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My hideout

Thursday, 4th of July :: 5.30 pm

US Independence Day --I'm sorta glad I'm going
tomorrow instead of today, that assuming the humongous
security and questioning, not to mention the threat of
terrorism, *will* go down a degree by tomorrow..

(no first hand information, just heard a lot of stories)

Ah well ^^

Yeah so, adieu Finlande! I should be back 4th of
August or something. I'm kinda unlikely to answer my
email in during, and my cell phone is staying behind so I'm not
answering that either, but there'll be postcards for
you guys! XD

Uhhuh, I hope the plane doesn't blow up.. I *know*
I should have decided upon a religion so that I could
pray to a god ^^

Ja, minna, genki de ^__^ Sayounara!

Wednesday, 3rd of July :: 4.30 pm

stressed? me? XD

One of those weeks again, it seems. I'm neither
sleeping nor eating much, I'm anxious about quite a
bit of things and would be gladly be climbing up the
walls, but if I intend to make it to Friday evening at
this rate I better save my strength. I still have one
more night of work before my summer vacation. Right
now my job is...both a curse and a blessing I think.
Because of it I don't get to sleep at night, but even
if I *was* home and not at work I kind of doubt I
managed to doze off anyway. Too nervous. Working at
least gives me a chance to clear my head and get some
fresh air and stuff which is great.

--could have done without the rain last night though.
I like rain a lot, but getting thoroughly soaked in it
all night makes you kind of cold. It slowed me down
too, so I just had the time to take a hot shower in
the morning before heading downtown 'cause I had
Japanese exam at 9 am.
As for the exam..*rubs temples* I totally suck, you
I actually failed to remember some of the kanji even
though I've been living and breathing that shit since
the first I got the damned book in my hands. So much for
my hopes of finally getting a clean paper, for the two
earlier exams my score's been 99 and 98 with just an
annoying point or two missing from perfection.
This time I can consider myself lucky if I get 90%
I have a word for this and it's shimatta. (hey,
I know more colourful language than this, I'm just
really tired)

The group psychology essay is yet to be done, maybe
tomorrow if I can summon up the despair. Maybe ^^

I'm flying to New York in approxiamtely 48 hours XD

Ah, but Dee-chan sent me some fics to read so
I think I'm going to go drown myself to those now ^____^
(gods, finally, they've been sitting in my mailbox
since yesterday!)

Wednesday, 26th of June :: 10.10 pm

Wonder if this shit is because I'm being attacked by
a virus or something? Don't send me anything, I won't
be able to see it.


Tuesday, 25th of June :: 8.50 pm

You know you're being totally useless when..

Chaos the Confused Dinosaur.

Yah, that's me ^^

Tuesday, 25th of June :: 8.23 pm

HUGE congratulations to Destiny-chan and Jukka-san!!! XD
I love you guys, take good care of each other ^___^
*giant dragon tackle-hug*!

(oof ^^)

It looks like I'm missing the deadline for my essay
but the fault for once is not me but the damned
computers. Word, Excel, Photoshop, Notetab, you name
it, nothing works. I can't believe the internet
connection is still operable, I'm lucky to have access
to my bloody email. Even the magic card up my sleeve
-deleting the obviously very crooked profile- is
unaccessible, and I damned well am not going to write
the essay without an editing program. I've gotten
really strange but I can't imagine writing even half-
unofficial stuff without a computer anymore.
The network support is on summer vacation of course.


'unable to copy file from r:\blah-blah-blah\blah'
I really hate it when this happens.

*off to tweak r:\*

Monday, 24th of June :: 7.15 pm

Finnish midsummer ^^
It was uncharacteristically stormy and chilly for
Midsummer's Eve last Friday. I was in my family's
summer cottage with my parents and my sis and my
younger of two brothers plus the dog, but hey I love
midsummer no matter what the weather. It's my favorite
holiday of all no doubt =P

Had a little taste of adventure y'see, as I was
supposed to drive the boat across the lake to pick up
my sister and her boyfriend at midnight from the
mainland. Ehheh, the boat being a friggin small
motorized rowboat. Made of glass fiber. Slim and white
and light as a feather. Or at least it behaved
like one when I was trying to steer it against the
wind which wasn't working out too well at all. The
rabid wind and waves just kept throwing me off course,
rather violently so, and I was soon nicely caught in
the middle of the gray and foaming and storming lake,
not sure if I could even get back to the cottage
island where I'd left so that I could throw in the
towel and call my sis she'd better wait until morning.
And I knew my parents had been doubtful about letting
me go, worried that the storm would tip and swump the
boat and stuff like that, to which I had made careless
jokes about knowing how to dive and swim.
Well, I did make it across after a good half an hour
of furious struggling and a roundabout way from behind
some other islands where the currents weren't so
strong and where I actually had some control over my
erratic vessel, though at times I was really thinking
I was going to take an involuntary swim soon *lol*
Was all wet and shaky when I reached the mainland
shore, everything still miraculously upright. The trip
back went considerably lot better what with more
weight on the boat it didn't get thrown around by the
waves as much, and we were going mostly down wind.
My sis and her boyfriend merely got wet. Ghehehe.
I was already soaked so I didn't care. ^^

I'll *avoid* stromy lakes from now on (nothing
compared to stormy oceans, of course, but think I'll
just admire them both from ashore)
Aws, my travelling fever is getting worse by day
(going to see Sryshtikai soon! *joy dance* XD)
Also, my old travel buddy Gysa just came back
from her Interrail trip to Scandinavia and Central Europe,
I'm terribly anxious to get on the road for more
reasons than one =P (she sent me a bag of my favorite
german candy, btw! I don't know where she bought it
exactly but I'm instinctively thinking about a certain
small grocery store in Lybeck XD *hugs for Aunty Gysa*!)

(I miss my favorite american candy too, now that I
think about it. Life Savers live up to their name
quite impressively *heehee*)

Back home in Helsinki now, I have my job, and just
discovered yet another school essay I have to write,
this one about psychology within small groups and such,
luckily very free-form. Yayness.

mood :: bouncy ^^

Kent :: Dom Andra

(Swedish melodic rock/pop; falls into the same
category as most of my jrock, vietpop and gangsta rap,
ie. 'dont-really-know-what-the-lyrics-are-about-but-it-
sounds-damn-good' ^^)

Monday, 17th of June :: 7.58 pm

a bit in-jokey silliness

The pic that I scribbled the other day is here
in case you want to see ^^
Wouldn't kill it to have a background, imo, but at least
my next b/w is going to have one. Ehh, it's supposed
to be young Marron here (ie. pre-TQFA timeline), have
no idea what possessed me to draw him like that ^^


Garth : Not thinking about sneaking out now are you?


Marron : I think she is.

Garth : Just wondering when you're going to get back
to the chapter you're writing..

What are you guys doing here? Sheesh.

Marron : Hey hey, no getting upset now. Just *wondering*
you see, you kinda left us hanging there you know?

Oh that, err...

Marron : Yeah, you have a bunch of people running
around in castle corridors in their friggin underwear,
just when exactly were you going to pick up from where
you left?

*sweatdrops* Hey, maybe I *like* people running around
in their underwear.

Garth : Even Melisha?


*everyone sweatdrops*

Fine, fine, I'll get back to it. Soon. Now get out of
my Lair!

Garth : *crosses arms* Make sure I catch the vampire

Hey, you're not supposed to know he's a vampire

Marron : Sheesh, then get on with the plot already.

Krath : What's this, a secret meeting?

Eek! Out, OUT, all of you!

Ahem ^^; Damn TQFA-bishies. *hides*