half specializing in mineralogy are mostly doing chemistry and geophysics with geology,
and the paleonthology half --my half ^_^-- is doing various stuff, some geography,
some biology, some biomorphology. To me it was an insane effort just to figure out my future
specialization field. Yeah, I say "future" because I really don't feel like speacializing
in anything even though it says so in my file, nevermind trying to decide what else would
I want to be officially doing to get my master's degree.

I wish I had some kind of direction in life. Or ambition. I think ambition would also prove useful.
Sure, I make enough credits to pass, but still.

Ah well.
I'm going shopping for food =P

--Chaos left the Lair at 5.53 pm--

Thursday, January 31st

Girigiri maniatte nihon-go no kurasu e kimashita

Presuming I managed an understandable sentence it says something like:
"I barely made it to my Japanese class"
Which is a lie, I didn't barely make anything, I was thirty minutes late.
Then again, saved me from thirty minutes of exhausting homework review about
kanji that I already know anyway; I'm ten chapters ahead of my class *heehee*
(but that's where my excellency ends, I have got to stop bragging ^^;)

I can make very little sense out of what I wrote yesterday, this appears to be another reminder to
Think Before You Blog. (yeah, we'll see about that *g*) Apparently I meant to get started about
how I think that the quizes give me different types of results every time, but ended up trying to
figure out whether or not they could actually say something about my personality (and if it's reliable
I think they say, I would assume it much rather applies to people than smoke detectors).
The subject itself has no point, since one only does these tests to see how cool a character one would get,
though, for example of Auron's coolness factor I have no clue whatsoever. -A reminder to play FFX
somewhere in the future. ^^
But heck.
One of the reasons I started this weblog-thing is because I figured that writing something,
--anything, as pointless as it would be-- would be a good way to try and improve my English.
(the other one is that I like talking about myself *khehe*) For the same reason that I read Swedish
newspapers and bilingual (Japanese - English) comics these days. If only I could come up with
a convenient way to practice my French I'd feel quite accomplished. ^_^ I have to do something with
the language all the time to keep it up, and when it comes to Swedish and French after two and a half
years of ignoring I'm frighteningly close to losing the vocabulary and grammar of both.
Well...consider the French mostly gone, actually. I wouldn't have to start from the beginning,
but I'd need a serious prep course. *sweatdrop*
As for Swedish, the courses that are part of my degree should do the trick --whenever it is
that I have time to take them, that is.

I really need a dictionary, though.

Ja, mata de ^_^

--Chaos left the Lair at 4.30 pm--

Wednesday, January 30th

The "which charater would you be etc. etc." -quizes don't work for me.
Honestly, here's the latest silliness *g* I finally gave in to the temptation
and took the FFX test since Aquarina had it conveniently linked and all.

You're Auron, Spira's most famous Guardian!
Often very cold, you're also very resourceful.
You have a very good public image, and its
not uncommon for people to look up to you,
and even want to be you! You always keep your
promises, no matter what.

( Which Final Fantasy X Character would YOU be? Take the test.)

Sou desu ka? ^_^ The result of my Weiss-test gave Hidaka Ken
ie. a nice, common boy next door, having the purest conscience in the world,
frequently spotted playing with kids and helping out nuns and all that...*rolls eyes*
And then there's the weird-thing-the-name-I-already-forgot -test that told that I was a
pocket kleenex, something rather safe and common and colourless, and...
No wait a minute.
*checks above*

"Always keep your promises, no matter what." ...? :
Auron = reliable
teaching kids to play soccer and all :
Ken = reliable
something everyone carries around in their pockets :
pocket kleenex = dull, but very reliable

...I'm reliable??

Ookay. That reminds me, the smoke detector screwed to the hallway ceiling
in my apartment ran out of battery somewhere last July. I walked to a department
store yesterday, bought a new battery and fixed the thing. That makes it six months
worth of braking some fire security law but hey better late than never.
There's a reliable person for you. *kheh*

I can't remember what I was trying to prove here, I seem to have lost my point
somewhere in the middle *scratches head puzzled*

(This pointless post was brought to you by Chaos desperately trying to avoid
her Chem homework)

(--gave up and left the Lair at 6.45 pm--)

Tuesday, January 29th

brief social blogging because I'm out of time and my head is killing me

...and I'm perfectly fine even though I rant about a headache every other day *kheh* ^_^

Risto, I had the scanner, the PhotoShop and my website itself trying to sabotage my attempts,
but I think I got somewhat decent scans of a few pictures...finally. XD *ehheh*
I attached them to my profile.
...I can't pose in photos. Really.

Gilda, please get the old Kaim & Tris -story up soon.. =P I'm impatient, therefore I whine.

Srysthikai, where *are* you??

Vanessa Mae :: Storm

--Chaos left the Lair at 6.27 pm.--

Saturday, January 26th

Gone through several dozen VHS tapes looking for the Samurai Fiction that my brother
taped for me long ago, but I just can't find it for the life of me. It was supposed to be in the small
pile upstairs but no. Christ if I have to go through all the close to 200 tapes stored in this house...
Then again, came across the first Once Upon a Time in China -movie, *and* the long lost
last episode of Babylon 5 in the process which, I suppose, will have to do ^_^

Sryshtikai blog, why don't you ^_^

Currently playing
Coolio :: Gangster's Paradise

/end random post

--Chaos left the Lair at 6.26 pm.--

Saturday, January 26th

Put up the picture of the laziest dragon in the world Aquarina had requested
after she left the special 100th comment in my EW-gallery (thanks! XD)
And no, I haven't forgotten about all the other unfinished artsy stuff I have piled up
in my room that I've been meaning to finish for several months now. *g*
...I have no excuse for this. *groans*

Went to see the LotR -movie finally the other day.
I'd rant, but after the movie me and Pasi --the fellow geology major I went to
see it with-- walked straight to the nearest bar and sat there until closing time,
having a very emptying conversation about the subject. When the bar closed we took the
conversation out to the bus stop into the cold, freezing rain, and dragging my tired, cold,
and wet self to my apartment at 2.30 am in the Friday morning I was *so* through with
talking about it ^_^
The movie was okay, though, and the evening in whole was insanely lot of fun XD

I'm visiting my parents currently, which is awesome because they have MP3 and I don't,
if I wasn't suffering from lack of sleep again I could just bet I'd be up all night
playing selected pieces of gangsta rap and jrock. (I must really be suffering from
lack of sleep because I actually think they mix, but heck XD)

Current music:
Gackt :: Vanilla *^_^*!

--Chaos left the Lair at 00.51 am.--

Thursday, January 24th

Lack of sleep makes you hyperactive, kind of. It doesn't really improve your ability to
write essays in an exam or manage a coherent phone conversation about movie tickets
when people next to you are running an interior reconstruction, but I'm rather pleased that
after three days I was still happily operational, with only the headache reminding me that I'd
been neglecting something rather important for rather long.
After getting a decent amount of sleep, though, as the body apparently gives up the pretense,
I feel like a soggy noodle. And hungry as a wolf. *grrr* ;)
Once I get downtown I'm going to sneak in to the first Chinese restaurant I see.

Built archives to get the previous stuff out of my face..^_^
That about concludes my effectiveness today.