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My hideout

Sunday, 16th of June :: 8.47 pm

After staying up through Wed and Thu I then slept
through nearly the entirety of Fri. (don't try this at
home kids, human being wasn't designed to operate like
so, got leg cramps you wouldn't believe) After
getting home and going to bed I next woke up 1.10 am
on Saturday morning, checked the time and realised
that despite the seeming randomness in my sleeping
pattern somehow my inner clock manages to keep
track of things: had to get up just then and go to
work. I was awake on Saturday, though didn't bother to
leave the house much *yawns* Am awake now, though
wouldn't want to admit it. Marja called unexpectedly,
she'll prolly be coming to Helsinki to see me in the
end of this month. I'm happy, it's not like I've seen
or heard of her since last Christmas anyway ^___^
(which is of course mostly my fault)

I drew something, I'll put it up tomorrow maybe, hafta
shove it in queue in Elfy at least.

Sate, should probably hop out and get something to eat ^^

mood :: somewhat out of place. time? date?

music :: none, surprisingly

Friday, 14th of June :: 6.10 am

Uhh, it seems my system isn't too used to coffee (if
the stuff from the vending machine down the hall can
be referred to as such) the cappuccino I chugged down
an hour ago made me feel a bit queasy. General
tiredness may also have part in it, but staying up is
something I do way more often than caffeine. *yawns*
Home and sleep in a couple of hours, just thinking
about it makes me rather warm and content ^^

Friday, 14th of June :: 3.52 am

I don't know whether I should be amused or annoyed at
the fact that I'm not writing about the utility of
soapstone in construction like I should rather than
the Finnish architectural history of the past century..
Ahem ^^;;
Ah well, since the title wasn't that clearly specified
*including* the damned architectural history isn't
that big a stretch -and a whole bunch of corporational
history as well, indeed the essay is more about stone
industry and fashion trends than the actual thing
called soapstone, but they may ream me out for
digressing if they will; I'm filing this damned report
in the morning. In about four hours I mean.

There's one other person besides me pulling an all-
nighter at the university, otherwise it's just me and
lots of humming computers. Blame it on the late (early)
hour, I found the schwarz-quiz I'd been craving for
ever since...I don't know. And guess what? *g*

i am NOT in schwarz

??? Why did you even take this test? You are not and
never will be cool enough to be in schwarz! you are
probably too giddy or too fuxked up to be in here. My
guess is you are more like the Weiß boys...or probably
Takatori Reiji himself. HOW SAD! ..but hey if it makes
you happy.. it could be worse... you could actually BE
in schwarz! (LOL JK)
What member of Schwarz are you?

Ouch. Possibly a Weiss rather than Schwarz huh?
And then there was this anime swordsman -quiz:

You may be a flower vendor by day, but come night time..
you turn into an assassin! But with good intentions.
Since your sister's accident on her 16th birthday,
you've turned assassin to pay for her hospital bills.
The women love you but you say, "I don't deserve it."
I think you need to think THAT one through a little more.

...Fujimiya Ran being the leader of Weiss.
Okay. Point taken ^^

Idiocy brought to you by Chaos who's having a nice
case of sleep deprivation. I'm gonna go print that
essay now.

Thursday, 13th of June :: 4.00 pm

Been awhile since last amused myself with 'what-this-
and-that-are-you' -tests, apparently being stuck in
the computer lab with a pile of books and papers and
an utterly tiresome essay on the way is a good time to
rediscover that hobby. Hobby bobby, I don't even do
this on a regular basis, nor post pages full of quiz
results at the same time, hobby is clearly the wrong
word. The random surfing I do on my free time I've
seen people totally obsessed with this stuff, weblogs
and personal files mostly, full of online test results
about godknowswhat. Trying to break a record
maybe? Go figure ^^

Oh, but I found this terribly amusing:

I make the most of what is given to me,
and what lacks, I can improvise. I am a quick learner,
and can master new skills rapidly. I am the jack of
all trades. Master of none is a small price to pay.
You may call it beginners luck. I call it absorbency.

What's your superpower?

Witty. ^^

An odd thought, because I just looked at the clock and
felt like sighing "oh crap" to myself. In GW -Endless
Walz at the point where Heero and Duo are about to
board the rebelling colony of XV-18999whatever and
Heero says they'll just have to fly straight through
the defenses, Duo sighes "Oh crap.", followed by "Why
don't you try using your head for a change?", the
first part which was then happily "translated" in the
subtext as 'oh man' or 'oh shit'. The translator
didn't quite realise that Duo said the first part in
English. (or Japalish, as he pronounced it kurappu,
but basically it's the same friggin word) I understand
why it had to be put in the subtext, but why not
as 'oh crap' like he said? Duh.
(--okay, and this is the stuff that I am
totally obsessed with, somebody please shoot me ^^; )

I think I have a very long 24-hours ahead of me.

Monday, 10th of June :: 8.15 pm

Losing sleep and appetite over some still unfinished school
stuff with the deadline come this Friday. It's fine, it will be done
no matter how much I wouldn't want to write about soap stone
as fireplace material --give me a writing assignment in Japanese
and I would have been done two months ago.
Well, it is common not being quite best at what you're
majoring, right? ^^;
Anu says she actually does better in art history than Finnish
language and literature though it should be the opposite, and
my soon to be ex-roommate Janica is a French major
but seems far more interested in social psychology, so I'm not
that strange. Still (and pardon me, I know this is an old whine)
the thought that I'm going to be a second-rate scientist who
excells in languages feels ridiculous to say the least.
(I'mnotquittingI'mnotquittingI'mnotquitting ^^)
There has to be a way to make this crap work the way it's
supposed to work.

Sheesh ^^
*goes back to the assignment*

Wednesday, 5th of June :: 10.30 pm

Come to think of it, I must be a disaster to my parents
when I visit them.
I empty the fridge (living on your own you never keep
anything but what’s absolutely necessary), surf the net
frantically hunting for j-rock (GacktGacktGackt ^^) and
songs from animes (‘Forces’ from Berserk sounds a lot
better in the show than on mp3, just that you know –
White Reflection from Gundam Wing does the opposite
though), play PlayStation, just generally slack around,
in case I actually drag myself out of the house I bum
them for a ride.
Ehheh ^^;
The only remotely useful thing I do around here is that I
take care of the dog which is something neither my
parents or my siblings is too interested in.

Listened to Eminem’s Without Me and just...laughed.
You gotta love that man for just being hysterically funny,
no matter who or what social group he offends with his lyrics.

Current music:

Eminem :: Without Me

Gackt :: Doom’s Day (impressive, impressive,
nevermind I only understand a word from here and there,
he still leaves me breathless)

Gackt :: Kimi no Tame ni Dekiru Koto (pretty
sweet, but since for some reason I can’t get the
‘12 Gatsu no Lovesong’ this’ll have to do ^^)

[Ehh...if I ever got to a Gackt concert you'd probably see Chaos turn
into a bouncy teenage fangirl and scream >< ]

(Alisee? Ali-C?) :: Moi, Lolita (be the lyrics as
corny as they may, the first French song that's really
gotten stuck to my head since Laisse Moi Chante back
in high school =P )

Dee-chan: thankies, it's awesome!! I'll get back to
ya soon! XD

Sryshtikai: love and miss you too dear...take
care of yourself won't you? write you soon..

Sunday, 2nd of June :: 8.50 pm

(my sleeping rhythm couldn't get any more jaded I think)

Went to see the Damn Seagulls and the
Flaming Sideburns play last night with
Anu and her boifurendo Lars.
The DS is a high school rock band, a damn fine
one I might say, actually it was their graduation day
yesterday and I was kind of curious to see if they'd
have their white caps on while they played. They
didn't, though a bunch in the audience did. As for
the 'Flamers', they were even better than I remembered 0_o
They literally put the audience down on their knees,
and I do mean literally. Anu had her eyes on
(as usual) the gorgeous bass-player, though it was
hard for me to concentrate on someone's good looks as
I couldn't help staring at the fenno-argentinian
singer Eduardo Martinez putting one hell of
a show, and climbing all over the set in skin-tight
pants and ten centimeter heels (when he was hanging
from one of the colour spotlights in the ceiling with
his head down, microphone in one hand, I was sort of
convinced he was going to break his neck or something)
They play the most awesome rock but after
you've seen them live a CD-player feels pretty much
like blasphemy ^^

(amusing to see that even my roommate who is an etno
music -type of person and doesn't like rock is crazy about them)

Okay, and as much as I love the efficiency and preciseness
of Helsinki commuter traffic during daytime, trying to
figure out how to get to the western suburbs from
downtown 2.30 am is a real pain, so Anu dropped me
near my district on her bicycle. I haven't done that
kind of thing since I was fifteen I think, and just a few
kilometers' ride managed to cramp more muscles I
even knew I had. Made it home around 3 am really happy
and tired, thinking I was just going to sit down for a
minute that unexpectedly stretched to twenty, after
which I was just like 'shit shit shit' and dashed to
work. Dragged myself back at seven in the morning,
aching all over (I *so* hate Sunday papers..), went to
sleep, and didn't wake up from my somewhat comatose
state until five pm, to the fact that there was a
raging thunderstorm outside. (Ooo, nice! ^^)

And then there's the irresistable urge to write..! ^^
(which is why I bothered to drag myself out of the
house today in the first place)
Destiny-chan and I have been writing in a frenzy for the
past couple of days and it's been insanely lot of fun,
and which is what I think I'll go back to now that
I've babbled some about myself XD

Ja, mata! ^^

Tuesday, 28th of May :: 0.05 am

Two more damned school essays to write before this
semester's wrapped up, but where to find the energy
for that or the *inspiration* dammit? *yawns*

Email email email, I know ><
I should get on writing *that* one as well before
people start thinking I'm dead again.

Monday, 20th of May :: 6.45 pm

Quite obviously I made it on that field trip ^^
Uhhuh, just thinking about it gives me a headache, but
let me just relate to you that it involved doing close
to 14-hour days, getting ridiculously wasted in the
evenings, sleeping for four hours if at all only to
pack up and move on again at 8 am, falling
whenever you had to sit still for more than
20 minutes straight because you were just so bloody
Admitted, if I had known I may have had second
thoughts, but now that I've survived the backlashes of
it I'm just utterly amused. *g*
Meanwhile, my roomie took off to South-America.

I've been doing insane amounts of laundry today, and
then my boss called and asked me to go cover for some
person who called in sick, me I was just so relieved
to get back to my familiar routine that I almost
bounced around happily at that (I need to get my head
checked, I know ^^;;)
And Destiny-chan's coming over for a few days! XD
(all too few in my opinion ^^) Yay!!
Okay, me cut the happy babble now and go wash more linen..

Oh hal-le-luja, EW has actually updated my gallery ^^

Monday, 13th of May :: 5.50 pm

Uh, I may be going on a one-week geology field trip
tomorrow, or then maybe not. I sometimes wish the
department of geology was less casual and friendly
and generally a place where you can just knock your
professor on the shoulder and ask if you can tag
along on a field course on approximately 10 minute
notice, after which the dear sensei simply
says 'okay', asks what your name was again,
and stalks off to deal with more important things.
Sometimes I'd just feel more secure with some
bureucracy involved, you know? Like my participation
wasn't entirely hanging on whether the professor
happens to remember my face, though of course with
bureucracy involved one would merely remind me that I
should have officially signed up at least one week
before and I wouldn't have a chance to do these things
at a whim in the first place.

But he said okay so I guess I get to go.
If so, I'll be spending my time with the granitic
rocks of the Eastern Finland for the next week.
Yay ^^

Slept about four hours last night, after which I spent
eight hours on lectures, and I feel totally drained
right now. I find it slightly disturbing since back
in senior high this was my almost daily rhythm,
a few hours of sleep, eight hours of school, the rest
of my time going about doing other things and
repeating the pattern the following day.
I am *so* not a teenager anymore ><

Saturday, sheesh what's the date today..? 11th of May :: 9.40 pm

Excuses, excuses.. *g*

The most recent it shock if you will.
I've been looking for a new roommate as my current one is moving out, this being
an annoyance because I'm with a private landlord, ie. not in a student dorm or anything.
When we got this house Janica and I agreed upon sharing the rent and
a few other living costs, which makes it a bitch if the other one wants to leave.
So I was faced with a couple of choices..Janica kindly said I could go with her if I wanted,
just to be fair and give me one more. Thus, I could move out of the house with Janica
(but that would be she moving out and me tagging along --any point in that?) or I could
move out separately and get a new place (a better one, though considering this I realised
I really would't bother to move anywhere at all) or stay and keep the apartment for myself
(I'd LOVE that, but no way I could pay the rent by myself) or stay and try and find
a new roommate (which I did --pretty much closed the deal with one of my classmates
yesterday, she's looking for a new place because she doesn't like it where she is now)

Well, it just feels like a lot of things changing -mainly because after the almost two years that
Janica and I have been roommates I've pretty much included her presence to what I call home,
this because she's become a dear friend, and despite the fact that we're different
(--try putting an outgoing and organized French major in the same place with an introvert,
disorganized geology major and see if they match ^^)
our household had reached an unlikely balance. And then there's of course the amount of
shared belongings..*rolls eyes* Trying to figure out what china belongs to whom should
prove troublesome at least, I don't even *want* to think about the washing machine..

Am I making an unnecessarily big a deal out of this I wonder ? ^^
Well, it's not like I think of this as a bad thing. Sure, I would have been comfortable with being
roommates with her for longer, but what can you do, and it was only a matter of years anyway.
Things change.
--I'll miss her a great deal, though. ^^

Tokoro de I've *so* been reading too much GW-fanfiction lately, I'm a good half of the way
of having the entire series spoiled (but hey, I have the three last episodes of it anyway and *only* the
three last epiodes, so how much more spoiled can it get? XD)

Current music:
DMX :: One More Road to Cross

Tuesday, 7th of May :: 7.40 pm

(I'll answer my mail in the near future, hontou ^^;)

Sunday, 5th of May :: 2.15 pm

I added a new picture to my EW-gallery, but the way things are with the place
nowadays I bet it's going to take a week or two before the update actually shows.
I don't mind really. Quite frankly artwise I operate even more slowly than Elfwood
and all the difficulties in updating and all the place has had since...gosh, last
June I think has made slacking off all the easier for me. No pressure in drawing more
when your art gallery isn't operational, or at least not fully so. *khehe* ^^;;

Anyway, EW taking a week to update doesn't bother me because I have this place,
the picture I did is here in case you want to see ^^
I'm attempting a change in style, hence the appearence.
Black and white from now on baby XD

(Btw, what do I have to do to make it rain in this city? Rain dance?)

Monday, 29th of April :: 7.10 pm

Quiz of the day, wonderfully designed by Dee-chan and Aquarina XD
Not the result I first expected but on an afterthought
--as I already pointed out to Dee-- damn appropriate. *heehee*
(not necessarily referring to his characteristics; more to the fact that I
used to write about him a lot ^^)

Which TQFA chara are you?

Archived, and now I better go pay my phone bill before I forget about it again ^^;;

(Sryshtikai, why aren't you blogging? I miss your rants! ^^)