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Name: J'ton (Jinaton)
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 24 (21 at Impression)
Height: 6'
Build: Thin but Muscular
Skin Tone: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Black
Hair Length: Curly but Cut Very Short
Eyes: Dark Brown
Other Features: Short, Neatly Kept Beard
Occupation: Dragonrider (Formerly a Wanderer and Trader)
Siblings: Two Older Sisters, One Younger Brother
Parents: Married, Leaders of a Trading Caravan
Origin: Trading Caravan
Pets: One Green and One Brown Firelizard
Bond: Brown Mamenth

Personality: Highly independant and slow to trust, J'ton only follows the orders of people who've earned his respect, and he doesn't give that sort of trust easily. Because of this, he comes across as rather impolite and extremely focused, but those who are able to get him to open up, find him to be a loyal and trustworthy friend if a bit on the selfish side. He is rather introverted, but athletic and loves a good fight.

History: J'ton was born as the oldest son to the leader of a trading caravan. As a child he was taught that only those within the caravan were really trustworthy, and he took this lesson to heart. From an early age, he was taught how to be a good leader in order to inherit his father's position. Therefore, he is both literate and has been taught to give orders, not follow them. This has caused him countless problems as a brown rider, but it has also helped his wing on a couple of occasions as well.

Along with his early lessons of not trusting people outside of the caravan, J'ton suffered a betrayal by a good friend during his early teen years. After the incident, J'ton swore to himself that he would never be made a fool of again, and he closed himself off from other people. Eventually, he and his father had a falling out, and he decided to leave the caravan.

Once he'd left the safety of the caravan, J'ton sold off all of his valuable items except for a ring his mother had given him two turns before. Using the money he'd earned off of the sales, J'ton was able to provide for himself for a little while as well as acquire the skills he was missing to survive on his own. Once he was satisfied he began to wander the nearby beaches, going from one cave to another. Occasionally he would work as a day helper for fishermen along the way, but he never stayed in one place too long.

It was during this time that he came across a firelizard clutch and Impressed his two firelizards, who became his constant companions from then on.


A couple of turns later, he was found and asked to stand for a clutch and Impressed Mamenth, and together they're still working on overcoming their trust issues.


Name: Mamenth
Race: Pernese Dragon
Gender: Male
Color: Brown
Size: 33' long
Parents: Gold Mirheth x Bronze Kilanth
Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation, Assisted Firebreath

Personality: Arrogant and rather rebellious, Mamenth wants to do things his own way and he's not that great at following orders. He'd much prefer to be the one in charge, as he enjoys bossing around the smaller colors.

Bond: J'ton

J'ton's firelizards are from Dark Moon Weyrhold.
Mamenth is from Sedona Weyr.
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