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These are the manufacturers of all the aftermarket parts that I have used on my car.

These guys make differentials for everything.
Crane Cams makes valvetrain components.
Dynomax makes some of the best exhaust systems I know of. They aren't expensive and they come with a lifetime warranty.
Fast Chip does EPROM's for a vast array of vehicles. They do 'off the shelf' chips as well as custom chips for modified vehicles. I was really impressed with the service and attention that Fast Chip gave me in my dealings with them. I would recommend their services to anyone interested in computer tuning products.
Hypertech makes a great deal of bolt-ons and performance electrical components.
K&N makes air filters, good air filters. Their product line has been shown to increase performance, is re-useable, and comes with a 1,000,000 mile warranty.
Moroso makes a wide variety of parts from dress-up to oiling.
Accel makes a ignition products, Lakewood makes suspension components, and Mr. Gasket makes gaskets.
Richmond makes rear-end gears and accessories.

These companies sell the aftermarket parts linked to above.

Jeg's has a good bit of everything. Their prices are pretty low and they've got good customer service.
Next Generation specializes in 3rd and 4th generation F-Bodies. They've got almost everything that you can imagine for these cars from crate motors to stripe and decal kits.
Scoggin-Dickey specializes in high performance GM parts. They've got a vast array of cylinder heads, crate motors, rotating assemblies, ect., ect.
Summit is about the same as Jeg's. They've got a better website than Jeg's has, but the selection in Jeg's seems to be a bit better (but Summit has a much larger Mustang and Truck sections than Jeg's).

F-Body sites and associations
These are links to websites and groups that deal with 3rd generation Camaros. is one of the best resources out there for third generation Camaros and Firebirds. Of Third and 3rd it is the much more serious of the two sites. A very useful resource for anyone with one of these cars. is the other best resource out there for third generation F-Body enthusiasts. A whole lot less serious than the all technical it's alot of fun. Don't let it's lack of seriousness fool you, however, it is a great technical resource as well.

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