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Also known as the red dragons.
Of all the dragons the giant red ones are the most feared.
Despite what is said about them they weren't always this way;
the red ones were as neutral and erratic as any other dragon clan,
but this changed in approximately the year 2020 of the old age,
when Aser turned Grom into a demi-god, and the first thing this
monster did was that he took hold of the red dragonstone.

With his immense, unnatural powers Grom bent the will of the red ones,
forcing them to serve him under his dark shadow. Then he began his
endless war against the world, his one goal being to become the
overlord of all Atyre.
8 000 years of torture and decay has changed the red dragons. They are
but a shadow of their former magnificence; they have become soulless
wraiths, and destroying is the only thing they are capable of.
Seeing them fly across the sky with their shredded wings can mean only one thing:
death to the world.
