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My hideout


version 4 :: I believe in dragons, good men and other fantasy creatures







linked weblogs:


Trigun © Yasuhiro Nightow/ Shonen Gaho-Sha, Tokuma Shoten, JVC, Madhouse, etc.
as with my previous layout, images used for personal amusement without permission.

Tuesday, 17th of September :: 4.20 pm

Sorry again for not responding sooner, people, I
caught something resembling a flu and I've been home
sleeping since...what, last Wednesday? Really bad
headache and sore throat and mostly too spaced out to
perform anything more complex a task than boiling
water for tea. I guess the sauna party last week was
a bad idea >< Hooboy.
(well, maybe not, but walking the scenery route home
from downtown at 4 am did the trick if nothing else.
Was totally hopped up on caffeine and wasn't
thinking straight, though.)
Got a book in French from the library yesterday, by
Alexandre Dumas, but can't remember the title for
the life of me. Have to check when I get home.

Dee-chan, Sryshtikai, Shadowstep, and other
single packed friends I currently owe emails to,
you'll hear from me in the near future ^^

Hehe, watched Fight Club for the first time
last night. Totally loved it. It was disturbing in a
very inventive kind of way, and to think that I thought
the Others had a surprising plot. I know I know,
it's such old news but the first rule of Fight
Club is that you don't talk about Fight Club, the
second rule of Fight Club is that you don't talk
about..y'all know how it goes ^^

Monday, 9th of September :: 8.30 pm

I wish I'd had the sense to ask the people in the
Faculty of Humanities about...a lot of things, really.
A little late now, and I've been too busy of late
anyway. I'm anxious as hell about tomorrow ><

Decided last night to put my French to a test; I'm
thinking about borrowing a novel or two in said
language from the library. I mean, five years..!
I've considered my French practically non-existent,
but I just came to think that how can one study a
language for five years with pretty decent grades and
all and not remember a damned thing about it two years
later? Well, if I fail to understand a thing about
that novel whatever-it's-going-to-be at least I know
it's gone, after which I should be ashamed enough to
work to retrieve whatever skill I once had.
Meaning, I'm going to take classes. If I still have it
though, I'll start using it instead of burying it out
of the way. The similar desicion I did last year
regarding Swedish worked out pretty well, I probably
make horrible grammatical errors and stuff, but at
least I understand what I read ^^

Sheesh, laziness and disinterest sure has rooted deep.
It has taken me this long to start to realise the
stuff they teach us at school is actually useful.

Sunday, 8th of September :: 10.25 pm

Decided that showing freshmen around is actually kind
of fun. I'm weirded out by the responsibility of
giving good answers to their questions, being
informative as well as making sure everyone's having a
good time, but as an experience it rocks ^^
in my opinion the other tutors are doing a better job
in explaning about the time tables and picking minors
and all than I, but I think I've gained the
trust of a couple of the more silent ones and makes
me feel special when they come to me for advice.
I could do this again some other year and maybe feel
less freaked out about having to be social.
Goody ^^

One field trip next year is going to be to China! XD
They're taking only 16 students so I don't know if I
get to go, but I have hope. It's going to be very
paleonthology-based and paleonthology is my major, and
then there's the fact that I haven't participated
any field trips outside Finland and people with less
field experience are preferred to those who've been on
half a dosen trips all over the world. And I wrote as
I signed up that I'm a sucker for Far East, which
should also be a good thing. I hope my Japanese
studies speak for me enough, though it kinda makes me
wish the trip would be to Japan, or else it was
Chinese classes I was taking.

If it happens, it's going to be in September 2003,
so no reason to get all worked up about it, really.
As if I could help myself ^^

Dee-chan started taking classes in Russian, by the way =P
I'm envious.
And Kaisa R. got herself in to a student trade and
is going to Manchester, UK, for one semester. I'm
envious for that, too.

Uhhuh, I gotta see to more babble tomorrow or something.
I washed the kitchen carpet today and I should go find
a better place for it to dry than the rim of the tub.
Sometimes I'd just kill for a balcony, you know?

current music:
Nightwish :: Dead Boy's Poem
(--don't know what got me hooked on this one, though
Nightwish in general gets to me so it could be any
song on any of their albums, I suppose ^^ I have two.)

Sunday, 1st of September :: 8.15 pm

Uh, I know.
I'll try and answer my mail once things get a little
less crazy around here. Had a switch of roommates
yesterday which was okay, could have gone a lot worse,
in fact the situation last Thursday for example
indicated a full disaster, so guess I'm happy ^^
Still have to perform something akin of a spring
cleaning in the house once I've gotten some's been a while since I've done more than
random napping, duely a little fuzzy in the head.
Then there's school stuff, but I won't go there.
I still don't know if volunteering to show freshmen
around this year was a good idea or not, given my
present state at least, but heck. Will be done.
I'm *so* not a teamwork -type of person, though ><

(the bitchy truths one discovers about oneself *sigh*)

Friday, 23rd of August :: 11.50 pm

..I can't believe the people that appear here after
sundown. These are university students..?


Wednesday, 21st of August :: 9.40 pm

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Goddamnit. That's from a movie, isn't it? I don't know
where that wisdom originated from but a movie is where
I got it from, if only I could remember *which*
movie..! I picked it out of someone's livejournal and
it got stuck in my head and now it's driving me crazy
because I should remember. It's a male voice speaking
slowly in a low, harsh voice, maybe..Kurt Russel?
Maybe, my best guess at least. *grunts*

I'm still flat broke, to my annoyance. I know I was in
trouble with the bills when I'd just gotten back from
the US, even had to suffer the indignation of asking
my parents to pay my rent, and more of that is to
follow apparently in order to get through this month ><
At this rate I'm lucky if I'm on my own again by Christmas.

Ha! It's Snake Plissken..! (ie. I was right)
It's from a pretty interesting futuristic action film
called Escape from LA ^^ *heehee*

(..I know I suck)

Monday, 19th of August :: 5.55 pm

good : nothing particularly irritating is going on
right now. I'm going home and make myself dinner of
some kind.

bad : (..except that the email service is from hell,
but that's no news.)

mood: settled (for a change ^^)

music : latin hymns went away thankfully, after three
days it was starting to get annoying. in other words,

Sunday, 18th of August :: 7.05 am

Oh duh, I am just so angry with myself and
everything, I'm bored out of my wits with this text
but I'm still not tired and desperate enough to just
fix a few sentence structures, run a spellcheck and
just post the damned things as there weren't any
bloody exact quality demands to begin with.

'I don't care how you do it as long as you do it'
I believe was what she told us, but where as that's
been my philosophy concerning passing exams all my life
(except for the Japanese now, that I unexpectedly got
ambitious about) it annoyingly doesn't apply to
essays. I fret over them for absolutely ages until I
finally give up and just hit 'print' or 'send' or
whatever the required final form might need, I just
can't seem to do it before the absolute breaking

Maybe the pressure is because I think people might be
keeping my essays and re-reading them, god knows *I*
wouldn't want to read them again..
My professor wanted the essay on soil contamination in
three copies. Three. One for him, one for some
other professor, and one of them is going to the
department archives, he said. And then there was the
field trip report I wrote about the use of soapstone
in stone construction; the head of the department said
that as they won't be financing the said field trip
every year
(once in ten years seems to be the trend, rather)
they're probably going to use the reports as
lecture material for future generations or
something like that.

..I hope he was joking. ><

Sunday, 18th of August :: 0.40 am

University computer lab.
I'd prefer being home sleeping actually, given that
it's one of the few nights I could spend doing that
instead of tiptoeing around the dark neighborhood
delivering morning newspapers (sometimes I wonder if
any other country delivers newspapers in the same
sneaky fashion that we do ^^) but I have two essays to
write, with one halfway done and the other (one that I
hate with passion) a good month overdue by now, and I
figured locking myself in the lab for the night was
the safest way of getting them finally taken care of
before the supervisor runs out of patience and
kicks me out of the project.
The project being the accursed student tutoring.

I found the lyrics for Ameno by Era the other day,
and it's been playing in my head since ^^

Dori me,
Interimo adapare dori me
Ameno ameno latire
Dori me...

(makes me wish I spoke latin)

Thursday, 15th of August :: 6.58 pm

The damned heat..! -_-
I'm telling you, 27 C is hell what with no AC in the
house. Read some weather statistics today and they're
ridiculous, only I don't feel like laughing much.
Parts of the Central Europe are practically in a state
of national emergency because of floods initiated by
hard rains, and they're evacuating cities there, while
Southern Finland is as dry as a dustbowl. The monthly
rainfall is at an all-time low for July and August,
and the trees are dropping leaves turned brown from
the lack of water.
That's just...absurd, and not a very common weather
phenomenom over here, at least to my remembrance, I
mean, average rainfall statistics exist because
they're *average*, right? So it can't be very normal
that instead of the *average* 80 mm of rainfall we've
so far gotten approximately 3.

Grr, I've had it with heat.
Evil heat, begone! (and take the damned drought with
you) I want dark and cold and rainy autumn already.
What wouldn't I give right now for a view of a dark
street with street lights' blurry reflections on the
glistering black pavement?

(well, you can't have my manga, at least. *hiss*)

*is drooping* -_-

Wednesday, 14th of August :: 11.05 pm

Ta-da'! ^^
I should reiterate though, a new frontpage layout,
don't even think that I would bother to update the
hundred million other files that I have stored here.
Anyway, mainly the reason for this layout is the
recent trip to US, and the Trigun anime I got to
watch there XD (huge thanks to Alex, whose time,
living room, and DVD's we used, especially for putting
up with the show in Japanese because I insisted it ^^;
you're the best!! and Sryshtikai also, thank you for
putting up with my strange antics XD)

The guy above is the gorgeous main character of the
show, Vash the Stampede, I know I'm a sucker for
tragic badguys, but this time the tragic goodguy won
the prize ^^ *snif*
The small pic at the bottom is Nicholas D. Wolfwood,
saying something about him would be spoiling the show,
so let's just say that he, Vash, and the cruel and
gorgeous Legato Bluesummers are my holy trinity.
(duely trying to decide which one to make a layout of
was a bitch *g*)

"I believe in dragons, good men and other fantasy
creatures" is a bumper sticker I bought from Canada.
It's irrelevant that I don't drive a car ^^

Tuesday, 13th of August :: 11.00 pm

Excuse number 117B;
apparently my university is updating the email service
to a brighter and better version. Duely the old
version is all shot to hell even though it should be
working because the *new* version is everything but
official not having even passed the test phase yet.
Jai, I hope you got the mail I tried to send
your way (oh yeah, and happy birthday!! XD *hugs*)
Shadowstep, sorry buddy, for making you wait again,
John likewise, the new version, or the draft of one,
is unreliable to say the least *grr* I kinda doubt my
mails are going anywhere.
The funny thing that you can adjust it to a whole
bunch of new languages that weren't accessible before.
I tweaked it a bit and it's in Japanese now. I don't
know what 'send' or 'delete' or pretty much anything
else is in Japanese so I have to guess, which is
...amusing. Sorta.
(do I lack amusement in my life or what?)

Let's see now, I visited my family after returning
from the States, met some of my friends (Dee-chan
and J-san: house warming party! everyone loves
a house warming party!XD ) and got back home to work.
Can't say I'm operating at full efficiency at the
moment. My general state is tired but I only sleep
about three hours at a time; I guess I'm just waiting
to advance from tired to completely exhausted before I
can sleep properly. Backlashes of a long vacation I
suppose, or something. *yawn* Go figure.

current music: (either it's the mood swings or just am
strange in general, I can never tell)

Weird Al Yankovic :: Enter Napster
--(parody of the legenday Enter Sandman,
if you know your Metallica you'll laugh, but I guess
just napster will also do the trick ..*heehee*)

Nightwish :: Sleepwalker
--(uh, that's just me, right? *g*)

Black Rob :: I Dare You
--(from the soundtrack of an amazing movie called
Slam that showed what Rhythm Associated Poetry
*really* is about ^^ I was speechless.
love the song too)

Next time in the lair: a new layout.
See the frames go bye-bye ^^

Tuesday, 6th of August (right?) :: 6.30 pm

I'm back! (with snacks ;)
Slowly getting rid of the jetlag, ngh flying eastward
was a lot tougher than flying westward, was hyper at
work last night and then collapsed when I got home,
woke up at approximately 2.15 pm to an irresistable
desire to do *grocery shopping* (which I did)
and now I'm sitting at the university with two
giant bags of stuff from both finnish and oriental
food markets. Intending to do some experimental
cooking, heehee ;) My room was neat and clean until I
dragged all my stuff there from the airport, and now
it looks just the way it looked like before I left:
Chaos Lair.
I already miss all the insanely wonderful people I met
in the States but it feels good to be back to my usual
irrational routine again.

More details, email, new layout, possibly some
pictures, etc. later, I'm going home to read samurai
manga for a couple of hours before going to work ;P

Dragon hugs for everyone!! XD