A New Legend

   We had made a habit of gathering between the lake and the forest. From there Tariel would lead us to a clearing with a natural bowl. We would listen to Tariel play and sing, his voice serenading the stars.
   He had wandered the lands as a bard, his gitar and voice making him welcome everywhere.
   Xiona would tell stories of the ancient days, legends that had been passed down for ages.
   With prompting, I started to tell the myths and tales of my world. Eventually, moving to telling the history of the land I remembered.
   pup, well, pup danced.
   Her dancing was mesmerizing. The silken veils she wore on those nights flowing and concealing her body, but only barely. Her graceful moves suggested a promise, a promise made only to One. We all watched, entranced, as she used her body and limbs to weave us into a tale of love for the One she truly danced for.
   Those nights together gave us all a time of peace. It bound us together as friends, or more truly, as family.
   Then, one evening, as we gathered together, the earth started to shake.
   "Earthquake?" I asked.
   "No," Tariel said. "Everyone, back to the keep."
   We ran back inside the gates, the trembling increasing. It had somehow grown much darker even though the sun had not set. The Elves had gathered in the courtyard.
   Tariel ran straight to his brother. "It's back, the shadow demon has returned."
   Tevanor looked around. "We need to create a shield." His eyes fell on Xiona. "Magi, can you erect a shield?"
   "A small one, Lord."
   "We need a large one," Tariel told her.
   "I can try."
   The darkness seemed to be gathering. It had formed a shape. Larger than the keep, the demon appeared. It had no substance, formed only of shadow and darkness.
   The earth quit its shaking.
   Xiona strained to concentrate. A rainbow shield appeared in front of her. She raised her hands and the shield grew as it rose into the sky. With her hands above her head, she fell to her knees. The shield of light she had formed stretched over the entire keep.
   The demon roared. It thrust an inky arm at the shield. The darkness skittered across the light but the shield held.
   Diena was holding Xiona upright. The Magi had to stay awake for the shield to remain. If she faltered, our protection was gone.
   Tariel looked at his brother. "The Sphere," he said.
   Tevanor nodded. Together, they ran towards the inner keep.
   The demon struck again. This time though the shield held, it bent. The demon's hand struck a tower, toppling it.
   The rubble fell onto the brothers.
   Andrys, pup, and I ran to the rubble, dragging it off of Tariel and Tevanor. The other elves quickly joined us. We dug out Tariel, battered and bloody but, alive.
   It was pup that came across Tevanor's shattered body. He never had a chance.
   Andrys moaned. His Lord was dead. He looked at pup. "Dan, take care of pup, in case I don't return."
   With that he ran into the hall.
   pup watched him go, anguish in her face. "He can't do it alone. It takes two."
   "What?" I asked.
   "The sphere, the legends says it takes two siblings to use. We don't know exactly what it does but it is said to be a protector for this keep."
   I looked at the hall, "pup, take me to it."
   "Yes, Lord," she answered.
   We ran through the keep, going down to the basement. The demon's attacks rattled the hallways.
   We entered the room containing the sphere. Andrys held his hands to the glowing orb as all the colors in Xiona'' rainbow shield flashed across it.
   He had fallen to his knees, the skin of his face was dried and cracking. "Too much, too much," he whispered hoarsely.
   I ran to his side, to try to pull him from the orb that seemed to be draining his life.
   "Too late," he said, looking at me. His dead eyes bored into mine. "Once I started I realized my folly, but it was too late. I have no brother."
   "You have me," I said, placing my hands beside his.
   The Sphere grew brighter.
   The light took us.

   We appeared to be in a forest clearing, much like the one were we spent our evenings. In this clearing though a small pool sat in the center. A woman knelt by the pool, gazing into its depths.
   She looked up from her inspection of the water, or whatever she saw in there.
   I knew that face, it was the Goddess'.
   "No, child, I am not my sister. She who calls herself the Goddess is my twin."
   "Lady?" Andrys asked.
   "Yes, child. I am She."
   "Andrys," I said, alarmed.
   "Please, Dan, Andrys, sit. I will tell you Our story. Time holds no dominion, here. You must understand before I can send you back."
   We sat before her and she began.

   The Lady and the Goddess had both been born gifted. The Lady could see others thoughts, her sister could control them.
   In time they both found Masters but, where the Lady had loved hers, the Goddess wanted only to use the man who loved her.
   She started to twist him, to make him into the image of what she wanted. He was completely unaware or her machinations. Together they began to explore more twisted and perverted entertainments. Finally, tired of even the image of being controlled, the Goddess murdered her Master and used his life-force to Ascend.
   The Lady had been the only one able to withstand her sister's gift. Her Master knew this well. When they discovered the Goddess' ascension, he knew what he had to do. He told his love to use him to also Ascend. She refused. He commanded then and then finally told her it was the only way.
   "Fifty thousand years and I still can taste His last kiss."
   With that kiss, the Lady Ascended. She looked down to her Love but He was nowhere in sight. She figured that she had truly destroyed her Love and rose to the Land of Mists, tears dropping like rain as she rose.
   In the Land of Mists, that area between worlds, she kept constant watch, countering every move her sister made.
   "And so, we come to now. My sister is doing this. To counter it, I will give you a secret of the gifted. Together they can combine their gifts into another, a focus. If that focus has power themselves, their gifts multiply the power. They can also, in this way, focus the strength of other non-gifted ones.
   "Search your memories. Find something of Light, something strong enough to defeat the Shadow Demon."
   "Thank you, Lady," Andrys said.
   "One thing I ask. I can counter my sister but I cannot do that and defeat her minions in your world. You must do that. I have watched you both. Together, with those you brought to the keep, you might be able to stop her servants."
   Andrys and I looked at each other. "Agreed," we said in unison.
   "There is still time. Go, now. Return."
   As we were once again swallowed by the Light I heard that Lady's voice, "I will be with you always."

   We returned to the keep. I felt a small warmth on my chest just below my neck. The sphere was gone.
   Andrys and I turned as one when we heard pup's gasp. She still stood in the doorway, hands covering her mouth.
   "What now," Andrys yelled as another of the demon's attacks shook the keep.
   "I have an idea," I told him. "Let's get back to the courtyard."
   We raced back out of the halls. Outside, the darkness completely surrounded the keep.
   "Everyone," I shouted. "Gather around Xiona. Takes hands, touch each other."
   The Elves, not even knowing what I had in mind, started to gather.
   "pup," I said. "Bring the gifted to right around Xiona. I'll be beside her. Tell them to concentrate on sending their strength and that of the other Elves to me."
   "What are you doing?" Andrys asked as pup ran to do what I had asked.
   "Trust me. I'll have the gifted focus on me and I will transfer it to Xiona along with the knowledge she needs. Since I am also gifted this should give us the thing we need."
   Andrys nodded and moved into place behind and above pup.
   I knelt in front to Xiona. Her face was streaked with sweat. "Help me."
   When everyone was in place I could feel their strength flowing into me, warming me. All of the Elves threw their strength, love and trust to me. The power was incredible. I looked into Xiona's eyes and touched her cheek.

   The legend connected us. Together we felt the fire consume us. Together we rose up through the now stable shield.
   The Phoenix had Risen.
   The demon struck at us. Our wings flapping, we battered it back.
   Every move it made we countered. Where its darkness struck our Light, the Light won.
   Finally, we sank our talons into its chest. Its screams shattered to the night and shook the very earth.
   We rose high taking the demon with us until the keep was just a speck on the land. There we folded our wings around the Evil and our Light banished the darkness.
   We dropped down to just above the keep, looking to see if those we had guarded were safe. They looked up to us with amazed eyes. A part of us wanted to fly away, to rise high, leaving even the sky, until we flew amongst the stars.
   Another part noticed a pair in the middle of the Elves. They knelt, facing each other, tears of joy and beauty streaking their faces. The man had hid hand upon his sister's cheek.
   We dropped down into the keep and into the people we had once been and would be again.

   As I came back to myself, I could see nothing. The memory of the fire and joy of the trust had blinded me. I could feel the Elves power returning to them and I felt drained. As my vision returned, the first thing I saw was Xiona's eyes, reflecting mine.
   I took a moment before I could stand. When I at last took to my feet I noticed the Elves were torn between coming to Xiona and I and going to Tariel.
   I had seen him in the gathering. He had lent his strength but as soon as we had returned he had crawled to his brother.
   I came up behind him and knelt at his side. "I am truly sorry, Tariel."
   "He was the last of my family. Now I am alone." He said, his own tears running down his face.
   "No, Lord, you are never alone. We may not be enough but you have us."
   Tariel looked up at me and then around to the gathering Elves. "You are enough. Thank you, I had forgotten."
   We knelt there, mourning the lost brother, until his wounds, draining him, Tariel fainted.
   Andrys and I picked him up and gently carried him to his room. We laid him on his bed and covered him. heart, the gifted healer, touched his face, laid her head on his chest and, healed his physical wounds.
   We left them like that, with only Lord Rewtior, hearts Love, standing guard.
   When we returned to the courtyard the Elves had taken Tevanor's body, covered it and laid it rest in the tomb to await the funeral. They had then come back and started to clean up their home.
   I looked into the sky and watched the sun in the west.
   Our close friends gathered around us, Xiona at my right, Diena next to her. Andrys was to my left with pup and gentle on his other side.
   They all followed my gaze and together we watched the setting sun