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 Name :                                Abhinav Sharma


 Address :   ""....musafir hoon yaron .. na ghar hai na thikana...""                      ( a hindi song)


 Phone no. :  .......


 Date Of Birth :  26th of may.1985

  Sun Sign :    gemini


 Biggest Asset :   my parents and my brother ..   


 Most Memorable Moment :  ooops!! I forgot.....


Biggest Strength :  faith in myself.... which says " I can do it"  


 Hobbies :  singing , playing my keyboard and six string, and  winning Hearts


 Love Wearing :  my "Curve"    (cologne)


 Best Teacher/s :  Male : Dad   

  Female : Mom   


 Best Friends :  Male : my soul

Female : meri Tanhayi


 Favourite Movie/s : guns of navaron , Top gun ..


 favourite song/s : Hotel california ,you needed me (boyzone),etc


The writer I  like the most : Jeffery Archer


The novel I love : Not a Penny more, not a Penny less

 favourite Actor and Actress : Tom hanks ...,...Meg ryan


What Bores me the most ? nothing as such..


 nick name :  Tonu


 Ambition :   To succeed in the goal, I am here for


 Dearest Pal : My Brother



 Dream Lover :  still to come


 Most Embarrassing  Moment :   Has not taken place till now


Person I hate most and why ?  no one

 latest crush :  thats secret

  i define myself as …  The creator of eight wonder future!!!!


favourite pastime :  playing my guitar or my keyboard, watching ' Tom & Jerry ' ,chatting 

                              with my pals on phone, etc...