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Survivors Of The RMS-TITANIC

Survivors Of The RMS-TITANIC

Lifeboat 1

Emergency Lifeboat 1 (capacity 40 persons) was launched from the starboard side at 1.10am under the command of Lookout George Symons. It contained 12 people.

First Class Passengers

Duff Gordon, Sir Cosmo Edmund

Duff Gordon, Lady (Lucy Christiana Sutherland)

Salomon, Mr Abraham L.

Stengel, Mr Charles Emil Henry

First Class Servants

Francatelli, Miss Laura Mabel, maid to Duff Gordon, Lady

Deck Crew

Able Bodied Seaman: Horswell, Mr Albert Edward James

Lookout: Symons, Mr George Thomas Macdonald [In Charge]

Engineering Crew

Leading Fireman: Hendrickson, Mr Charles George

Fireman: Collins, Mr Samuel

Fireman: Pusey, Mr Robert William

Fireman: Taylor, Mr James

Trimmer: Sheath, Mr Frederick

Boat 1 was recovered and taken to New York by the Carpathia.

Lifeboat 2

Emergency Lifeboat 2 (capacity 40 persons) was launched from the port side at 1.45 a.m. under the command of Fourth Officer Joseph Boxhall. It contained 18 people.

First Class Passengers

Allen, Miss Elisabeth Walton

Appleton, Mrs Edward Dale (Charlotte Lamson)

Cornell, Mrs Robert Clifford (Malvina Helen Lamson)

Douglas, Mrs Walter Donald (Mahala Dutton)

Madill, Miss Georgette Alexandra

Robert, Mrs Edward Scott (Elisabeth Walton McMillan)

First Class Servants

Kreuchen, Miss Emilie maid to Robert, Mrs Edward Scott

LeRoy, Miss Berthe maid to Douglas, Mrs Walter Donald

Third Class Passengers

Coutts, Mrs William (Winnie "Minnie" Trainer)

Coutts, Master William Loch "Willie"

Coutts, Master Neville Leslie ("Eden _")

Kink, Mr Anton

Kink, Mrs Anton (Louise Heilmann)

Kink, Miss Louise Gretchen

Deck Crew

Able Bodied Seaman: Osman, Mr Frank

Fourth Officer: Boxhall, Mr Joseph Grove [In Charge]

Victualling Crew

Assistant Vegetable Cook: Ellis, Mr John Bertram [Possibly]

Saloon Steward: Johnson, Mr James

Lifeboat 3

Lifeboat 3 (capacity 65 persons) was launched from the starboard side at 1.00 a.m. under the command of Able Bodied Seaman George Moore. It contained 38 or 40 people. Lifeboat 3 arrived at the Carpathia at about 6.00 on the morning of April 15th 1912.

First Class Passengers

Anderson, Mr Harry

Cardeza, Mrs James Warburton Martinez (Charlotte Wardle Drake)

Cardeza, Mr Thomas Drake Martinez

Daniel, Mr Robert Williams [Probably]

Davidson, Mrs Thornton (Orian Hays)

Dick, Mr Albert Adrian

Dick, Mrs Albert Adrian (Vera Gillespie)

Graham, Miss Margaret Edith

Graham, Mrs William Thompson (Edith Junkins)

Harper, Mr Henry Sleeper [and Sun Yat Sen]

Harper, Mrs Henry Sleeper (Myna Haxtun)

Hawksford, Mr Walter James

Hays, Mrs Charles Melville (Clara Jennings Gregg)

Saalfeld, Mr Adolphe

Simonius-Blumer, Colonel Alfons

Spedden, Mr Frederic Oakley

Spedden, Mrs Frederic Oakley (Margaretta Corning Stone)

Spedden, Master Robert Douglas

St.helin, Dr Max

First Class Servants

Burns, Miss Elizabeth Margaret, nurse to Spedden, Master Robert Douglas

Hassah, Mr Hamad [dragoman to Harper, Mr Henry Sleeper]

Lesurer, Mr Gustave, manservant to Cardeza, Mr Thomas Drake Martinez

Perreault, Miss Mary Anne, maid to Hays, Mrs Charles Melville

Shute, Miss Elizabeth Weed [governess to Margaret Edith Graham Edith]

Ward, Miss Anna, maid to Cardeza, Mrs James Warburton Martinez

Wilson, Miss Helen, maid to Spedden, Mrs Frederic Oakley

Deck Crew

Able Bodied Seaman: Anderson, Mr J.

Able Bodied Seaman: Moore, Mr George Alfred [In Charge]

Engineering Crew

Fireman: Combes, Mr G. [Possibly]

Fireman: Couper, Mr Robert [Possibly]

Fireman: Haggan, Mr John [Possibly]

Fireman: Mason, Mr Frank Archibald Robert [? Collapsible B]

Fireman: Mayzes, Mr Thomas [Possibly]

Fireman: Moore, Mr John J. [Possibly]

Fireman: Nutbean, Mr William [Possibly]

Fireman: Podesta, Mr John [Possibly]

Fireman: Triggs, Mr Robert [Possibly]

Trimmer: Binstead, Mr Walter [Possibly]

Victualling Crew

Second Class Chief Pantryman: Seward, Mr Wilfred Deable

Lifeboat 4

First Class Passengers

Astor, Mrs John Jacob (Madeleine Talmadge Force)

Carter, Mrs William Ernest (Lucile Polk)

Carter, Miss Lucile Polk

Carter, Master William T. II

Chaffee, Mrs Herbert Fuller (Carrie Constance Toogood)

Clark, Mrs Walter Miller (Virginia Estelle McDowell)

Cumings, Mrs John Bradley (Florence Briggs Thayer)

Eustis, Miss Elizabeth Mussey

Hippach, Miss Jean Gertrude

Hippach, Mrs Louis Albert (Ida Sophia Fischer)

Ryerson, Mrs Arthur Larned (Emily Maria Borie)

Ryerson, Miss Emily Borie

Ryerson, Master John Borie

Ryerson, Miss Suzette Parker

Stephenson, Mrs Walter Bertram (Martha Eustis)

Thayer, Mrs John Borland (Marian Longstreth Morris)

Widener, Mrs George Dunton (Eleanor Elkins)

First Class Servants

Bidois, Ms Rosalie, maid to Astor, Mrs John Jacob

Bowen, Miss Grace Scott, governess to Ryerson, Master John Borie

Chaudanson, Ms Victorine, maid to Ryerson, Mrs Arthur Larned

Endres, Miss Caroline Louise, nurse to Astor, Mrs John Jacob

Fleming, Miss Margaret, maid to Thayer, Mrs John Borland

Geiger, Miss Amalie ("Emily _") [maid to Mrs Widener]

Serreplan, Miss Auguste [maid to Mrs Carter]

Second Class Passengers

H„m„l„inen Mrs William (Anna)

H„m„l„inen Master Wiljo

Hocking, Mrs Elizabeth (Eliza Needs) [Possibly]

Hocking, Miss Ellen ("Nellie") [Possibly]

Richards, Master George [Possibly]

Richards, Mrs Sidney (Emily Hocking) [Possibly]

Richards, Master William Rowe [Possibly]

Deck Crew

Lamp Trimmer: Hemming, Mr Samuel Ernest [Pulled from water]

Able Bodied Seaman: Lyons, Mr William Henry [Pulled from water - died on Carpathia]

Able Bodied Seaman: McCarthy, Mr William

Quartermaster: Perkis, Mr Walter John [In Charge]

Storekeeper: Foley, Mr John "Jack"

Engineering Crew

Trimmer: Dillon, Mr Thomas Patrick [Pulled from water]

Greaser: Ranger, Mr Thomas [Slid down falls]

Greaser: Scott, Mr Frederick [Pulled from water]

Greaser: White, Mr Alfred [Pulled from water]

Victualling Crew

Bedroom Steward: Cunningham, Mr Andrew [Pulled from water]

Bedroom Steward: Siebert, Mr Sidney Conrad [Pulled from water - died in boat]

Assistant Storekeeper: Prentice, Mr Frank [Pulled from water]

At around 12.30 a.m. a small group of prominent first class passengers loitered by the windows of the enclosed promenade on the port side of A-deck. They were waiting for boat 4 (capacity 65 persons) to be lowered to A-deck. Second Officer Lightoller was concerned that passengers would have difficulty boarding the boats from the boat deck. The boat was lowered to A-deck but none had opened the windows. After about half an hour chief second steward George Dodd directed the passengers up to the boat deck via the crew only forward stairway, Lightoller had decided that the boats could be safely loaded from the boat deck after all. Again they waited while the other boats were launched. Finally Lightoller emmbered them and with the windows on A-deck now open directed them down again. The ship's list to port meant the boat swung away from the ship and it had to hauled in with boat hooks. Then, using deck-chairs as steps the passengers finally boareded the boat. It was lowered at around 1.55 a.m. with 29 or 30 people in it. Lightoller had lowered the boat with too few crew to man it, only one man, Storekeeper Foley, had been placed aboard. Quartermaster Perkis and Able Bodied Seaman McCarthy were sent down the falls to join the boat. Perkis assumed command and had the boat rowed to the aft gangway doors, where Lightoller told him to go to pick up more passengers, but the doors never opened. While waiting at the gangway Greasers Ranger and Scott Slid down the falls of lifeboat 16, which hung near boat 4 in the water. Ranger dropped into boat 4 safely, Scott lost his grip and fell into the water but was pulled into the boat. Perkis gave up on the gangways and ordered the boat to be pulled away from the ship.

Information about the passengers and crew given here may not be accurate as there was a lot of kiosk on the Titanic and the survivors on the Carpathia were in shock. Names of passengers who may not have been on the lifeboats is clearly marked as "Possibly". Information on the remaining boats will be available shortly.

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